2013 Bank Windhoek Holdings Annual Report (2024)

15 mm bleed allowed 1


Group profile 2

Summary of key performance indicators 6

Board of directors 8

Chairman’s statement 10

Managing Director’s report 14

Risk and compliance report 21

Group annual financial statements 31

Glossary of terms 132

Notice of AGM and proxy form 133 2 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Group profile

Bank Windhoek Holdings Limited (Bank Windhoek The group also played a leading role in a partial consoli- Holdings) was incorporated in Namibia on 5 September dation of the long-term insurance industry in Namibia 1996 as an investment holding company. The company with the merger of the interests of Sanlam Namibia was established by a merger agreement concluded Limited, Regent Life Namibia Limited and Capricorn Life in terms of the Building Societies Amendment Act. As Assurance Company Limited, retaining a strategic stake a consequence of the merger, the business of Namib of 29.5% in the holding company of the merged entity, Building Society and all its related assets and liabilities Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Limited. were transferred to Bank Windhoek. Bank Windhoek Holdings also acquired all the shares in Capricorn Life Overview of subsidiaries and associates of Bank Assurance Company Limited and Capricorn Insurance Windhoek Holdings Company Limited from Namib Building Society. In return, the former Namib Building Society shareholders As a result of these corporate activities, the Bank received a 3% shareholding in the newly registered Windhoek Holdings group today comprises of a number Bank Windhoek Holdings. of subsidiary companies and associates in the financial sector industry of Namibia. Bank Windhoek Holdings simultaneously acquired the entire issued share capital of Bank Windhoek, funded Bank Windhoek Holdings’ group structure is diagram- by the issue of shares to Amalgamated Banks of South matically depicted on page 3 and a brief overview of Africa Limited (’Absa’) (36.3%), Boland Bank PKS Limited Bank Windhoek Holdings subsidiaries and associates (7.2%) and Bank Windhoek Beherend Limited (53.3%). are presented below. Bank Windhoek Beherend Limited’s name was sub- sequently changed to Capricorn Investment Holdings Bank Windhoek Limited (’CIH’). The Boland Bank PKS Limited share- holding was later sold to Nam-mic Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Limited (Nam-mic) in terms of an em- The flagship brand of the Bank Windhoek Holdings powerment transaction. Following its takeover by group is Bank Windhoek, which is a wholly owned Barclays PLC, Absa disposed of its minority interest in subsidiary of Bank Windhoek Holdings. Bank Windhoek Holdings in 2006 with CIH acquiring the majority of the shares, increasing its shareholding in History and background of Bank Windhoek Bank Windhoek Holdings to 71.6%. CIH concluded a capital reduction exercise in 2013 in terms of which all Bank Windhoek was established in 1982, when a group CIH shareholders were given the opportunity to sell up of local businessmen, with a thorough knowledge of to 25,000 of their CIH shares back to CIH in exchange for the local market and faith and trust in the future of Bank Windhoek Holdings shares. This resulted in CIH’s Namibia, acted on a vision to create a Namibian bank by shareholding in Bank Windhoek Holdings decreasing acquiring the operations of Volkskas Bank in Namibia. from 71.6% to 62.8% with the minority shareholding The objective was to establish a bank controlled and in Bank Windhoek Holdings increasing. This holding managed in Namibia with a uniquely Namibian ethos decreased to 57.6% after the public offer of Bank and local insight. Bank Windhoek was built on the Windhoek Holdings shares. foundation of integrity, entrepreneurship, commitment, hard work, perseverance and dedication. In 1999 Bank Windhoek Holdings sold its interest in short-term insurer, Capricorn Insurance Company Limited Bank Windhoek started with capital and reserves of to Santam Namibia Limited and in the process acquired N$2.6 million, a total asset base of N$58 million, a staff a strategic interest of 28.0% in Santam Namibia. complement of approximately 60 employees and 8 small 3

Group structure as at 30 June 2013

Capricorn Investment Nam-mic Financial Services Other Shareholders Holdings Limited Holdings (Pty) Ltd

32.8% 57.6% 9.6%

Bank Windhoek Holdings Limited


Welwitschia Nammic 100% Bank Windhoek Ltd 28% Insurance Brokers Santam Namibia Ltd (Pty) Ltd

100% 29.5% Sanlam Namibia Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd Holdings (Pty) Ltd 100% BW Finance (Pty) Ltd

Capricorn Unit Trust 100% Management Company Limited 100% Bank Windhoek Properties (Pty) Ltd

100% Legend: Intellect Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd As from 1 July 2013

100% Bank Windhoek Nominees (Pty) Ltd 4 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

branches that made up the Volkskas Bank operations. to include insurance broking and subsequently ac- Bank Windhoek has, since its establishment, continued quired 100% of the shares in Welwitschia Nammic to show sound and sustained year-on-year growth Insurance Brokers. in a very competitive and regulated environment. Today, Bank Windhoek has established itself as one of the WNIB offers short-term insurance broking services leaders in the financial services industry in Namibia. for all types of corporate, commercial, SME, marine, aviation and personal lines insurance. WNIB is a truly Bank Windhoek has a wide distribution network of Namibian company with reputable experts in short-term 53 retail and specialist finance branches and agencies insurance. It has branches in Windhoek (Head Office countrywide. The bank also has a Corporate and and Aviation), Mariental, Aranos, Keetmanshoop, Executive Banking Division with offices in Windhoek, Gobabis, Otjiwarongo, Tsumeb, Oshakati, Walvis Bay Oshakati and Walvis Bay and offers foreign exchange and Swakopmund. services throughout its own branches and through a joint venture with American Express, which has various Namib Bou outlets in Namibia. Bank Windhoek has 90 ATMs and in addition, a total of 236 Bank Windhoek Cash Express Namib Bou is a property development company focusing ATMs installed at merchants across Namibia in partner- on affordable housing development. It was established ship with ATM Solutions Namibia. on 21 November 1990 as a subsidiary of Namib Building Society. With the merger of Bank Windhoek and the Bank Windhoek subsidiaries Namib Building Society in 1996, Namib Bou became part of Bank Windhoek Holdings. ! BW Finance is the vehicle through which the Bank Windhoek Holdings group does its micro Namib Bou acts as facilitator between the local author- lending business in partnership with Nam-mic. ities and financial institutions (commercial banks) to This smart partnership was established in 2002. ensure that sufficient housing stock is created over the Regulation dictates that this business be done long-term to assist with meeting the housing backlog through a separate legal entity. in Namibia.

! Bank Windhoek Properties owns the Bank Windhoek main building situated at 262 Independence Avenue, Bank Windhoek Holdings associates Windhoek. Bank Windhoek Holdings holds a 28.0% shareholding ! Bank Windhoek Nominees is a nominee company, in Santam Namibia and a 29.5% shareholding in acting as agent for third party principals to facilitate Sanlam Namibia Holdings; both leaders in their fields banking and investment transactions. of business.

! Intellect Investments Namibia is the owner of the Santam Namibia Bank Windhoek trademarks. Santam Namibia was established in 1956 and is a Welwitchia Nammic Insurance Brokers (WNIB) 60% owned subsidiary of Santam Limited, a leading short-term insurer in South Africa. The remaining WNIB is a short-term insurance broker with a national 40% is held by Bank Windhoek Holdings (28.0%) and footprint and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank Nam-mic (12.0%). Windhoek Holdings. Santam Namibia is the largest short-term insurer WNIB was established in 1984. During 1997 Bank in Namibia with net assets totalling more than Windhoek Holdings decided to diversify its operations N$200 million, a countrywide contact centre infra- 5

structure, a strong intermediary network and a market the affluent and entry level market, group life assur- share exceeding 30%. Santam Namibia focuses on ance, credit life assurance, unit trust management and corporate, commercial and personal markets and the distribution of unit linked platform businesses. provides specialist underwriting through its under- writing managers in various insurance classes including Sanlam Namibia Holdings has key strategic shareholders liability, construction, engineering and marine. in Sanlam Limited (54.1%), a South African financial services group as technical partner, Bank Windhoek Sanlam Namibia Holdings Holdings (29.5%) as banking partner and Nam-mic (16.4%) as empowerment partner. Sanlam Namibia Holdings is a well-diversified financial services group with key operations in life assurance in 6 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Summary of key performance indicators

Operating profit Total comprehensive income Net asset value1 N$648m N$516m N$2.6bn 25.9% 23.8% 20.7%

Annual growth Annual growth Annual growth

Return on equity1 Capital adequacy Earnings per share 23.7% 16.6% 108 cents

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4 year CAGR2

Statement of comprehensive income (N$'000) Total income 835,717 941,409 1,074,230 1,246,390 1,437,645 14.5% Operating profit 303,437 340,628 403,826 514,636 648,083 20.9% Profit after tax 229,013 281,447 328,510 402,611 493,271 21.1% Total comprehensive income 229,013 282,472 329,362 416,646 515,630 22.5% Earnings per share (cents) 51 63 73 89 108 20.8% Dividends per share (cents) 12 13 23 25 33 29.2%

Statement of financial position (N$'000) Total assets 12,575,059 14,451,146 15,984,823 18,921,050 20,938,608 13.6% Total loans and advances to customers 9,711,337 11,320,292 13,004,405 15,484,932 17,651,962 16.1% Total deposits due to customers 8,578,965 8,419,847 9,852,677 12,126,619 13,022,976 11.0% Net asset value 1,190,988 1,334,901 1,565,030 1,887,059 2,624,058 21.8%

Performance indicators (%) Normalised return on average equity1 20.8% 22.2% 22.5% 23.3% 23.7% Return on average assets 2.0% 2.1% 2.2% 2.3% 2.5% Net interest margin on average assets 4.3% 4.2% 4.4% 4.5% 4.6% Charges for impairments to average gross loans and advances 0.22% 0.21% 0.22% 0.18% 0.16% Non-interest income as % of operating income 41.4% 40.7% 38.5% 37.9% 37.1% Cost to income ratio 62.8% 62.9% 61.4% 57.9% 54.1% Operating expenses as % of profit before tax 157.3% 152.1% 139.1% 124.0% 107.5% Closing share price (cents) at 30 June 2013 - - - - 1,015 Price to book ratio at 1,015 cents per share - - - - 1.9 Price earnings ratio at 1,015 cents per share - - - - 9.4

Capital adequacy (%) Total risk-based capital ratio3 - - - 13.4% 16.6%

1 Adjusted for the capital raised as part of the Bank Windhoek Holdings listing 2 Compounded annual growth rate 3 Consolidated supervision came into effect for the first time during the 2012 year 7

Operating performance Total comprehensive income (N$m)

(N$m) 1,600 600

1,400 60% 500 1,200 50% 400 1,000

800 300 40% 600 200 400 30% 100 200

0 20% 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Operating income Operating expenses

Cost to income ratio (%)

Loans and advances to customers Capital adequacy ratios (%)

(N$m) 20,000 16.6% 1.6% 15,000 13.2% 1.2% 10.0% 11.4% 10,000 0.8% 7.0% 6.0%

5,000 0.4%

0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total risk- Tier 1 risk- Tier 1 weighted based leverage capital ratio capital ratio ratio

Gross loans and advances to customers Bank Windhoek Holdings

Non performing loans as % of gross loans Minimum requirement and advances

Earnings per share (cent) Normal dividend per share (cent)

120 35

100 30 25 80 20 60 15 40 10

20 5

0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 8 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Board of directors 9

Standing, from left to right: Christo de Vries (61) Baccalaureus Commercii (Cum Laude)

Brian Black (58) Executive Management Diploma (Stellenbosch)

Koos Brandt (70) BA LLB

Thinus Prinsloo (42) BCompt (Hons), C.A. (S.A.)

Company Secretary: Hellmut von Ludwiger (45) BCom (Hons), C.A. (Nam), FCIS

Matheus Shikongo (62) Diploma in Personnel Management and Marketing

Johan Swanepoel (53) BCom (Hons) (Accounting), C.A. (S.A.), C.A. (Nam)

John Shaetonhodi (63) BAdmin, MA, MBA (Maastricht)

Seated, from left to right:

Frans du Toit (68) BCom (Hons), C.A. (S.A.)

Esi Schimming-Chase (43) LLB (Hons)

Gida Nakazibwe-Sekandi (60) LLB, PRISA

Eric Knouwds (68) BCom (Accounting), C.A. (S.A.) (Nam) 10 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Chairman’s statement

The macro environment and economic overview

Namibia is generally considered to be a developing economy, which is often seen by investors as a greater risk than more developed markets. These risks include potential economic instability as well as legal, political and social risks. The high unemployment rate in Namibia remains one of the biggest challenges to economic growth. A pertinent role of government is to create an enabling environment for businesses to grow and develop. The government of Namibia is well aware of prevailing challenges and its increased focus on job creation and economic development through the adoption of the Targeted Intervention Programme for Employment and Economic Growth (TIPEEG) and the National Development Plan (NDP4), is therefore encouraging. The Bank Windhoek Holdings group has always supported and will continue to support the vision and goals of the various development plans laid out by government and remains equally committed to contribute to the growth and development of the Namibian economy.

