Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (2024)

The community gave this build a rating, making it second-tier: Good

Focused on: Conditiondamage

Designed for: PvP Conquest



This build was last updated on May 31, 2024 and is up to date for the May 21, 2024 patch.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Skill Bar
    • 2.1 Slot Changes
  • 3 Template Code
  • 4 Specializations
  • 5 Equipment
    • 5.1 Equipment Variants
  • 6 Usage
  • 7 Related Builds


A core condition damage Thief build for PvP, designed to roam the map and quickly overwhelm targets with a wide variety of conditions.

Skill Bar

Slot Changes


Viable choices for the optional slot (or even over Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (1)Shadow Refuge):

  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (2)Shadow Portal - better map control.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (3)Blinding Powder - another stun break and easy stealth / Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (4)Sneak Attack access.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (5)Skale Venom - a bursty option that could also be shared with allies (including pets).
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (6)Scorpion Wire - adds much needed CC to the build and perfectly sets up melee skills like Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (7)Shadow Strike or Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (8)Cloak and Dagger.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (9)Prepare Thousand Needles - AoE burst damage that can cover an entire capture point on some maps.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (10)Signet of Shadows - passive movement speed boost and the active adds a lot of cover conditions to burst combos. The passive also makes it possible to drop Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (11)Rune of Lynx or Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (12)Relic of the Wayfinder and take stronger options for these slots.


This slot largely depends on personal preferences, every skill is viable to some degree:

  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (13)Basilisk Venom makes it easier to land your burst and can be shared with your allies.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (14)Thieves Guild is a bit of a meme option, but if you share Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (15)Skale Venom with them their combined burst could catch people offguard.

Template Code


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  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (16)Hidden Thief trades condi cleansing for some defensive conditions, could be an option if you expect Power damage to be the bigger concern during a game.












Equipment Variants


  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (17)Rune of Lynx - by taking this rune for the passive movement speed you get to drop the current relic for something else, but Lynx has slightly worse stats. Your sustained damage will be lower.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (18)Rune of Orr - good stats and the the anti-condition aspect could help in mirror matchups, or against any other condi build in general.


  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (19)Relic of the Fractal - better burst damage and more condition variety on your Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (20)Repeater spam, but has a 20s cooldown.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (21)Relic of the Demon Queen - the healing reduction could help you wear down the more tanky builds, but doesn't really add more raw damage to the build as the build only has 1 CC skill by default.



  • Share your venom(s) with as many allies as possible, including pets and minions.
  • Use Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (22)Infiltrator's Arrow to move between capture points. Your job is to roam the map and +1 fights by bursting down targets who have no cleansing / no cooldowns left.


  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (23)Steal is going to be used more freely here compared to other builds as it's not an interrupt in this build. Steal applies various cover conditions such as Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (24) Vulnerability from Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (25)Even the Odds or Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (26) Bleeding from Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (27)Deadly Ambush, fitting nicely into your burst combos.


  • Most of the damage in this build comes from the Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (28)Shadow Strike Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (29)Repeater chain and the occasional Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (30)Sneak Attack. You should spend most of your initiative on these skills.
    • Once you have access to Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (31)Repeater it's possible to spam this skill 2 times in a row without having to refresh with Shadow Strike.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (32)Body Shot is more of a niche skill. It could be useful for rooting targets in place, making it easier to land Shadow Strike, but you should try to do it without Bola Shot to save initiative whenever possible. Another thing you could do is root targets in place to make sure your brust doesn't miss, or that they don't catch up to you while spamming Repeater.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (33)Dancing Dagger is okay for some ranged poking vs multiple targets if you can't get in range for Shadow Strike and don't want to switch to bow just yet.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (34)Cloak and Dagger provides relatively easy stealth access which could be followed up with Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (35)Sneak Attack. While this combo does less damage than the skill #3 spam, it costs next to nothing because of Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (36)Shadow's Rejuvenation and could heal you for quite a significant amount through various Shadow Arts synergies.
  • Using Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (37)Steal in the middle of Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (38)Shadow Strike or Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (39)Cloak and Dagger makes these melee skills easier to land by improving their reach.

