Spell Points 5e (Script Extender) (2024)

Main Features
This mod enables the use of Spell Points in place of Spell Slots, this is done in accordance with the D&D 5e Rule set found in the DMG.

  • 1st Level Spell = 2 Spell Points
  • 2nd Level Spell = 3 Spell Points
  • 3rd Level Spell = 5 Spell Points
  • 4th Level Spell = 6 Spell Points
  • 5th Level Spell = 7 Spell Points

  • 6th Level Spell = 9 Spell Points
  • 7th Level Spell = 10 Spell Points
  • 8th Level Spell = 11 Spell Points
  • 9th Level Spell = 13 Spell Points

The Warlock class, is unaffected by this mod, as such Warlock Spell Slots are also unaffected.
This mod modifies All spells cost, including reactionary spells and spells similar to Smite.

Each player character will receive one of two passives that will appear like a meta magic option on the Hotbar.

A Spell Points Toggle, and a Spell Points Override.

The Spell Points Toggle
This is given to characters who are utilizing spell points. The toggle works by making your spells cost spell points when on and making them cost spell slots when off. This is done so that characters may still multi-class with Warlock or customize certain classes to still utilize spell slots.

The Spell Points Override

This is given to characters who are not utilizing spell points, so that they may override any spells of theirs which might have been changed as a result of a character using spell points having overlapping spells.
Toggling this off will make their spells cost spell points, while toggling it on will make it cost spell slots.

Class Abilities

  • Wizard: Arcane Recovery
  • Sorcerer Create Spell Slot/Sorcerer Create Sorcery Point
  • Druid Natural Recovery
  • Cleric Divine Intervention Opulent Revival

(If a vanilla class is configured to use spell points their abilities will also be changed to reflect that.)
IF any abilities are not modified please let me know and I will try to fix it quickly, or if there is a modded class which has abilities like this that you would like to be supported.

Items Modified
  • All Elixir's of Cultivation
  • Potion of Angelic Reprieve/Slumber

These consumables will restore spell points when the spell points toggle is on and a spell slot when it is not.

Equipment Modified
  • Shield of Devotion
  • Shield of the Undevout
  • Pearl of Power
  • Spellcrux Amulet
  • Staff of Power, Markoheshkir, etc.

All of the above listed equipment was modified to work with spell points when the spell points toggle is on, and with spell slots when it is not.

Note: Equipment like the Shield of Devotion that change the character's spell slots will need to be re-equipped to change the effect.

Spells above 5th Level
Spells above 5th level can be utilized in two ways.

Raw 5e:

For spells above 5th level spell slots must be made. Only one 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th level spell slot can be made per long rest, each.


All spells will cost spell points regardless of level.

The UI in Baldur's Gate 3 does not update for reactions after loading into a game, I currently know no way around this rather than reloading your game to update it. As such despite a reaction stating it still uses spell points or spell slots on the User Interface, their actual cost is updated just as all other spells by the toggles.

Customize Classes
Only want Sorcerer's to use spell points?
Well you can do that easily using Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). If you don't want to use MCM the mod utilizes a .json file as a config.


otherwise, after running the game and loading into a save with the mod installed once, look for a file called Spellpoints.json in your AppData/Local/Larian Studios/Baldur's Gate 3/Script Extender/

How to modify the .json will be explained at the bottom of the page.

Mod Class UUID's
KiderionLykon's Artificer Class Mod: KiderionLykon's Artificer Class03f972eb-de3c-4cdb-9050-e8e3fa0526eb

This mod edits spells, class abilities, and action resources at run time, meaning it should be compatible with every and all mods that edit spells, classes, etc.

I have tested this with 5e Spells, and confirmed it is completely compatible.

This means this mod works entirely through Baldur's Gate 3 Script Extender

This mod was designed to work with modded classes, and as such has built in functionality for classes such as the artificer and its special multi-classing effects on spell slots. To add new classes into the mod, you must find out the unique class ID utilized by the mod and add it into the configuration (whether your using MCM or .json).

This mod should be loaded last in order to work well with other mods.

Note: the equipment and items had to be manually edited in order to work with spell points and as such may conflict with other mods that modify them.

Multiplayer Disclaimer
As I do not have friends who are into testing mods, I have not tested this mod in multiplayer. Theoretically it should work, since spell modifications are made by the client (each player's pc), however, There may be problems.

Explaining the Configuration
The Configuration has 3 main features.

  • A list of casters and their type,
  • Raw 5e rule setting
  • Hide Spell Slots setting (Hides normal spell slots resource for use when all classes except warlock are using spell points)

The Caster List is split into 5 subcategories

Full Casters:

Wizards, Clerics, Bards, Sorcerers, Druids
These are all examples of full casters in D&D terms.

Half Casters Up:
These are classes which develop at half the rate of a full caster (every 2 levels), but begin their spell progression at level 1.

Half Casters:

Paladin, Ranger
These are classes which develop spell slots and gain spells at half the rate of a full caster (every 2 levels).
Third Casters Up:
No Examples
These are Sub Classes which develop spell slots and gain spells at half the rate of a half caster (every 3 levels).

Third Casters:

Eldritch Knight, Arcane Trickster
These are Sub Classes which develop spell slots and gain spells at half the rate of a half caster (every 3 levels).

When Multi-Classing, Up-Classes/Sub Classes, interact with full casters in different ways then their standard counterparts.

Standard Half Casters and Third Casters levels are divided by 2 and 3 respectively, and then rounded down before adding to the overall character spell caster level. Up classes are instead rounded up when multi-classing.

If you don't multi-class their behaviors will be identical and you will never notice!

Despite this making the configuration a little more confusing it gives it much more versatility.

Spell Points 5e (Script Extender) (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.