The financial services industry generally prospers in conditions of economic growth, stable geopolitical conditions, capital markets that are transparent, liquid and buoyant positive investor sentiment. Bank Windhoek Holdings, like the other banking groups in Namibia, is Koos Brandt also exposed to global markets and changes to the Chairman global regulatory environment for banks, which may result in reduced liquidity and an increase in the cost of I am proud to present the Annual Report of Bank funding for banks. Windhoek Holdings Limited (Bank Windhoek Holdings) for the period ending 30 June 2013 and to reflect on In recent years there has been a significant volatility in the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings on the Namibian the financial markets around the world. Volatility in Stock Exchange (NSX) on 20 June 2013, a milestone in global financial markets since 2008 and its after-effects the history of the group. on the global economy have led to more difficult earning conditions for the financial sector and resulted It is with gratitude that we can report on a solid in the failure of a number of financial institutions performance by the group and a successful year in all around the globe. This resulted in unprecedented action respects as the group continued to build on its strong by governmental authorities, regulators and central historical performance. banks internationally with more stringent regulatory 11

requirements being introduced. The Bank Windhoek the Sub-Saharan African average of 5.5%. The higher Holdings group has always had and continues to than expected GDP reading was largely attributed to promote a very strong corporate governance culture strong performances in the mining sector. Looking and an uncompromising stance to ensure compliance forward we expect the impetus for growth to stem with regulatory requirements. mainly from new large investment inflows, growing infrastructure development and continued robust Weak demand from the United Kingdom and the domestic demand. Eurozone, two of Namibia’s largest trading partners, is expected to continue to negatively impact Namibia’s As stated in the Financial Sector Strategy, which was growth prospects over the next year. Furthermore, launched in August 2012 by the Ministry of Finance, the towards the end of the period under review, concerns Namibian financial system is well developed and sound, over lower global commodity prices have come to the well-functioning with good financial infrastructure fore. This is to a large extent driven by the imminent and this should be exploited by our government when structural slowdown of the Chinese economy, which leveraging on opportunities presented by global represents a substantial part of world demand for a economic recovery. Clear objectives have been set in the large variety of commodities, including Namibian strategy to address the structural weaknesses in the mineral exports such as uranium and copper. financial system which includes the deepening of the financial markets. The domestic demand side of the Namibian economy has remained resilient throughout the financial year, which The listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings has partially shielded the economy from the cold, low growth headwinds from the developed world. This demand has been underpinned by growth in real Outcome 1 of the Financial Sector Strategy aims for an disposable income and an increase in the uptake of active capital market characterised by higher turnover credit by both households and businesses. Private and liquidity , with envisaged regulation prescribing sector credit growth in Namibia has averaged above 15% mandatory listing. The board of directors was able over the past financial year, supported by historically to respond to this call and on 6 December 2012, low interest rates as well as an expansionary fiscal approved the listing of all the issued ordinary shares stance adopted by government. Moreover, the recent of Bank Windhoek Holdings on the NSX. This approval announcement of personal income tax cuts as well as set in motion a project that required a significant company tax breaks are expected to inject more money investment of time and effort from a number of internal directly into the economy which will further support and external parties. The public offer commenced on domestic economic activity. 16 May 2013 and was successfully concluded with the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings on the NSX on The past year saw a high degree of volatility in global 20 June 2013. financial markets in response to changing risk per- ceptions, particularly related to the Eurozone crisis and The decision of the board of directors to list Bank extraordinarily supportive monetary policy actions by Windhoek Holdings was informed by many factors. the central banks of the world’s largest economies. This The overriding consideration was the fundamental impacted on the rand, and consequently the Namibia belief that the Bank Windhoek Holdings group has dollar exchange rate, in line with other emerging market a future role to play as a destination for local capital and economies. The recent deterioration of the Namibian a catalyst for wealth creation for individuals, groups, dollar has had a significant inflationary impact with businesses, institutions and communities. The Financial inflation averaging over the 6% mark which represents Sector Strategy stresses financial inclusion, the deepening the upper limit of the inflation targeting band adopted of the Namibian financial sector, the localisation of the by neighboring central banks. financial sector and the development of the Namibian capital market. Bank Windhoek Holdings supports these Namibia registered GDP growth of 5% in 2012, which initiatives and as a consequence has therefore decided to exceeded most expectations, however remained below be proactive in pursuing a public offer of its shares. 12 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Bank Windhoek Holdings is proud to have been the W e are proud of the legacy of our group and look first institution to heed the call by government in forward to start the new chapter in this success story – this regard. a story that started with such humble beginnings.

We can now reflect with gratitude on the outcome of Outlook the public offer as the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings on the NSX was the largest and most successful In the year ahead, there will be continued uncertainty in listing of a Namibian company since the establishment the global economic environment and with increased of the NSX. regulation on capital and liquidity requirements, it will remain a challenging environment in which to The intention was to raise N$361.2 million through responsibly navigate and grow our business. The Bank the issue of new shares in terms of the public offer. Windhoek Holdings group will however remain focused We however received applications for more than on delivering sustainable long-term value to its share- N$1.34 billion worth of shares, translating into an over- holders, notwithstanding the challenges in the operating subscription of 3.5 times. Due to the oversubscription, environment and changing landscape in the banking we could only allocate 28.9% of the shares applied for. sector. In order to achieve this objective, the group A total of 44,331,048 ordinary shares were allocated to will be resilient in responding to changes in the external applicants for a total consideration of N$387.9 million. environment, which may have an impact on its oper- ations. We will continue to leverage on opportunities for Our new shareholders are welcomed on board and growth and execute our strategic priorities. we look forward to share in the future of our group as we embark on this new and exciting chapter of Bank Acknowledgements Windhoek Holdings.

It is impossible to do justice, in this Chairman’s state- What we as a group stand for ment, to the challenges and successes encountered on a journey that we have travelled as stakeholders of the As a group we have always embraced the philosophy Bank Windhoek Holdings group since inception and of entrepreneurship and building sustainable wealth. culminating in the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings. These are characteristics that have been challenged in recent times by a world that has become increasingly We will always remember and cherish the unwavering impatient with the tried and tested models of organic support of the founding promoters and other partners, growth and prudency in business. business friends and clients that have walked along with us and supported us in so many different ways. Maintaining the benefits of entrepreneurial agility does not imply a less rigorous governance focus. As T ogether , we have come a long way over the past part of the listing process, the board has reviewed 31 years. Not a single step of that journey would have the governance framework and reconfirmed its com- been possible without the relationships that we have mitment to deliver on the objectives of the framework developed along the way. We sincerely value all our which is aligned to the relevant standards such as relationships since we believe that almost all broken King II. The governance framework is available on the relationships in life can be traced back to broken Bank Windhoek Holdings website. agreements, something we do not subscribe to. We are truly blessed with dedicated and committed staff, loyal As an institution we value not only the rights and clients and partners. the privileges we enjoy, but also the duty we have to serve all our stakeholders, including the government, In a memorable year like the group has had, there regulators, clients, employees and shareholders. are countless individuals and parties that deserve 13

recognition. It is the commitment of our staff and the Holdings group in a way that will enhance shareholder loyal support of our customers over the years that have value and ensure long-term sustainable development enabled the Bank Windhoek Holdings group to create and growth of the group. Thinus Prinsloo has taken up sustainable value and to list its shares on the NSX. an executive director role with effect from 1 July 2013.

Therefore, I would like to thank the loyal and dedicated With our strong vision and focused strategy, experienced staff and management of the Bank Windhoek Holdings leadership team, loyal and supportive clients and group who continues to work hard to satisfy the needs shareholders and our successful track record, the board of their clients and ultimately contribute to the suc- of Bank Windhoek Holdings remains confident for the cess of the group. The clients of the Bank Windhoek year ahead. Holdings group also deserve special thanks for their continued loyalty and support. During the period under We will focus on delivering on our obligation to review we welcomed thousands of new shareholders our shareholders of creating sustainable shareholder to our group and would like to thank them for their value. This we will do by leveraging on our intimate faith and trust bestowed in our group. knowledge of the local market and by fulfilling our role as a partner in the development, economic growth and A sincere thank you is extended to all our business prosperity of Namibia. associates for the excellent working relationship which assisted us to steer the group through the past year. I am proud to have been part of building a strong We are also grateful for the continued good relation- foundation for Bank Windhoek and Bank Windhoek ships that we have with the Bank of Namibia and other Holdings, which enabled the group to list on the NSX. regulators and government institutions which enabled The listing of the group signifies the start of a new us to operate in a conducive environment. chapter in the history of our group, and it is extremely gratifying to know that the group is on a sound footing. To conclude, a special word of thanks to the board of directors of Bank Windhoek Holdings for their invaluable support and wise counsel in guiding the group through the past year. During the reporting period we welcomed four new directors to the board of Bank Windhoek Holdings, namely Frans du Toit, Eric Knouwds, Esi Schimming-Chase and Thinus Prinsloo and look forward to their contribution to the board. As a board, we accept our role and responsibility to J C Brandt provide leadership and vision to the Bank Windhoek Chairman 14 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Managing Director’s report

was given to clients and to BEE applications in the allocation of Bank Windhoek Holdings shares in terms of the public offer. This facilitated the increase in BEE shareholding in line with the objectives of the Financial Sector Charter and the Namibian Financial Sector Strategy. Following the listing, BEE shareholding in Bank Windhoek Holdings equates to approximately 17% of shares.

Of the N$361.2 million capital raised through the listing, Bank Windhoek Holdings invested N$200 million in Bank Windhoek to further increase the bank’s Tier 1 capital in anticipation of the implementation of Basel III. This capital will also fund further investment in infor- mation technology and innovative payment systems and channels to market in order to enable the bank to better service its existing client base and to better penetrate the unbanked and under-banked market in Namibia.

The remaining funds from the public offer will be re- tained to enable Bank Windhoek Holdings to consider further investment opportunities as and when they arise.

Financial performance of Bank Windhoek Holdings

The Bank Windhoek Holdings group can report on another year of continued solid performance, delivering a 17th consecutive year of income and profit growth. This is underpinned by controlled asset growth, prudent risk and capital management and continued focus on efficiencies.

Bank Windhoek Holdings has achieved the half billion mark in total comprehensive income for the first time Christo de Vries and delivered satisfactory results for the year ended Managing Director 30 June 2013:

! Group total comprehensive income for the year The year will be remembered as a milestone year in amounted to N$516 million, which represents a 24% the history of the group with the successful listing of increase over the prior year; Bank Windhoek Holdings Limited (Bank Windhoek ! Sound balance sheet growth was achieved with asset Holdings) on the Namibian Stock Exchange on 20 June growth of 10.7% amounting to N$20.9 billion; 2013. With the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings, the ! Well capitalised with a total risk-weighted capital group created an investment opportunity for Namibians adequacy ratio of 16.6%, well above the minimum and in the process further broadened Namibian statutory requirement; and ownership in Bank Windhoek Holdings and aided the ! Normalised return on average equity of 23.7% development of the Namibian capital market. Preference was realised. 15

Interest income Statement of financial position Net interest income increased by 16.8% to N$914.5 The group continued to be disciplined in its focus to million (2012: 783.1 million). The net interest margin sustain a strong statement of financial position with of 4.6% remained flat compared to 2012. Prime controlled growth. Loans and advances to customers and home loan rates decreased on 29 August 2012 grew by 14.0% to N$17.7 billion (2012: N$15.5 billion), and 14 September 2012 respectively as a direct result which is mainly due to growth in the overdraft and of a decrease in the Bank of Namibia’s repo rate. The mortgages loan books. The cumulative annual growth decrease in the repo rate negatively impacted the rate of loans and advances over the last four years interest rate margin due to the timing difference in is 16.1% while the loan loss rate decreased from the re-pricing of the assets and liabilities. This negative 0.22% to 0.16% over the same period, emphasising impact was offset by good volume growth coupled with the improvement in advances quality while delivering positive margin movement in wholesale funding. substantial asset growth.

Impairment charges The composition of loans and advances remained Credit management remains a key focus of the banking stable as indicated by the graph below, with mortgage operations, coupled with prudent risk pricing and good lending contributing the largest percentage at 48%. recoveries of delinquent debt, which is evident in the Mortgage lending comprises residential home loans exceptional low levels of bad debt. During the year (27%), commercial property loans (17%) and develop- under review the loan loss rate decreased from 0.18% ment finance (4%). to 0.16% and non-performing loans as a percentage of gross advances decreased from 0.90% to 0.86%. 100.00%

16.27% Non-interest income 90.00% 17.91% 16.86% 16.92% 16.52% Non-interest income mainly comprises fee and 80.00% commission income, trading income and other operating income. The total non-interest income increased by 70.00% 12.9% to N$523.2 million (2012: N$463.3 million). Fee 41.03% income from banking operations is the primary con- 60.00% 44.25% 46.23% 47.80% 47.79% tributor to the favourable variance, which, despite pricing pressures, is 16.9% higher than in the previous 50.00% year. The increase in fee income is mainly due to growth 40.00% in the number of client accounts and transaction vol- umes as well as an inflationary adjustment. 30.00% 21.81% 20.96% 20.40% 19.76% 19.89% Operating expenses 20.00%

Operating expenses increased by 8% to N$762.8 million 10.00% 19.25% 17.93% 16.45% 15.92% 16.05% (2012: N$706.5 million). The growth in operating expenses slowed down compared to the previous year, 0.00% mainly due to increased efficiencies, focused effort to 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 contain costs and a deferral of certain IT-related projects. Overdrafts Term loans The reduction in the operating expense growth, coupled Mortgages Instalment finances & other with good income growth, resulted in an improved cost to income ratio of 54.1% (2012: 57.9%). The group remains well capitalised and continues to Income from associates and joint ventures generate strong levels of equity. The total risk-weighted Income from associates and joint ventures amounted to capital ratio improved from 13.4% to 16.6% following N$61.6 million (2012: N$55.3 million) an 11.37% increase the issue of new ordinary shares as part of the listing on the previous year. The contribution by associates on the Namibian Stock Exchange in June 2013. All and joint ventures to group profit before tax decreased capital ratios remain well above the minimum statu- from 9.7% to 8.7% compared to the previous year. tory requirements. 16 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

Shareholders’ return localisation of ownership of financial institutions. The Dividends of N$149.5 million were declared and paid group, through Bank Windhoek, remains committed to during the year representing a dividend of 32.75 cents address the key areas outlined in the ten-year Financial per share. Compared to the previous year, the dividend Sector Charter which was launched in August 2012 by per share has increased by 31%. The increase in earnings the Minister of Finance. These areas include financial per share during the year was 22.4%, which is in line inclusion; financial literacy and protection; access to with the cumulative annual growth rate in earnings per financial services and products; skills development in share over the last four years of 20.8%, emphasising the the financial sector; and localisation of the Namibian group's consistent and sustainable growth in earnings. financial sector.