Burst combo example

  1. Precast Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (40)Cloak and Dagger
  2. Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (41)Steal just before CnD is about to go off
  3. Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (42)Sneak Attack
  4. Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (43)Shadow Strike
  5. Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (44)Repeater x2

Short bow

Utility weapon, secondary set

  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (45)Trick Shot is a bit of a weak filler skill in this build that you can spam when weapon swap is on CD and you're out of initiative.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (46)Cluster Bomb being a spammable blast finisher has high value for your team when it comes to blasting fields for AoE Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (47) Stealth.
    • Its chain skill Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (48)Detonate Cluster is a solid source of downed cleave.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (49)Disabling Shot (thief short bow) provides access to some evasion in case you're being focused by the enemy team and your defensive skills are on CD. Remains usable even while Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (50) Immobilized, but it's somewhat expensive.
  • Use Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (51)Choking Gas on downed enemies especially if they are being revived - Poison decreases healing received by 33% which affects resurrecting speed and the initial strike interrupts foes.
  • Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (52)Infiltrator's Arrow is the #1 skill for moving around the map in general, cuts down on travel time between capture points drastically.

Related Builds

  • Thief - Core P/D Roamer - WvW version.
Build:Thief - Core P/D Condition (2024)


What is the best race for thief in Guild Wars 2? ›

Warriors,Elementalists and Thieves benefit the most from being a Norn simply for what itoffers these high damaging classes through Become the Bear and Becomethe Snow Leopard. Become the Bear, combined with a pure berserker stats,will deal some serious damage in the hands of these classes.

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The thief is an adventurer profession and wears medium armor.

How to play Deadeye in GW2? ›

Take aim with your rifle and mark your enemies for assassination. The deadeye specializes in long-range combat and picking off enemies before they can get close. By marking your target, you gain increased damage against them as you wear them down before taking the final shot.

What is the hardest class to master in Guild Wars 2? ›

most complicated and difficult to perform is elementalist, but you can pick up tempest or catalyst with LI builds.

What is the most fun profession in gw2? ›

Elementalist may not be the most popular class, but I think it definitely ranks highly in the fun department. It just has so many skills and having them split across 4 elements rather than 2 weapons leads to some unique and interesting gameplay. I especially enjoy weaver with the additional layer of dual attunement.

What is the most complex profession in gw2? ›

Engineer core is absolutely one of the more complex classes in the game. It's not very straightforward with the kits, limited weapon choices, etc. The elite specs do simplify things a bit but I think core engineer with 3 stars for complexity makes sense.

What is the easiest specialization in Guild Wars 2? ›

Mirage is the easiest in terms of survival as Mirage has enough dodge to avoid a rain of lava. And alacrity Mirage has a very simple gameplay. But in terms of simplicity of rotation when it comes to damage, Virtuoso takes the Cake.

What is the unique version of thief armor? ›

Thief armor is an armor set that can be found within the various missions of Minecraft Dungeons. Its unique variant is the spider armor.

What do backpacks do in Guild Wars 2? ›

Crafter's backpacks are a group of craftable back items with six different skins for each crafting discipline. Like all leveling equipment, they are account-bound with slightly better stats than standard for their effective level and item rarity.

What is the secondary weapon for the Ranger in Guild Wars 2? ›

Rangers swing Swords in their main hand, Axes in either the main or offhand, and Torches, Daggers and Warhorns in the offhand. They wield Greatswords, Longbows and Shortbows with both hands.

How does dual wielding work in gw2? ›

Dual Wield is a skill type exclusive to the thief profession. They are weapon skills that are determined by the combination of main hand and off hand weapons that are currently equipped. The damage is determined by the main hand weapon only. They are located in the third slot of the skill bar.

What is the GG command in gw2? ›

In addition to "good game", /gg is a suicide command in pve instances used to reset the fight or skip to next checkpoint. The difference is in UT you basically typed gg after every match showing respect to other players.

How do you summon a minion in gw2? ›

This is done through the sequence skill of that minion utility skill. This also means that the number of summoned minions is limited to the number that each minion utility skill summons, most minion utility skills summon one single minion. The summoning skill starts its cooldown when the minion dies.

What race is best for thief Elona? ›

Race. Yerles, Elea, Juere and Fairy are recommended picks for this class. Yerles and Juere have balanced aptitudes, while Elea and Fairy lean towards ranged, evasion and kiting strategies.

Does your race matter in Guild Wars 2? ›

Each race has unique physical features to adjust during character creation, and are granted exclusive access to cultural armor skins. Race also has an effect on the default camera height, and on the visual scaling of equipped weapon sizes. This is purely cosmetic and has no effect on weapon or character capabilities.

What is the best race for a thief in WoW? ›

Night Elves are known to be the sneakiest and most agile of all races. They have a higher base Agility stat compared to others, making them one of the strongest DPS races. They have the Quickness skill which reduces the chances of getting hit by 2%.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 6524

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.