The overall positive performance of the group can be As a signatory to the Namibia Financial Sector Charter, attributed to the dedication, knowledge and skills of Bank Windhoek is also committed to the areas addres- sed by the charter, which includes access to and the group’s employees and the ongoing loyalty and affordability of financial products and services; human support of our clients and shareholders. resource development; procurement and enterprise development; ownership and control; empowerment Operating environment of Bank Windhoek financing; corporate governance and social invest- Holdings ment; and consumer protection and education.

Although Namibian banks have largely been shielded The regulation and supervision of the global financial from direct exposure to the global and economic system have been and continue to be priorities for financial crisis, the uncertainty of Namibian and global governments and international organisations. There growth prospects, together with potential changes have been continuous regulatory changes, both in the to the global regulatory environment for banks, con- Namibian regulatory environment and the international tributed to a challenging operating environment for regulatory environment with specific focus on anti- Bank Windhoek Holdings. money laundering; data security standards as laid down by the card associations; and capital requirements as laid During the period under review, the currency markets down by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision again proved volatile with the local currency weakening (BCBS). Whilst operating in a highly regulated environ- and fluctuating between N$8.00 and N$10.36 to the ment, Bank Windhoek Holdings maintains an uncom- US dollar and N$9.85 to N$13.75 against the euro. promising stance to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Bank Windhoek Holdings has a relatively small foreign currency exposure whilst it also has the necessary systems and controls to mitigate currency risk. Overview of Bank Windhoek

As global economic conditions remain weak with no The main subsidiary and the flagship brand of Bank Windhoek Holdings is Bank Windhoek, which is a wholly clear sign of a significant recovery on the horizon, owned subsidiary of Bank Windhoek Holdings. Namibia’s growth has been impacted and remains below expectation. Inflation was contained within tolerable Bank Windhoek is a bank with a uniquely Namibian levels during the period, but the renewed volatility in ethos and local insight. As at 30 June 2013 Bank the currency markets at the end of the period creates Windhoek contributed 89% to the group’s net profit concern and the potential for interest rate increases after tax and 88% to the net asset value of the group. during next financial year. Since its establishment in 1982, Bank Windhoek has continued to show sound and sustained year-on- The macro and regulatory environment year growth in a very competitive environment. Bank Windhoek has always stayed true to its vision of With the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings in providing banking services for all Namibians and its June 2013, the group, amongst others, proactively business philosophy of building long-lasting relationships satisfied the regulatory call for banking groups to list with its stakeholders. The bank’s existence has been and offer investment opportunities to the Namibian characterised by a strong commitment to understanding public in their pursuit of financial inclusion and the individual banking needs of all Namibians and 17

by fulfilling its role as a partner in the development, organisations, multinationals, Namibian corporates and economic growth and prosperity of Namibia. qualifying high net worth individuals. The division has shown satisfactory growth and sound financial results Today, Bank Windhoek has established itself as one and continues to play an important role in the growth of of the leaders in the financial services industry in Bank Windhoek. Namibia with a total asset base of N$20.6 billion as at 30 June 2013. Retail banking

Bank Windhoek has maintained consistent earnings Bank Windhoek maintains a footprint of 53 retail growth, good efficiency ratios and an above average branches, sub-branches and agencies countrywide, market share. offering our clients a wide range of financial services and products. Bank Windhoek has 90 ATMs as well The bank’s net profit after tax amounted to N$438 as 236 Bank Windhoek Cash Express ATMs installed million, which represents a 28% growth over the pre- at merchants across Namibia in partnership with ATM vious year. This positive financial performance of the Solutions Namibia. bank can be attributed to controlled asset growth, effective management of credit and a continued focus The enhanced cell phone banking offering introduced on efficiencies. during the period under review proved to be very popu- lar with our clients and the client base making use of Operational highlights of Bank Windhoek this service grew by more than 30%.

Risk management As part of our commitment to make banking accessible to all Namibians, the bank will continue to assess oppor- tunities for establishing new branches or agencies. Risk management and compliance has remained a Furthermore, the bank has also embarked on a project to key focus area for the year under review. The group replace 40 of its older ATMs with new generation ATMs. continued to strengthen its risk management frame- work through improvements in its operational-, credit- The implementation of the Financial Intelligence Act and market risk management practices to meet regu- continued to receive priority to ensure that the bank latory requirements and to adhere to best practices meets the requirements of the Act. under Basel II. Risk governance and oversight was improved through better alignment of committee structures, improved management of policies, formal Specialist finance division issue identification and remediation. Bank Windhoek remains committed to the support Treasury of the SME sector and our vision is to see an increasing number of SMEs grow into sustainable businesses. Mentorship programmes to SMEs remain an im- Through its international treasury solutions, Bank portant component of the assistance provided by Windhoek offers a wide range of solutions to corporate Bank Windhoek. and business clients. Investment products, buying and selling of foreign currency and hedging strategies to Despite aggressive competition in the property and limit exchange rate risk are some of the services offered. asset finance market, the bank maintained its market Foreign exchange services are offered through the share in these business segments through the activities retail branch network and the joint venture between of our specialised property finance and vehicle and Bank Windhoek and American Express. asset finance branches, supported by the retail branch network countrywide. Corporate and executive banking BW Finance is the vehicle through which the group does Bank Windhoek’s Corporate and Executive Banking its micro lending business in partnership with Nam-mic division continued to provide customer-centred services Financial Solutions. The micro lending business consists and solutions to government, parastatals, international of the advancement of microloans through an approved 18 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

employer deduction programme. These loans represent development, talent management and embedding a 1.8% of the total loans and advances. high performance culture.

Information technology Bank Windhoek prides itself in its stable and commit- ted 1,300 employees and even more so, as 98.3% are Namibian citizens. The bank’s accomplishments are Good progress has been made in improving IT service largely attributed to the professional and customer delivery and providing solutions to Bank Windhoek’s centric approach of its employees. business operations. The optimal management of available IT skills in the market however remains a core During the period under review, the bank continued focus. A number of highlights in the IT environment to focus on executing its talent and succession manage- during the period under review include the following: ment strategy. Affirmative action (AA) remained a high priority. Bank Windhoek runs a successful accelerated ! The introduction of sms notifications to inter- training programme with the main focus of developing net banking customers as an additional layer talented employees in key critical areas where skills of security. shortages exist. ! The bank’s internet banking system has been upgraded and simplified by migrating the Through its bursary scheme, Bank Windhoek assists system to the Electronic Payment and Collections Namibian students studying at institutions of higher solution with additional functional benefits learning as well as students gaining experiential learning being made available to the general internet from vocational and academic institutions. banking user. ! The final stages of the Bank Windhoek Payment The wellness programme of Bank Windhoek for staff Card Industry Data Security Standards project is well established and various initiatives and wellness received priority and is nearing completion with campaigns ensure that employees realise the importance certification expected in quarter one of the 2014 of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. financial year. This will aid significantly in the trust that customers will be able to place in the Customer service protection of their card information. ! EMV acquiring certification will also be com- pleted in the same period which will assure all The Bank Windhoek brand is one of the most credible card customers (including non-Bank Windhoek and reputable brands in Namibia. The bank recognises customers) that information disclosed to Bank the value of offering excellent customer service as a Windhoek is kept under strict governance and competitive differentiator and, therefore, service is one according to international security standards. of the key drivers of the bank's reputation.

To ensure that the bank remains in touch with changing Credit customer needs and expectations, continuous client satisfaction surveys and service quality assessments are From a credit perspective, Bank Windhoek follows a performed in order to gauge and improve the bank’s strategy of controlled growth. The aim is to focus on service delivery. quality assets and applying pricing commensurate with the risk. This is in line with the strategy followed In an effort to further strengthen the service culture over recent years where the bank managed to sustain in the bank and to adhere to the Bank of Namibia’s market related growth in its advances book, with Guidelines on Consumer Protection, the bank has impairments and non-performing loan ratios remaining enhanced and re-launched its service charter during well within norms. the period under review. The service charter sets out the rights of its clients in terms of service delivery and Human resources the principles governing the provision of service to our clients. Human capital management, a dynamic discipline within Bank Windhoek, is one of the strategic pillars of our Bank Windhoek played an instrumental role in the success and focuses on skills development, leadership launch of the Code of Banking Practice of the Bankers 19

Association of Namibia in February 2013. The Code Overview of other subsidiaries and associates of Banking Practice is a voluntary code which sets standards of good banking practice for financial insti- Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (WNIB) tutions to follow when dealing with customers. The code will henceforth guide the interactions of WNIB is a short-term insurance broker and a wholly banks with their clients and it will help clients to owned subsidiary of Bank Windhoek Holdings better understand their rights and responsibilities as and contributed 1% of the profit after tax of Bank well as the bank’s responsibilities in serving its clients. Windhoek Holdings during the financial year ending 30 June 2013. Corporate social investment

Despite difficult market conditions, WNIB managed It is the vision of the Bank Windhoek Social Investment to grow its profit after tax by 13.4% to N$4.6 million. Fund, which was established in 2001, to make a Whilst non-brokerage income remained under pressure, meaningful contribution to the sustainable develop- WNIB reported a 13.3% year on year growth in its core ment and prosperity of the communities in which brokerage income. the bank operates. The three focus areas of the Social Investment Fund are education, entrepreneurship / WNIB is well established in the local insurance market job creation and health. Bank Windhoek strives for and one of the biggest short-term insurance brokers a balanced social investment portfolio and therefore in Namibia, working with all the major underwriters its sponsorship and donation portfolio covers a broad locally as well as offshore insurers, in order to negotiate range of sectors including sport, welfare, agriculture, competitive cover for clients. WNIB has a sound repu- arts, culture and financial literacy. tation for offering good client service and has the biggest national footprint with a branch network of Bank Windhoek believes that improved financial lit- 11 branches across Namibia. eracy empowers consumers to make informed decisions about their personal finances. Bank Windhoek there- During the year under review, WNIB adopted some fore remains committed to its consumer education innovations to enhance its business operations and initiatives and fully supports and endorses the Financial to stay abreast of the changes in the technological Literacy Initiative launched by the Minister of Finance environment. A new brokerage system has recently in March 2012 and its objectives to increase aware- been implemented and will have a positive impact ness on consumers’ rights and increased knowledge on client service delivery. of financial products, services and institutions. Namib Bou A comprehensive Bank Windhoek Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Report for the period ending 30 June Namib Bou, a subsidiary of Bank Windhoek Holdings, 2013 can be downloaded from the bank’s website at is a property development company focusing on afford- www.bankwindhoek.com.na. able housing development.

In delivering increased shareholder value, Bank Namib Bou incurred a loss of N$1.3 million (2012: profit Windhoek has identified the following strategic drivers of N$4.7 million) for the year under review. This was for the ensuing years: primarily driven by the startup cost of a major housing ! controlled growth in assets;· development project. ! capital management; ! investment in technology and innovation; During the year under review, Namib Bou continued ! diversification of income streams; and to act as facilitator between the local authorities and ! focused cost efficiency programmes. financial institutions (commercial banks) with the objective to contribute to sufficient housing stock over The bank will continue to invest in capacity to support a long-term to assist with meeting the housing backlog future growth and expansion of business activities. in Namibia. This function entails the full spectrum from 20 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

urban development and design and the installation Outlook for Bank Windhoek Holdings for the of services, through to the final delivery of a home to 2013 / 2014 year a client.

To streamline the operational structure of the Bank Santam Namibia Windhoek Holdings group, a program has commenced to revisit the operating model to ensure quality of Bank Windhoek Holdings holds a 28.0% shareholding support through a shared services model. in Santam Namibia, a leader in the short-term insurance industry in Namibia with net assets totalling more than Investor relations, as a means to facilitate effective N$200 million. Santam Namibia boasts a country-wide communication and relationships with our shareholders, infrastructure, a strong intermediary network and a will remain a high priority. market share exceeding 30%. We look forward to an exciting future for the Bank Santam Namibia expects to grow its written premiums Windhoek Holdings group as we continue our quest during the 2013 financial year through a combined to create lasting value for our shareholders whilst effect of inflationary premium increases, growth in fulfilling our role as a responsible citizen and partner market share and additional growth in the currently in the development and growth of Namibia. With uninsured entry level market. Modest profit growth our committed staff, our loyal clients, the support of will be driven by minimising claims incurred through our shareholders and other stakeholders, we remain controlled underwriting actions and an optimised confident that the year ahead will be characterised by reinsurance programme. continuous growth and prosperity for the group and all its stakeholders. Sanlam Namibia Holdings We remain mindful of the foundation on which the group was built, namely integrity, entrepreneurship, Bank Windhoek Holdings holds a 29.5% shareholding in commitment, hard work, perseverance and dedication. Sanlam Namibia Holdings, a leader in the life insurance The entrenchment of our service values will remain industry in Namibia. Sanlam Namibia Holdings is a a strong focus, as we believe that in the competitive well-diversified financial services group. All operations environment in which we operate, it is often the level performed well during the year under review with of service excellence that differentiates us from the rest. exceptional performances in the entry level and credit life businesses. Sanlam Namibia Holdings far exceeded its value of new business targets.

The key focus for Sanlam Namibia Holdings in 2013 / 2014 is to continue the strong new business growth through growing market share and its sales footprint and to maintain current high market share in the invest- Christo de Vries ment businesses. Managing Director 21

Risk and compliance report Index

Risk governance and reporting 22

Operational risk 24

Credit risk 26

Market risk 27

Liquidity risk 28


1. Risk governance and reporting 2. assist with the achievement of strategic objectives; 3. establish accountability for risk management; 1.1 Overview 4. manage expected risk exposure within acceptable risk appetite through the risk capacity, appetite Following the global events of recent years, risk manage- and tolerance (RCAT) statement and thresholds; ment is a discipline at the core of the group and encom- 5. establish standard risk management principles passes all the activities that affect the group’s risk profile. and processes; Risk management as commonly perceived does not 6. ensure that risks are understood and managed; mean minimising risk; the goal of risk management is and rather to optimise the risk reward trade-off for the 7. reduce the cost of risk management. Bank Windhoek Holdings Limited group (’the group’). The group therefore continues to strengthen its commit- The responsibility for risk management resides at all ment to manage risks. levels of the group; from the board and committees of the board to each employee. Risk management and compliance is a strategic objective of the group. Linked to this strategic objective is the 1.2 Governance structure group risk, internal control and assurance framework The main purpose of the principal risk profile reporting (GRICAF), which provides an integrated risk management by principal risk owners is to review and challenge the framework for proactive risk management. adequacy and performance of individual principal risk profiles and internal control frameworks (as defined by The main objectives of the GRICAF are to: their framework policies). The following diagram 1. effectively utilise risk management resources in illustrates the GRICAF governance structure: the group and its subsidiaries;

Board of directors

Board audit, risk and Group internal compliance committee audit services

Managing Director

Executive management team

Risk committee

Asset and liability Operational risk Credit risk committee forum forum

Principal risk owners

Figure 1: Governance structure reporting lines 23

Board of directors The risk committee reviews and challenges the risk Governed by the board charter, the board is ultimately capacity, appetite and tolerance (RCAT) statement of accountable for the risk management process. For this the company before recommending it to the EMT. reason, the GRICAF is a board-approved framework that aims to assist the board in discharging its duties in Credit risk forum (CRF), Operational risk forum (ORF) terms of risk management and compliance. and Asset and liability committee (ALCO) The CRF and ORF do not possess decision-making Board audit risk and compliance committee (BARC) powers. Their primary role is to review and challenge Due to its wide range of oversight responsibilities, principal risk profile reports before recommending the the board delegates its duties and responsibilities in reports to the Risk committee. terms of risk management, assurance and compliance to the BARC. The ALCO serves a dual purpose: it reviews and chal- lenges the principal risk profiles for market, liquidity Executive management team (EMT) and capital risks; and oversees the asset and liability The EMT is responsible for operational oversight and management strategy of the company. makes the day-to-day decisions that enable the company to function. This includes overseeing the Principal risk owners (PROs) development, implementation, monitoring and re- PROs have the responsibility of the effective implemen- porting on the risk management process approved tation of the principle risk management frameworks. by the BARC. 1.3 Group risk, internal control and assurance frame- Risk committee work (GRICAF) process The Risk committee is chaired by the Executive officer: The GRICAF establishes the structures, policies, guide- Risk and compliance and oversees the development, lines, processes, procedures, systems and tools which implementation, monitoring and reporting of the collectively form the group’s risk management process. GRICAF. It monitors the performance of the principal The GRICAF is divided into two primary components, risk management framework and operational risk namely the: management framework in order to identify weak- 1. principal risk management framework; and nesses and the remediation necessary to rectify them. 2. operational risk management framework.

Group risk, internal control & assurance framework

Board & EXCO Risk assessment Control environment Reporting direction

Principal risk Operational risk management framework External reporting Strategic objectives management framework

Define Measurement and reporting of business performance

Risk appetite Control evaluation (design and operating Risk identification, Control objectives, effectiveness), Management assurance reporting analysis and design and monitoring, deficiency documentation measurement remediation and Group management tracking model Impact on EC, RC and value

Principal risks Risk and control framework documents for each principal risk communicated the group requirements policy for identification/measurement, control and reporting for application by business unit

Manage and challenge (across all elements of activity)

Diagram 1: High-level organisation and flow of the GRICAF 24 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

The following 13 principal risks are managed by the products and services, facilities, data, processes, group through the GRICAF: business continuity and physical security. 1. Strategic risk ! 2. Capital risk Technology risk is the risk that the strategic tech- 3. Liquidity risk nology investment is not aligned to the bank’s 4. Credit risk vision or business strategy, or catastrophic failure 5. Market risk of technology to deliver secure IT services which 6. Compliance risk provide critical business services. 7. Operations risk ! 8. Technology risk People risk is the risk of failure to achieve the 9. People risk group’s business objectives through problems 10. Finance and tax risk which may arise through people issues. 11. Legal risk ! 12. Financial crime risk Finance and tax risk is the risk of failure to moni- 13. Reputation risk tor and report on statutory financial requirements in line with the group’s requirements. All principle risks, as defined below, are addressed at ! relevant governance forms. Legal risk is the risk of exposure of the group to legal risk arising from business not conducted in 1.3.1 Credit risk accordance with applicable laws or contractual The credit risk profile is addressed in detail at the Credit obligations. risk forum. For a definition of credit risk and an over- ! view of the credit risk management approach, refer to Financial crime risk is the risk of fraud or dishon- section 3. esty, misconduct in or the misuse of information relating to a financial market, handling the 1.3.2 Market risk, liquidity risk and capital risk proceeds of crime or the financing of terrorism. The market risk, liquidity risk and capital risk profiles are Financial crimes may involve fraud; theft; scams or addressed in detail at the Asset and liability committee. confidence tricks; tax evasion; bribery; embezzle- For the definitions and overview of the management ment; identity theft; forgery and counterfeiting; approaches of market risk and liquidity risk, refer to computer crime; burglary; and armed robbery. sections 4 (Market risk) and 5 (Liquidity risk). ! Reputation risk is the risk of failure to understand, Capital risk is the risk that the group’s total capital base identify or subsequently manage occurrences that is not properly managed in a prudent manner, or the risk could negatively impact the group’s reputation. of failure to comply with regulators’ mandate require- ments. Refer to note 3.6 of the consolidated annual 2. Operational risk financial statements.

1.3.3 Remaining principal risks 2.1 Overview The remaining principal risk profiles are addressed in Operational risk is the risk of direct or indirect losses detail at the Operational risk forum and are managed in resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes terms of the operational risk management framework. or systems, human error or from external events. Operational risk is integrated into the day-to-day ! Strategic risk is the risk that the achievement of operations of the group and it is therefore impossible the group’s business objectives will be adversely to completely eliminate the group’s exposure to affected by defective strategic planning. operational risk.

! Compliance risk is the risk of failure to comply Operational risk is managed in terms of the operational with applicable financial services rules and regulations exposing the group to penalties and risk management framework. Within the operational risk reputational damage. management framework, qualitative and quantitative tools are applied to identify and assess operational ! Operations risk is the risk of failure to deliver the risks and to manage the mitigation of identified control intended outcome with respect to customers, weaknesses.


2.2 Operational risk framework objectives 2.3 Approach to operational risk

The operational risk management strategy supports The operational risk management framework the GRICAF through global best practices which are establishes the operational infrastructure that enables aligned with the standardised approach to operational principal risk owners to collect, interpret and conclude risk management under BASEL II. During this financial on risk data, thereby discharging their responsibilities year the focus has been on the enhancement of existing in terms of the principal risk management frame- practices for risk identification, risk appetite setting work. The following is a high-level illustration of and monitoring through key risk indicators and risk the components of the operational risk management event reporting. framework:

Operational risk management framework Principal risks:


Liquidity Direct Assess Control Report


Capital System of control / risk and Strategic Escalation and reporting control self-assessments Compliance

Financial crime Key risk indicators (KRI) Bank-wide risk profile Principal risk profile Finance & tax reporting (PRP) Risk event reporting Operations Risk and loss event reporting Technology Regulatory reporting Reputation Risk issue remediation and closure Legal Regulatory capital People ICAAP

Independent assurance (Internal audit)

Diagram 2: High-level flow of the operational risk management framework

2.3.1 Risk and control self-assessments (RCSAs) A KRI is rated in terms of tolerance levels approved As part of the systems of control developed for every as part of the risk framework policies. RCSAs and principal risk, a number of internal controls are KRIs complement each other and are not assessed identified and documented. The aim of the RCSA process in isolation. is for management to assess the design and operation 2.3.3 Risk and loss event reporting of these controls in order to determine if they are Losses are included in risk reports on a monthly functioning effectively or not and to perform the semi- basis through the collection of information from annual risk attestation process. business units.

For an internal control to be effective, evidence must Although loss events are the result of historical events, exist that supports this conclusion. an analysis of repeating losses and trends allows for the identification of potential expected or unexpected 2.3.2 Key risk indictors (KRIs) future losses. KRIs are quantitative measurements specifically used for: 1. measuring risk exposure (via the RCAT statement 2.3.4 Risk issue remediation and closure process and thresholds); and The process records, tracks and reports on the group’s 2. assessing the effectiveness of internal controls. performance in terms of resolving risk issues raised by 26 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

risk service providers such as internal and external audit, approach to risk management and essential to its long- management assurance services, the Bank of Namibia term success. and other regulators. 3.1.1 Bank of Namibia requirements for credit risk The results of the issue closure process are incorporated The Bank of Namibia requires commercial banks in in principal risk profile reports on a semi-annual Namibia to comply with the standardised approach basis. This allows principal risk owners to take risk for credit risk management under Basel II. The regulatory issue remediation performance into account when capital is based on the net counterparty exposures the effectiveness of the internal control framework after recognising a limited set of qualifying collateral. is assessed. The prescribed risk weightings are used, as set out by the Bank of Namibia, according to the perceived credit 2.4 Operational risk reporting rating of the counterparty.

The prime responsibility for the management of 3.2 Credit risk management operational risk rests with the business units where the risk arises. These governance structures are described Credit risk management and all credit activities are in section 1.2. governed and guided by the credit risk framework policy, which is founded on the Bank of Namibia require- 2.5 Risk capacity, appetite and tolerance (RCAT) ments as well as industry best practices.

The RCAT statement reflects the group’s capacity, Various risk mitigation techniques are used by Bank appetite and tolerance for risk. The RCAT is approved Windhoek. These include collateral, external credit annually by the board and regularly reviewed and enhancements, policies, letters of credit and corporate reported to the Risk committee, EMT and the BARC. guarantees. The bank has a decentralised approach to loan approvals, allocating mandates throughout The RCAT statement is a collection of quantitative the organisation for approving loans. variables represented as KRIs with assigned levels of tolerance. Through the Credit risk forum (CRF), the governance structures and the attestation process, the credit risk 2.6 Basel II standardised approach framework is evaluated and the credit risk profile is quantified and evaluated. As required by the Bank of Namibia, the standardised approach under Basel II to calculate operational risk 3.2.1 Collateral policy capital is applied. A collateral policy exists as part of the policies for each specific loan type. The collateral is specific to the 3. Credit risk loan given and will be individually determined in each case. The collateral as well as the valuation of collateral 3.1 Overview is governed as set out in the collateral policy and as regulated by the Bank of Namibia. Credit risk is expressed as the risk that a borrower or counterparty will fail to meet an obligation when it 3.2.2 Country risk falls due, and is inherent to Bank Windhoek’s business Country limits are set to restrict Bank Windhoek’s activities. The realisation of credit risk can cause a exposure to any one country for its cross-border trans- considerable loss in revenue as well as a decline in actions. The country risk is governed by the country the total asset value when assets are categorised as ratings as determined by Fitch and the limit is set non-performing. according to these ratings.

The aim of credit risk management is to maximise the Facilities of banks, brokers and other institutions are bank’s risk adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit intended to limit the bank’s exposure in dealings risk exposures within acceptable parameters. Bank with one institution. Such facilities reflect the degree of Windhoek recognises that the effective management of risk assigned to individual instruments traded or the credit risk is a critical component of a comprehensive particular product or service offered. 27

3.2.3 Provisions and impairments ! Cheque overdrafts: All the cheque overdrafts. The definitions for impairments and past-due accounts, ! Microloans: This includes microloans and govern- as well as the calculations for provision for bad debts ment microloans. are set out in the Bank of Namibia determination BID 2, ‘Determination on asset classification, suspension The advances book is analysed in terms of these products of interest and provisioning’. in order to determine concentrations risks in the various products of the bank. Loan accounts of customers are classified into one of the following classes: ‘Pass’, ‘watch / special mention’, 4. Market risk ‘substandard’, ‘doubtful’ or ‘loss’ according to the number of days in arrears. The provision for doubtful debts is determined according to the class in which 4.1 Overview the account falls. General provisions are provided on the accounts that are classified ‘substandard’ and Market risk is the exposure to adverse changes in the ‘doubtful’, as specified by the BID 2 regulations and set price or value of an instrument traded or held as an out in the credit risk policies. The purpose of the general investment. Where market risk is a factor the practice of provision is to build up reserves. A certain percentage of marking to market on a regular basis is an important the bank’s total financing assets are created as a general discipline. provision (the minimum percentage is prescribed by the Bank of Namibia). Specific provisions are created against The main types of market risks that Bank Windhoek accounts already classified as ‘substandard’, ‘doubtful’ is exposed to are as follows: ! or ‘loss’. The specific provisions are made on the out- Interest rate risk: The risk of loss resulting in standing amount less the realisable value of security. fluctuations in interest rates and the yield curve. ! Foreign exchange risk: The risk that arises from The bank follows a conservative approach and pro- fluctuations in the currency market. actively identifies active accounts which have prob- ! Equity risk: The risk of losses resulting from lem indicators to manage the accounts through changes in the levels of equity indices and values special mention reports and raise applicable provisions of individual stock. beforehand. 4.2 Policy and governance 3.2.4 Concentration The measurement and management of concentration The market risk framework policy sets out the gov- risk is enabled through portfolio analysis of the product, ernance, controls, policies, guidance and procedures region and sectoral dimensions of the credit book. for market risk management within the bank. The policy provides a high-level overview of how market breakdown risk will be managed. The loans and advances of Bank Windhoek Holdings are classified into different classes as follows: The effective management of market risk is primarily ! Article finance: This includes instalment sales the responsibility of ALCO. ALCO is responsible for agreements, suspensive sales agreements, leases, the control, direction and setting of strategies for standard rentals, floor plan and small and me- Bank Windhoek’s day-to-day management of assets dium enterprise (SME) loans. and liabilities in order to maximise the net interest ! Mortgage loans: This includes housing loans, Selekt bonds, housing schemes, farm bonds, staff margin and net interest income. housing loans, commercial bonds, individual building loans, commercial building loans, micro 4.3 Interest rate risk housing loans, staff bonds, low income housing loans and industrial bonds. To protect Bank Windhoek from fluctuations in market ! Instalment loans: This includes term loans, study interest rates, the bank matches the interest sensitivities loans and SME loans. of its assets and liabilities. Bank Windhoek’s statement ! Commercial loans: This includes commercial loans, of financial position is divided into two broad types of SME loans and structured finance loans. interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities (fixed and 28 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

floating rates) and interest rate profiles are aligned to 5.2 Liquidity risk appetite match each statement of financial position item to the appropriate benchmark. The liquidity risk appetite is established according to the RCAT statement, which is approved by the BARC. 4.4 Foreign exchange risk Breaches of risk appetites and tolerance levels are re- Bank Windhoek is a participant in the foreign currency ported to ALCO, the Risk committee, EMT and BARC. market and its activities are governed by relevant policies. These policies specify the limits in terms of 5.3 Approach to liquidity risk management transaction exposures, dealer exposures and overall currency and total exposure positions. These impose The liquidity risk management process is guided by the allowable limits on open positions (and stop losses) that liquidity risk framework policy. The establishment, dealers should proactively adhere to. review and implementation of the policy fall under the responsibility of the board and management. Bank Windhoek must strive to: 5. Liquidity risk ! hold an adequate liquid asset surplus; and ! have additional credit lines 5.1 Overview to adequately cater for unexpected outflows, while simultaneously limiting the effect this surplus has on Liquidity must at all times be sufficient to meet current interest margins. obligations, both on- and off-balance sheet, as they become due, while at the same time attempting to Methods are used to enhance liquidity risk management minimise the cost of obtaining funding. by assessing current and future liquidity risk, analysing trends to forecast and provide proactive solutions and Liquidity risk is the potential risk that Bank Windhoek determine the impact such situation may have on capital will be unable to meet its obligations as they become and profitability of the bank include: due because of an inability to: ! scenario analyses; ! liquidate assets quickly enough or without incur- ! stress testing; ring excessive costs; ! concentration risk; and ! obtain adequate funding without incurring exces- ! trend analyses. sive additional costs; or ! unwind or offset specific exposures without The liquidity risk framework is managed by the following significantly lowering market prices as a result of identified variables: inadequate market depth or market disruptions. ! level of understanding of demand and supply; ! level of adequacy of ability to access funding Liquidity risk is inherent in Bank Windhoek’s business (established lines of funding) and relationships endeavours and represents the ability of the bank to with depositors; fund increases in assets and meet its financial obligations ! size of mismatch between demand and supply; in a timely manner as they become due without incurring ! effectiveness of asset and liability management excessive costs, while complying with all statutory and (ALM); regulatory requirements. Failure to meet depositor ! level of availability and reliability of information; withdrawal requirements, general creditor expenses, or and if the bank is forced to significantly limit new lending ! level of skills and resources. may hamper investor / public / shareholder confidence. 5.4 Liquidity risk control Guided by its liquidity risk framework policy, Bank Windhoek is required to manage current and future All forms of significant liquidity risks and liquidity trig- liquidity positions in a prudent manner. The objectives of gers have been identified that can have an impact on the the policy are listed in 5.2 – 5.5: liquidity position of Bank Windhoek. 29

Certain events and circ*mstances may indicate an risk of the group and also legal risk in terms of the increase / decrease in liquidity risk. Bank Windhoek potential impact of changes in laws and regulations. must proactively evaluate and consider an array of The management of regulatory risk forms part of the triggers and identify new ones that may provide more overall risk management framework of the group. accurate feedback. The compliance function consists of general compliance 5.5 Funding strategy and money laundering compliance and the meth- odology followed by the compliance function has been The bank at all times aims to hold an adequate liquid developed and benchmarked against industry and surplus, which includes a buffer portion additional international best practice. to credit lines and an adequate surplus to cater for unexpected outflows, while simultaneously limiting 6.3 Key activities of general compliance the effect this surplus has on interest margins. The bank’s funding strategy is divided into the following The key activities undertaken by general compliance to substrategies: support the directors, executive officers, management ! Short-term liquidity strategy and employees in discharging the relevant compliance ! Preventative funding strategy responsibilities include the following: ! ! Medium to long-term funding strategy Compliance system of control: The compliance ! Contingency funding plan (CFP). risk management framework sets out the mini- mum requirements for the management and control of compliance risk within the bank and is 6. Compliance applicable across business units / branches. ! Compliance risk identification, assessment and 6.1 Overview prioritisation: The compliance risks, once assessed, are consolidated into a regulatory risk As a leading financial services institution, the group profile. The regulatory risk profile is reviewed faces complex challenges in ensuring its activities comply and updated at least annually as and when with not only local laws, regulations and supervisory new regulatory requirements are introduced to requirements but also with the relevant international ensure any possible risk of non-compliance with requirements applicable to the group. In this regard, applicable laws, regulations and supervisory the board requires that the compliance risks associated requirements are addressed. with the group’s business activities are clearly directed, ! Compliance risk management: Compliance risk assessed, challenged, managed, controlled and reported management plans serve as a management tool, on, as required by the regulators and international outlining the compliance risks that the business standards. units or support functions are exposed to and controls implemented to manage and mitigate Compliance risk is inherent in the group’s business those risks. endeavours and represents the risk that non-adherence ! Compliance risk monitoring: Compliance risks are to regulatory requirements and expectations of key monitored and tracked by various parties, includ- stakeholders can expose the group to fines, civil claims, ing regulators, internal audit and management. loss of authorisation to operate and an inability to No financial penalties, regulatory censure or enforce contracts, as well as reputational damage. public reprimands were imposed on the group during the 2013 financial year. 6.2 Approach to compliance ! Compliance risk reporting: Compliance reports are submitted to governance committees The responsibility to facilitate compliance risk man- attended by directors, executive officers and agement throughout the group has been assigned management. to the Chief compliance officer who manages the ! Awareness and training: Steps are taken to compliance function. The compliance function identifies, advise employees and to train them on aspects assesses, advises, monitors and reports on the regulatory of relevant regulatory requirements. 30 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

6.4 Key activities undertaken by money laundering and training relating to anti-money laun- compliance dering and anti-terrorist financing regulatory requirements. The key activities undertaken by money laundering ! Customer and payment screening: The customer compliance to support the directors, executive officers, monitoring systems ensured that the risk of management and employees in discharging their entering into a relationship with a sanctioned responsibilities in respect of the risk of money laun- person is low. dering and terrorist financing include the following: ! Reporting: Money laundering compliance reports ! Governance and oversight: Money laundering are submitted to the various governance forums, compliance set policies and provided guidance and if required, to the regulators. 31

Group annual financial statements

for the year ended 30 June 2013 Index

Statement of responsibility by the board of directors 32

Corporate governance statement 33

Independent auditor’s report 36

Directors’ report 37

Consolidated and separate statements of comprehensive income 43

Consolidated and separate statements of financial position 44

Consolidated and separate statements of changes in equity 45

Consolidated and separate statements of cash flows 46

Notes to the consolidated financial statements 47 32 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


for the year ended 30 June 2013

The directors are responsible for the preparation, integ- T o the best of their knowledge and belief, based on rity and objectivity of the financial statements that the above, the directors are satisfied that no material fairly present the state of affairs of the company and breakdown in the operation of the systems of internal the group at the end of the financial year, the net in- control and procedures has occurred during the year come and cash flow for the year and other information under review. contained in this report. The group consistently adopts appropriate and recog- To enable the directors to meet these responsibilities: nised accounting policies and these are supported by – the board and management set standards and reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates on a consistent basis. management implements systems of internal control, accounting and information systems The financial statements presented on pages 37 to 131 aimed at providing reasonable assurance that have been prepared in accordance with the provisions assets are safeguarded and the risk of error, fraud of the Namibian Companies Act and comply with or loss is reduced in a cost-effective manner. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These controls, contained in established policies and procedures, include the proper delegation The directors have no reason to believe that the of responsibilities and authorities within a clearly company and the group as a whole will not be going defined framework, effective accounting pro- concerns in the year ahead, based on forecasts and cedures and adequate segregation of duties; available cash resources. These financial statements have – the group’s internal audit function, which op- accordingly been prepared on a going concern basis. erates unimpeded and independently from operational management, and has unrestricted The financial statements have been audited by the access to the various group Board, audit, risk and independent auditing firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, compliance committees, appraises, evaluates and, who was given unrestricted access to all financial records and related data, including minutes of all meetings of when necessary, recommends improvements in shareholders, the board of directors and committees of the systems of internal control and accounting the board. The directors believe that all representations practices, based on audit plans that take cogni- made to the independent auditor during the audit were sance of the relative degrees of risk of each func- valid and appropriate. The independent auditor’s report tion or aspect of the business; and is presented on page 36. – the Board, audit, risk and compliance committees of group subsidiaries, together with the external The financial statements, set out on pages 37 to 131, and internal auditors, play an integral role in were authorised and approved for issue by the board matters relating to financial and internal control, of directors on 11 September 2013 and are signed on accounting policies, reporting and disclosure. their behalf:

J C Brandt C P de Vries Chairman Managing Director 33


Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd and its subsidiaries Responsibilities of the board include the establishment, (the group) are committed to the principles of corporate review and monitoring of strategic objectives, approval governance which are characterised by discipline, trans- of major acquisitions, disposals and capital expenditure parency, independence, accountability, responsibility, and overseeing the group’s systems of internal control, fairness and social responsibility. By subscribing to governance and risk management. A schedule of matters these principles, the group believes that all stakeholders’ reserved for the board’s decision details key aspects interests are promoted, including the creation of long- of the group’s affairs that the board does not delegate, term shareholder value. including, amongst others, the approval of business plans and budgets, material expenditure and alterations The board and its subcommittees are responsible for to share capital. ensuring the appropriate application of governance practices and principles contained in the King Report Board leadership and composition on Corporate Governance (King II). The board believes The board should provide leadership and vision to the that, to the best of its knowledge, the group complies group in a way that will enhance share owner value and with the principles contained in King II. The board ensure long-term sustainable development and growth. manages corporate governance through the Board, audit, risk and compliance committee, which monitors There are two key tasks at the head of a group, namely the group’s compliance with relevant corporate the running of the board and the executive respon- governance principles and reports any findings directly sibility for the running of the group’s business. There to the board. should be a clear division of responsibilities at the head of the group to ensure a balance of power and 1. Board of directors authority, such that no one individual has unfettered powers of decision-making. Based on this principle, the The board plays a pivotal role in the group’s corporate roles of the chairman and managing director do not vest governance system. An overriding principle with regard in the same person. to the board’s deliberations and approach to corporate governance is that of intellectual honesty. The company has a unitary board, consisting of executive, non-executive and independent directors. The board, as constituted by the Companies Act, is Representation of independent directors on the board governed by the board charter. The purpose of this is required and adhered to. charter is to regulate how business is to be conducted by the board in accordance with the principles of good The size of the board is dictated by the company’s corporate governance. The charter also sets out the articles of association which requires a minimum of specific responsibilities to be discharged by the board five directors. Currently, eleven members constitute the members collectively and the individual roles expected board at group level, with one executive director and from them. five independent non-executive directors.

Role of the board Board committees and attendance at meetings An important role of the board is to define the purpose The meeting programme is approved by the board of the group, which is its strategic intent and objectives annually and there should be no less than four meetings as a business enterprise and its values, which constitute per year. The board as a whole remains responsible its organisational behaviour and norms to achieve its for the operations of the group, but in order to assist in purpose. Both the purpose and the values should be discharging its responsibilities, it delegates certain clear, concise and achievable. The board should also functions to subcommittees established by the board. ensure that procedures and practices are in place that All committees act within agreed, written terms of protect the group’s assets and reputation. The group’s reference and are chaired by a non-executive director. strategy is considered and agreed annually, prior to the The attendance at meetings during the financial year approval of the annual budget. was as follows: 34 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Board committees and attendance at meetings (continued)

Director Category Appointed Board of directors Board audit committee during Seven meetings One meeting held the year held during the year during the year

J C Brandt Non-executive 5 Chair J J Swanepoel Non-executive 7 1 Chair C P de Vries Executive 7 K B Black Independent non-executive 6 1 J M Shaetonhodi Non-executive 6 1 G Nakazibwe-Sekandi Non-executive 6 1 M K Shikongo Independent non-executive 7 1 M J Prinsloo Non-executive 4 March 2013 1 E M Schimming-Chase Independent non-executive 4 March 2013 2 E Knouwds Independent non-executive 28 March 2013 2 F J du Toit Independent non-executive 28 March 2013 2

Board members are required to observe the require- the group’s environment and markets, which shall ments of Section 242 of the Companies Act dealing with include changes and trends in the economic, political, disclosures of interests and, where appropriate, board social and legal climate. members should recuse themselves from discussions or decisions on matters of potential conflict, unless resolved Access to independent advice otherwise by the chairman or by the remaining members The company secretary is available to provide assistance of the board. No conflicts of interests were observed and information on governance and corporate admin- during the reporting period. istration to the directors as appropriate. The directors may also seek advice on such matters, or on other Appointments business-related matters, directly from independent Procedures for appointments to the board are formal professional advisors should they so wish. This is in add- and transparent. Members of the board are recom- mended by the CIH Group Board Nominations and ition to the advice provided by independent advisors to Remuneration Committee (Remco) which receives its the committees of the board. No requests for external mandate from the board of Bank Windhoek Holdings professional advice were received during the year. Ltd. Remco is chaired by Mr F J du Toit, an independent non-executive director, and the majority of members are 2. Internal control non-executive. The group maintains systems of internal control over New board members will only hold office until the financial reporting and over the safeguarding of assets next annual general meeting at which time they will against unauthorised acquisition, use or disposition. retire and become available for re-election. Executive These are designed to provide reasonable assurance directors will be engaged on employment contracts, to the group and each subsidiary’s management and subject to short-term notice periods, unless longer board of directors regarding the preparation of reliable periods are approved by the board. published financial statements and the safeguarding On appointment, non-executive directors will have the of the group’s assets. An approved business continuity benefit of an induction programme aimed at deepening plan (BCP) is in place which is tested annually. The their understanding of the group and the business directors representing Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd environment and markets in which the group operates, on the boards of entities over which Bank Windhoek which includes background material, meetings with Holdings Ltd does not have control, and which are not senior management and visits to the group‘s facilities. included in the BCP, will seek assurance that significant All board members are expected to keep themselves risks pertaining to these entities are managed and any abreast of changes and trends in the business and in system of internal control is operating effectively. 35


The systems include a documented organisational scope of work, as well as the 2013 annual audit and structure and division of responsibility, established agreed on the applicable levels of materiality. Based on policies and procedures which are communicated written reports submitted, the committee reviewed, throughout the group, and the proper training and with the external auditor, the findings of their work development of its people. and confirmed that all significant matters had been satisfactorily resolved. The independent internal audit function is an inde- pendent and objective review and consulting function The committee has also assessed the external auditor’s created to add value and improve systems of internal independence and has concluded that the external control. It helps the group to accomplish its objectives auditor’ s independence was not impaired during the by systematically reviewing current processes, using a reporting period and up to the date of signing of the disciplined approach to establish the appropriateness of consolidated financial statements. controls, the risk management process, the management control process and the governance process. Non-audit services received and fees paid during the financial year are as follows: There are inherent limitations in the effectiveness of any system of internal control, including the possibility Type of Fees paid of human error and the circumvention or overriding of non-audit (excl. VAT) controls. Accordingly, even an effective internal control service N$'000 system can provide only reasonable, and not absolute, assurance with respect to financial statement prepar- PricewaterhouseCoopers Bank Windhoek ation and the safeguarding of assets. Furthermore, the Holdings Ltd 1,240 effectiveness of an internal control system can change listing fee with circ*mstances. Total 1,240

The group assesses its internal control systems on a continuous basis in relation to effective internal control It is the external auditor’s responsibility to report on over financial reporting. Based on its assessment, the whether the financial statements are fairly presented group believes that, as at 30 June 2013 its systems in all material respects in accordance with the applic- of internal control over financial reporting and over able frameworks and their audit opinion is included on safeguarding of assets against unauthorised acquisitions, page 36. use or disposition, were adequate.

3. External auditor 4. Code of ethics

The external audit policy, as approved by the BARC, As part of its corporate governance practice and to governs the work performed by the external auditor, encourage an environment where loyalty, integrity and both from an audit and non-audit perspective. The BARC trust prevails, all directors and employees are required approved the external auditor’s terms of engagement, to abide to the group’s code of ethics. 36 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


to the members of Bank Windhoek Holdings Limited

We have audited the group annual financial statements making those risk assessments, the auditor considers and annual financial statements of Bank Windhoek internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation Holdings Ltd, which comprise the consolidated and fair presentation of the financial statements in and separate statements of financial position as at order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in 30 June 2013, and the consolidated and separate the circ*mstances, but not for the purpose of expressing statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary control. An audit also includes evaluating the appro- of significant accounting policies and other explanatory priateness of accounting policies used and the reason- information, and the directors’ report, as set out on ableness of accounting estimates made by management, pages 37 to 131. as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Directors’ responsibility for the financial statements The company’s directors are responsible for the We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained preparation and fair presentation of these financial is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our statements in accordance with International Financial audit opinion. Reporting Standards and in the manner required by the Companies Act of Namibia, and for such internal Opinion control as directors determine is necessary to enable the In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, preparation of financial statements that are free from in all material respects, the consolidated and separate material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. financial position of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd as at 30 June 2013, and its consolidated and separate Auditor’s responsibility financial performance and its consolidated and separate Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these cash flows for the year then ended in accordance financial statements based on our audit. We conducted with International Financial Reporting Standards and our audit in accordance with International Standards on requirements of the Companies Act of Namibia. Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. PricewaterhouseCoopers Registered Accountants and Auditors An audit involves performing procedures to obtain Chartered Accountants (Namibia) audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in Per: Louis van der Riet the financial statements. The procedures selected Partner depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Windhoek financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In 11 September 2013 37

DIRECTORS’ REPORT for the year ended 30 June 2013

The directors herewith submit their report with the Registered address of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd: annual financial statements of the company (Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd) and the group for the year 5th floor ended 30 June 2013. CIH House Kasino Street 1. General review Windhoek Namibia Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd is a Namibian registered investment holding company and has been listed on Company registration number: 96/300 the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) since 20 June 2013. Its investments comprise 100% shareholdings in Bank Country of incorporation: Windhoek Ltd, Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd and Welwitschia Republic of Namibia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd, all unlisted entities. The company has 29.5% shareholding in Sanlam Namibia 3. Financial results and dividends Holdings (Pty) Ltd and 28% in Santam Namibia Ltd.

The directors report that the group’s net profit after 2. Business activities taxation from the above business activities for the year ended 30 June 2013 amounted to: The following business activities are conducted through 2013 2012 the company’s subsidiaries and associates:

Subsidiaries: Profit for the year 493,271 402,611

! Bank Windhoek Ltd Normal dividends of N$149.5 million (2012: N$113.3 – Banking million) were declared and paid during the year ! Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd under review. Refer to note 37 for details on dividends – Insurance broking per share. ! Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd – Property development Full details of the financial results of the company and ! BWH Group Employee Share Ownership Trust the group are set out on pages 43 to131. – Special purpose entity for share incentive scheme ! BWH Group Employee Share Benefit Trust 4. Share capital – Special purpose entity for share incentive scheme

4.1 Ordinary shares Subsidiaries of Bank Windhoek Ltd:

The company was incorporated with an authorised Ÿ Bank Windhoek Nominees (Pty) Ltd ordinary share capital of 150,000,000 ordinary shares – Custodian of third party investments with a par value of 10 cents per share. The ordinary Ÿ Intellect Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd shares were authorised in 2008. On 2 April 2013 the – Proprietor of Bank Windhoek trademark company split every authorised ordinary share of Ÿ BW Finance (Pty) Ltd 10 cents each into four ordinary shares of 2.5 cents each. – Micro lending As part of the listing Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd Ÿ Bank Windhoek Properties (Pty) Ltd issued 41,280,000 new ordinary shares. – Property investment For full details on the changes to issued ordinary share Associates: capital refer to note 32.

Ÿ Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd 4.2 Preference shares – Long-term insurance Ÿ Santam Namibia Ltd The company had 1,000,000 preference shares of 1 cent – Short-term Insurance each that were authorised in 2008. 38 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


for the year ended 30 June 2013

4.2 Preference shares (continued) For full details on the issued preference share capital and the change to issued preference share capital refer to note 26.

4.3 Share analysis – ordinary shares

The following shareholders have a beneficial interest of five percent or more of the issued ordinary shares of the company at year-end: 2013 2012

Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd 57.6% 72.1% Nam-mic Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd 9.6% 10.5% Namibia Strategic Investments (Pty) Ltd 7.4% 7.6%

4.4 Share analysis – preference shares

Bank Windhoek Corporate Fund 46.7% 50.0% Bank Windhoek Selekt Fund 36.7% 50.0% Santam Namibia Ltd 16.6% -

4.5 Share trusts

With effect from 12 June 2013, the BWH Group Employee share as reported on the NSX over the preceding Share Ownership Trust and the BWH Group Employee twelve months. Share Benefit Trust are under the control of Bank ! Participants are granted an interest-free loan repay- Windhoek Holdings Ltd. Before the effective date, the able over 9 years to finance the acquisition. share trusts were controlled by Capricorn Investment ! Participants can only freely trade shares acquired Holdings Ltd, Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd’s ultimate from the trust after settlement of the interest free holding company. loan and after a minimum holding period. ! Where employment is terminated within such min- The BWH Group Employee Share Benefit Trust is intended imum holding period, the trust has an option to re- as an incentive to employees on lower job levels to acquire the shares at original price. promote the continued growth of the group by giving ! The shares can be sold, (should the portion of the them an opportunity to share in dividends distributed loan be repaid for shares purchased on interest-free by the company. loan), as per the following conditions: – one-third of the shares can be sold after a min- The BWH Group Employee Share Ownership Trust has imum period of three years from grant date; the following attributes: – the second third of the shares can be sold after a ! Employees are granted a limited right to purchase period of four years from grant date; and Bank Windhoek Holdings shares once a year in – the last third of the shares can be sold after a September. period of five years from grant date. ! The job level of the employee determines the maximum number of shares that the employee may Details of share-based payment charges relating to purchase. shares issued by the trusts to group employees in ! The purchase price is the lower of the ruling listed terms of IFRS 2: Share-based payments are reflected in price and the volume weighted average price of a note 34 to the annual financial statements. 39

DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

4.6 Directors’ interest in Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd

For details of the directors’ holdings in the issued ordinary shares of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd refer to note 41.10 to the annual financial statements.

5. Subsidiaries Details of the company’s interests

Issued ordinary Number Shares at cost Indebtedness share capital and of shares to / (from) premium and held subsidiaries proportion held 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$ '000 % '000 N$ '000 N$ '000 N$ '000 N$ '000

The following information relates to the company’s financial interests in its unlisted subsidiaries:

Subsidiaries of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd

Bank Windhoek Ltd 485,000 100 4,920 520,439 198,944 - (240)

Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd 1,300 100 0.31 8,847 8,847 - -

Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd 23,000 100 600 23,000 23,000 - -

552,286 230,791 - (240)

Subsidiaries of Bank Windhoek Ltd

Bank Windhoek Nominees (Pty) Ltd 0.1 100 0.1

Intellect Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd 3,000 100 1

BW Finance (Pty) Ltd 0.1 100 0.1

Bank Windhoek Properties (Pty) Ltd 1 100 1

All subsidiaries are registered in Namibia and have 30 June financial year-ends. Aggregate profits of subsidiaries are set out in note 20 to the annual financial statements. 40 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


for the year ended 30 June 2013

6. Associates

Issued ordinary Number Shares at cost Indebtedness share capital and of shares to / (from) premium and held subsidiaries proportion held 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$ '000 % ‘000 N$ '000 N$ '000 N$ '000 N$ '000

Santam Namibia Ltd 8,307 28 1,230 62,905 62,905 - -

Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd 160,665 29.5 30 47,290 47,290 - -

110,195 110,195 - -

All associates have 31 December financial year- ends. Management accounts as at 30 June 2013 have been used for equity accounting the share of results of associates for their half year ended 30 June 2013.

7. Joint ventures

Indirect holdings in jointly controlled entity and jointly controlled operations

The following information relates to the group’s financial interest in its jointly con- trolled entity: Namclear (Pty) Ltd 4,616 25 4 1,154 1,154 - -

Namclear (Pty) Ltd has a 31 December year-end.

The following information relates to the group’s financial interest in its jointly con- trolled operations: Proportion held The Tourvest Namibia (Pty) Ltd / Bank Windhoek Ltd Joint Venture 50%

8. Holding company and ultimate holding company

The company is a subsidiary of Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd (CIH), a company registered in Namibia. This is also the company’s ultimate holding company. 41

DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

9. Insurance

Comprehensive insurance cover is in place as required by the Bank of Namibia BID 14 – ‘Determinations on minimum insurance for banking institutions’.

10. Management by third party

No business of the company or any part thereof or of a subsidiary has been managed by a third person or a company in which a director has an interest.

11. Directors and company secretary

The Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd board composition during the year was as follows:

Non-executive Nationality Date appointed

J C Brandt Chairman Namibian 5 September 1996 J J Swanepoel Vice-chairman Namibian 1 July 1999 K B Black Namibian 13 June 2007 G Nakazibwe-Sekandi Ugandan 30 November 2004 J M Shaetonhodi Namibian 1 November 2006 M K Shikongo Namibian 27 November 2001 M J Prinsloo South African 4 March 2013 E M Schimming-Chase Namibian 4 March 2013 E Knouwds Namibian 28 March 2013 F J du Toit South African 28 March 2013


C P de Vries Managing Director South African 1 June 2011

At the annual general meeting held on 6 December 2012, H G von Ludwiger was the company secretary during the J C Brandt and K B Black were unanimously re-elected year under review. The business and postal addresses of as directors. All directors appointed since last year’s the company secretary are: annual general meeting have to be confirmed at the next annual general meeting. CIH House P O Box 15 The authorised but unissued number of ordinary and Kasino Street Windhoek preference shares of the company, exclusive of the Windhoek Namibia number of ordinary shares reserved for purposes of the Namibia share incentive scheme as at that date and subject to the provisions of sections 229 and 230 of the Namibian Companies Act and approval of the Namibian Stock 12. Directors’ interests Exchange, are under the control of the directors of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd. This authority expires at the forthcoming annual general meeting on The directors’ interests are reflected in the Corporate 29 October 2013, when this authority can be renewed. governance statement. 42 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


for the year ended 30 June 2013

13. Auditors

PricewaterhouseCoopers will continue in office as The Memorandum of association has been amended auditor, until the next annual general meeting, in by the substitution of clause 8(a)(i) with ‘600,000,000 (six accordance with the Companies Act of Namibia. hundred million) ordinary par value shares of N$0.025 (two and a half cents) each.’ 14. Special resolutions The split of each issued ordinary share with a par value The following special resolutions have been adopted of N$0.10 (ten cents) into four ordinary shares with at the general meeting held on 8 March 2013: a par value of N$0.025 (two and a half cents) each 1. Revised articles of association and to approve the replacement of all existing share 2. Approval of 4:1 share-split of all ordinary shares. certificates for ordinary shares with a par value of N$0.10 with new share certificates with the new par The authorised share capital of the company of value of N$0.025. N$15,010,000 (fifteen million and ten thousand Namibian dollar) divided into 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty 15. Events subsequent to year-end million) ordinary par value shares of N$0.10 (ten cents) each and 1,000,000 (one million) cumulative redeemable The company acquired Capricorn Unit Trust Manage- preference par value shares of N$0.01 (one cent) each, ment Company (CUTM) effective 1 July 2013 for a was changed to N$15,010,000 (fifteen million and ten purchase consideration of N$64.75 million. Refer to thousand Namibian dollar) divided into 600,000,000 note 47 for further details on the CUTM transaction. (six hundred million) ordinary par value shares of No other matter which is material to the financial affairs N$0.025 (two and a half cents) each and 1,000,000 of the company and group has occurred between (one million) cumulative redeemable preference par year-end and the date of approval of the financial value shares of N$0.01 (one cent) each. statements. 43


Group Company Notes 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Interest and similar income 1,708,096 1,525,912 - -

Interest and similar expenses (793,642) (742,854) - -

Net interest income 5 914,454 783,058 - -

Impairment charges on loans and advances 6 (26,803) (25,243) - -

Net interest income after loan impairment charges 887,651 757,815 - -

Non-interest income 7 523,191 463,332 207,151 163,706

Operating income 1,410,842 1,221,147 207,151 163,706

Operating expenses 9 (762,759) (706,511) (12,308) (13,810)

Operating profit 648,083 514,636 194,843 149,896

Share of joint ventures’ results after tax 22 1,191 2,002 - -

Share of associates’ results after tax 10 60,445 53,343 - -

Profit before income tax 709,719 569,981 194,843 149,896

Income tax expense 11 (216,448) (167,370) (222) (74)

Profit for the year 493,271 402,611 194,621 149,822

Other comprehensive income Items of other comprehensive income to be recycled Net gains on available-for-sale financial assets 16 22,359 14,035 - -

Total comprehensive income for the year 515,630 416,646 194,621 149,822

Profit is attributable to:

Equity holders of the group and company 493,271 399,803 194,621 149,822

Non-controlling interests - 2,808 - -

493,271 402,611 194,621 149,822

Total comprehensive income is attributable to:

Equity holders of the group and company 515,630 413,838 194,621 149,822

Non-controlling interests - 2,808 - -

515,630 416,646 194,621 149,822

Earnings per ordinary share (cents) 12 108 89 Fully diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents) 108 89 44 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Group Company Notes 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000


Cash and balances with the central bank 13 852,636 881,059 169,625 19,506 Derivative financial instruments 14 12,188 - - - Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 15 1,493,165 1,523,800 54,012 114,225 Investment securities 16 120,446 351,698 - - Due from other banks 17 251,355 211,032 - - Loans and advances to customers 18 17,651,962 15,484,932 - - Other assets 19 189,704 140,237 8,177 2,110 Current tax asset 7,953 3,635 106 300 Investment in subsidiaries 20 - - 552,286 230,791 Investment in associates 21 191,999 175,997 110,195 111,983 Interest in joint ventures 22 4,286 5,095 - - Intangible assets 23 28,987 10,651 - - Property, plant and equipment 24 129,486 127,450 - - Deferred tax asset 30 4,441 5,464 - -

Total assets 20,938,608 18,921,050 894,401 478,915


Derivative financial instruments 14 7,792 699 - - Due to other banks 25 166,959 237,611 - - Debt securities in issue 26 1,323,976 917,322 150,801 153,970 Deposits from customers 27 13,022,976 12,126,619 - - Other deposits 28 3,511,815 3,398,657 - - Other liabilities 29 229,079 206,252 2,295 1,726 Current tax liability - 584 - - Deferred tax liability 30 45,247 140,708 - - Post-employment benefits 31 6,706 5,539 - -

Total liabilities 18,314,550 17,033,991 153,096 155,696


Share capital and premium 32 466,745 102,114 475,116 102,114 Non-distributable reserves 35 149,877 135,075 - - Distributable reserves 36 2,007,436 1,649,870 266,189 221,105

Total shareholders’ equity 2,624,058 1,887,059 741,305 323,219

Total equity and liabilities 20,938,608 18,921,050 894,401 478,915 45


Share Non-distributable Distributable reserves Non- Total capital and reserves controlling equity premium interests

Notes Insurance Credit SBCR* Fair General Retained fund risk value banking earnings reserve reserve reserve reserve N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000


Balance at 1 July 2011 86,945 28,617 87,449 - 17,193 1,132,299 212,527 7,823 1,572,853 Issue of shares 32 15,169 ------15,169 Total comprehensive income for the year - - - - 14,035 - 399,803 2,808 416,646 Profit for the year ------399,803 2,808 402,611 Other comprehensive income - - - - 14,035 - - - 14,035 Share based payment charges 36 - - - 7,276 - - - - 7,276 Transfer between reserves - - 19,009 - - 198,915 (217,924) - - Dividends for 2012 37 ------(113,119) (224) (113,343) Business combination ------(1,135) (10,407) (11,542)

Balance at 30 June 2012 102,114 28,617 106,458 7,276 31,228 1,331,214 280,152 - 1,887,059

Balance at 1 July 2012 102,114 28,617 106,458 7,276 31,228 1,331,214 280,152 - 1,887,059 Issue of shares 32 373,002 ------373,002 Shares held by the BWH Group Employee Share Ownership Trust 32 (8,371) ------(8,371) Acquisition of control over share trusts 46 ------4,631 - 4,631 Total comprehensive income for the year - - - - 22,359 - 493,271 - 515,630 Profit for the year ------493,271 - 493,271 Other comprehensive income - - - - 22,359 - - - 22,359 Share based payment charges 36 - - - 1,644 - - - - 1,644 Transfer between reserves - - 14,802 - - 257,620 (272,422) - - Dividends for 2013 37 ------(149,537) - (149,537)

Balance at 30 June 2013 466,745 28,617 121,260 8,920 53,587 1,588,834 356,095 - 2,624,058


Balance at 1 July 2011 86,945 - - - - - 184,402 - 271,347 Issue of shares 32 15,169 ------15,169 Total comprehensive income for the year ------149,822 - 149,822 Dividends for 2012 37 ------(113,119) - (113,119)

Balance at 30 June 2012 102,114 - - - - - 221,105 - 323,219

Balance at 1 July 2012 102,114 - - - - - 221,105 - 323,219 Issue of shares 32 373,002 ------373,002 Total comprehensive income for the year ------194,621 - 194,621 Dividends for 2013 37 ------(149,537) - (149,537)

Balance at 30 June 2013 475,116 - - - - - 266,189 - 741,305

*Share-based compensation reserve (SBCR) 46 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 30 June 2013 Group Company Notes 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash receipts from customers 38.1 2,203,723 1,964,167 696 9,117 Cash paid to customers, suppliers and employees 38.2 (1,449,413) (1,347,841) (2,636) (4,150) Cash generated from operations 38.3 754,310 616,326 (1,940) 4,967

Net decrease / (increase) in financial assets designated at fair value 314,589 (114,565) - - Net increase in loans and advances to customers and banks (2,212,675) (2,531,063) - - Net (increase) / decrease in other assets (46,639) 63,055 (6,067) (6) Net increase in other deposits 113,158 209,751 - - Net increase in deposits from customers 896,357 2,273,942 - - Net increase / (decrease) in other liabilities 22,826 (9,575) 569 (82) Net cash generated from operations (158,074) 507,871 (7,438) 4,879 Dividends received 46,288 43,325 206,455 154,589 Income taxes paid 38.4 (315,788) (165,914) (28) (79)

Net cash (utilised in) / generated from operating activities (427,574) 385,282 198,989 159,389

Cash flows from investing activities

Additions to property, plant and equipment 24 (30,888) (27,060) - - Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment 490 478 - - Additions to intangible assets 23 (21,518) - - - Proceeds on disposal of subsidiary - 14,034 - - Proceeds on disposal of associate 43 1,500 - 1,500 - Additions to investment in subsidiaries - (5,389) (321,495) (5,389) Additions in investment in associates - (12,133) - (12,133) Proceeds on maturity of endowment policy 16 271,113 - - - Distribution of profits from jointly controlled operations 22 2,000 4,000 - - Net cash generated from / (utilised in) investing activities 222,697 (26,070) (319,995) (17,522)

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from the issue of ordinary shares 32 373,002 15,169 373,002 15,169 Repayment of debt securities in issue 26 (363,720) (155,140) (162,553) (9,622) Proceeds from the issue of debt securities 26 698,295 243,912 150,000 - Dividends paid 37 (149,537) (113,343) (149,537) (113,119) Net cash generated from / (utilised in) financing activities 558,040 (9,402) 210,912 (107,572)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 353,163 349,810 89,906 34,295 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1,205,158 855,348 133,731 99,436 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 40 1,558,321 1,205,158 223,637 133,731 47


1. Basis of presentation

Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd group’s annual financial which is the functional and presentation currency of statements have been prepared in accordance with both the group and the company. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRIC interpretations issued by the IASB effective at the 1.3.1 Standards and interpretations issued affecting time of preparing these statements. The consolidated amounts reported and disclosures in the financial statements have been prepared under the current year historical cost convention, as modified by the revalu- ation of available-for-sale financial assets, financial Amendment to IAS 12, ‘Income taxes’ on deferred tax assets and financial liabilities held at fair value through Currently IAS 12, ‘Income taxes’, requires an entity to profit or loss and all derivative contracts. measure the deferred tax relating to an asset depending on whether the entity expects to recover the carrying The preparation of financial statements in conformity amount of the asset through use or sale. It can be with IFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting difficult and subjective to assess whether recovery estimates. It also requires management to exercise will be through use or through sale when the asset their judgement in the process of applying the group’s is measured using the fair value model in IAS 40, accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree Investment Property. Hence this amendment introduces of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions an exception to the existing principle for the measure- and estimates are significant to the consolidated finan- ment of deferred tax assets or liabilities arising on in- cial statements, are disclosed in note 4. vestment property measured at fair value. As a result of the amendments, SIC 21, ‘Income taxes – recovery 1.1 Going concern of revalued non-depreciable assets’, would no longer apply to investment properties carried at fair value. The group’s forecasts and projections, taking account The amendments also incorporate into IAS 12 the of reasonably possible changes in trading performance, remaining guidance previously contained in SIC 21, show that the group should be able to operate within which is accordingly withdrawn. the level of its current financing. The group continues to adopt the going concern basis in preparing its con- Amendments to IAS 1, ‘Presentation of financial solidated financial statements. statements’, on presentation of items of OCI The IASB has issued an amendment to IAS 1, ‘Presenta- 1.2 Functional and presentation currency tion of financial statements’. The main change resulting from these amendments is a requirement for entities Items included in the financial statements of each of to group items presented in other comprehensive the group’s entities are measured using the currency of income (OCI) on the basis of whether they are poten- the primary economic environment in which the entity tially reclassifiable to profit or loss subsequently (re- operates (‘the functional currency’). The consolidated classification adjustments). The amendments do not financial statements are presented in Namibian dollar, address which items are presented in OCI. 48 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

1.3.2 Standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective Effective date These amendments are not expected to have a significant impact on the financial statements.

Amendment to IFRS 1, ‘First time adoption’ on government loans This amendment addresses how a first-time adopter would account for a government loan Annual periods with a below-market rate of interest when transitioning to IFRS. It also adds an exception commencing on or to the retrospective application of IFRS, which provides the same relief to first-time after 1 January 2013 adopters granted to existing preparers of IFRS financial statements when the requirement was incorporated into IAS 20 in 2008.

Amendment to IFRS 7, ‘Financial instruments: Disclosures – asset and liability offsetting’ The IASB has published an amendment to IFRS 7, ‘Financial instruments: Disclosures’, Annual periods reflecting the joint requirements with the FASB to enhance current offsetting disclosures. commencing on or These new disclosures are intended to facilitate comparison between those entities that after 1 January 2013 prepare IFRS financial statements to those that prepare financial statements in accordance with US GAAP.

IAS 19, ‘Employee benefits’ The IASB has issued an amendment to IAS 19, ‘Employee benefits’, which makes significant Annual periods changes to the recognition and measurement of defined benefit pension expense and commencing on or termination benefits, and to the disclosures for all employee benefits. after 1 January 2013

IFRS 9 – ‘Financial instruments (2009)’ This IFRS is part of the IASB’s project to replace IAS 39. IFRS 9 addresses classification and Annual periods measurement of financial assets and replaces the multiple classification and measurement commencing on or models in IAS 39 with a single model that has only two classification categories: Amortised after 1 January 2015 cost and fair value.

IFRS 9 – ‘Financial instruments (2010)’ The IASB has updated IFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’ to include guidance on financial Annual periods liabilities and derecognition of financial instruments. The accounting and presentation for commencing on or financial liabilities and for derecognising financial instruments have been relocated from after 1 January 2015 IAS 39, ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’, without change, except for financial liabilities that are designated at fair value through profit or loss.

Amendments to IFRS 9 – ‘Financial instruments (2011)’ The IASB has published an amendment to IFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’, that delays the Annual periods effective date to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015. The original commencing on or effective date was for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. This amend- after 1 January 2015 ment is a result of the board extending its timeline for completing the remaining phases of its project to replace IAS 39 (for example, impairment and hedge accounting) beyond June 2011, as well as the delay in the insurance project. The amendment confirms the importance of allowing entities to apply the requirements of all the phases of the project to replace IAS 39 at the same time. The requirement to restate comparatives and the disclosures required on transition have also been modified.

IFRS 10 – ’Consolidated financial statements’ This standard builds on existing principles by identifying the concept of control as the Annual periods determining factor in whether an entity should be included within the consolidated commencing on or financial statements. The standard provides additional guidance to assist in determining after 1 January 2013 control where this is difficult to assess. This new standard might impact the entities that a group consolidates as its subsidiaries. 49

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

1.3.2 Standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective (continued) Effective date IFRS 11 – ‘Joint arrangements’ This standard provides for a more realistic reflection of joint arrangements by focusing Annual periods on the rights and obligations of the arrangement, rather than its legal form. There are commencing on or two types of joint arrangements: joint operations and joint ventures. Joint operations after 1 January 2013 arise where a joint operator has rights to the assets and obligations relating to the arrangement and hence accounts for its interest in assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. Joint ventures arise where the joint operator has rights to the net assets of the arrange- ment and hence equity accounts for its interest. Proportional consolidation of joint ventures is no longer allowed.

IFRS 12 – ‘Disclosures of interests in other entities’ This standard includes the disclosure requirements for all forms of interests in other Annual periods entities, including joint arrangements, associates, special purpose vehicles and other commencing on or off-statement-of-financial-position vehicles. after 1 January 2013

IFRS 13 – ‘Fair value measurement’ This standard aims to improve consistency and reduce complexity by providing a precise Annual periods definition of fair value and a single source of fair value measurement and disclosure commencing on or requirements for use across IFRSs. The requirements, which are largely aligned between after 1 January 2013 IFRSs and US GAAP, do not extend the use of fair value accounting but provide guidance on how it should be applied where its use is already required or permitted by other standards within IFRSs or US GAAP.

IAS 27 (Revised 2011) – ‘Separate financial statements’ This standard includes the provisions on separate financial statements that are left after Annual periods the control provisions of IAS 27 have been included in the new IFRS 10. commencing on or after 1 January 2013 IAS 28 (Revised 2011) – ‘Associates and joint ventures’ This standard includes the requirements for joint ventures, as well as associates, to be Annual periods equity accounted following the issue of IFRS 11. commencing on or after 1 January 2013 Amendments to IAS 32 – ‘Financial instruments: Presentation’ The IASB has issued amendments to the application guidance in IAS 32, ‘Financial instru- Annual periods ments: Presentation’, that clarify some of the requirements for offsetting financial assets commencing on or and financial liabilities on the statement of financial position. However, the clarified after 1 January 2014 offsetting requirements for amounts presented in the statement of financial position continue to be different from US GAAP.

Amendment to the transition requirements in IFRS 10, ‘Consolidated financial statements’, IFRS 11, ‘Joint arrangements’, and IFRS 12, ‘Disclosure of interests in other entities’ The amendment clarifies that the date of initial application is the first day of the annual Annual periods period in which IFRS 10 is adopted, for example, 1 January 2013 for a calendar-year entity commencing on or that adopts IFRS 10 in 2013. Entities adopting IFRS 10 should assess control at the date of after 1 January 2013 initial application; the treatment of comparative figures depends on this assessment.

The amendment also requires certain comparative disclosures under IFRS 12 upon transition. 50 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

1.3.2 Standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective (continued) Effective date Amendments to IFRS 10, ‘Consolidated financial statements’, IFRS 12 and IAS 27 for investment entities The amendments mean that many funds and similar entities will be exempt from consoli- Annual periods dating most of their subsidiaries. Instead they will measure them at fair value through commencing on or profit or loss. The amendments give an exception to entities that meet an ‘investment after 1 January 2014 entity’ definition and which display particular characteristics. Changes have also been made in IFRS 12 to introduce disclosures that an investment entity needs to make.

IFRIC 20 – Stripping costs in the production phase of a surface mine In surface mining operations, entities may find it necessary to remove mine waste materials Annual periods (‘overburden’) to gain access to mineral ore deposits. This waste removal activity is commencing on or known as ‘stripping’. The interpretation clarifies there can be two benefits accruing to an after 1 January 2013 entity from stripping activity: usable ore that can be used to produce inventory and improved access to further quantities of material that will be mined in future periods. The interpretation considers when and how to account separately for these two benefits arising from the stripping activity, as well as how to measure these benefits both initially and subsequently.

2. Summary of significant accounting policies

The principal accounting policies applied in the prep- and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a aration of these consolidated financial statements are set business combination are measured initially at their out below. These policies have been consistently applied fair values at the acquisition date. The group recognises to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated: any non-controlling interest in the acquiree at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the 2.1 Consolidation acquiree’s net assets.

The excess of the consideration transferred, the amount 2.1.1 Subsidiaries of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and Subsidiaries are all entities (including special purpose the acquisition date fair value of any previous equity entities) over which the group has the power to govern interest in the acquiree over the fair value of the the financial and operating policies generally accom- group’s share of the identifiable net assets acquired panying a shareholding of more than one half of the are recorded as goodwill. If this is less than the fair voting rights. The existence and effect of potential voting value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired in the rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are case of a bargain purchase, the difference is recognised considered when assessing whether the group controls directly in the statement of comprehensive income. another entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealised group. They are deconsolidated from the date that gains on transactions between group companies are control ceases. eliminated. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of impairment of the The group uses the acquisition method of accounting to asset transferred. Accounting policies of subsidiaries account for business combinations. The consideration have been changed where necessary to ensure consist- transferred for the acquisition of a subsidiary is the ency with the policies adopted by the group. fair value of the assets transferred, the liabilities incurred and the equity interests issued by the group. The In the company, investments in subsidiaries are ac- consideration transferred includes the fair value of counted for at cost less impairment. Cost is adjusted to any asset or liability resulting from a contingent reflect changes in consideration arising from contingent consideration arrangement. Acquisition-related costs consideration amendments. Cost also includes direct are expensed as incurred. Identifiable assets acquired attributable costs of investment. 51

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.1.2 Common control transactions losses on disposals to non-controlling interests are also A common control transaction is defined as a business recorded in equity. combination in which all of the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party, both before Interests in the equity of subsidiaries not attributable to and after the business combination, and control is not the parent are reported in consolidated equity as non- transitory. Common control transactions fall outside the controlling interest. Profits or losses attributable to non- scope of IFRS 3 – Business combinations, and therefore controlling interests are reported in the consolidated the group has elected to apply predecessor accounting comprehensive income as profit or loss attributable to in the accounting of these transactions. non-controlling interests.

The cost of an acquisition of a subsidiary under common When the group ceases to have control or significant control is measured at fair value of the assets given, influence, any retained interest in the entity is re- equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or measured to its fair value, with the change in carrying assumed at the date of exchange. Any costs directly amount recognised in profit or loss. The fair value is the attributable to the acquisition are written off against initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently reserves. On acquisition the carrying values of assets accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint and liabilities are not restated to fair value. The ac- venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts quirer incorporates assets and liabilities at their pre- previously recognised in other comprehensive income in combination carrying amounts. respect of that entity are accounted for as if the group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognised Any excess or deficit of the purchase price over the pre- in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit combination recorded ultimate holding company’s net or loss. asset value of the subsidiary is adjusted directly to equity. Any differences to values of the subsidiary’s 2.1.4 Associates underlying assets and liabilities compared to those Associates are all entities over which the group has presented by the ultimate holding company and adjust- significant influence but not control, generally accom- ments to achieve harmonisation of accounting policies panying a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of will be adjusted on consolidation. the voting rights.

In common control transactions, the group has elected Investments in associates are accounted for by the equity to incorporate the acquired entity’s results from the method of accounting and are initially recognised at date of the business combination. As a consequence, cost. The group’s investment in associates includes comparative information is not restated. The principles goodwill (net of any accumulated impairment loss) of when control arises are the same as those for identified on acquisition. interests in subsidiaries where purchase price accounting is applied. The group’s share of its associates’ post-acquisition profits or losses is recognised in profit or loss; its share of During the year under review, the company obtained post-acquisition movements in reserves is recognised in control over the BWH Group Employee Share Ownership reserves. The cumulative post-acquisition movements are Trust and the BWH Group Employee Share Benefit Trust, adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. to which this accounting policy has been applied. When the group’s share of losses in an associate equals Refer to note 46 to the consolidated annual financial or exceeds its interest in the associate, including any statements and the directors’ report note 4.5. other unsecured receivables, the group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obli- 2.1.3 Transactions and non-controlling interests gations or made payments on behalf of the associate. The group applies a policy of treating transactions with non-controlling interests as transactions with equity Intragroup gains on transactions between the group and owners of the group. For purchases from non-controlling its associates are eliminated to the extent of the group’s interests, the difference between any consideration paid interest in the associates. Intragroup losses are also and the relevant share acquired of the carrying value of eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of net assets of the subsidiary is recorded in equity. Gains or an impairment of the asset transferred. For preparation 52 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.1.4 Associates (continued) movements are adjusted against the carrying amount of consolidated financial statements, equal accounting of the investment. When the group’s share of losses in polices for similar transactions and other events in similar a jointly controlled entity equals or exceeds its interest circ*mstances are used. in the jointly controlled entity, including any other unsecured receivables, the group does not recognise Dilution gains and losses in associates are recognised in further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made other comprehensive income. payments on behalf of the jointly controlled entity.

For summarised financial information on the group’s Unrealised gains on transactions between the group associates accounted for on the equity method, see and its jointly controlled entities are eliminated to the note 21. extent of the group’s interest in the jointly controlled entities. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless 2.1.5 Joint ventures the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of Joint ventures are those enterprises over which the the asset transferred. company exercises joint control in terms of a contractual agreement. Adjustments are made to bring the accounting policies of jointly controlled entities in line with those of the A jointly controlled entity is a joint venture that involves company, where appropriate. the establishment of a company, partnership or legal entity. Jointly controlled operations involve the use Investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly of the assets and other resources of venturers. Each controlled entities are measured at cost in the company’s venturer uses its own assets and incurs its own liabilities. financial statements. These joint ventures do not involve the establishment of a legal entity separate from the joint venturers 2.2 Foreign currency translation themselves. Foreign currency transactions are translated into In respect of interests in jointly controlled operations and the functional currency using the exchange rates jointly controlled assets, the group recognises in its prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign financial statements: exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement – its share of the jointly controlled assets, classified of such transactions and from the translation at year- according to the nature of the assets; end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities – the assets that it controls, classified according to denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the nature of the assets; profit or loss under trading income, except when – its share of liabilities that it incurs jointly with the deferred in equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and other venturers in relation to the joint venture; qualifying net investment hedges. – any income from the sale or use of its share of the output of the joint venture, together with its Translation differences on non-monetary financial share of any expenses incurred by the joint assets and liabilities such as equities held at fair value venture; and through profit or loss are recognised in profit or loss as – any expenses which it has incurred in respect of its part of the fair value gain or loss. Translation differences interest in the joint venture. on non-monetary financial assets, such as equity invest- ments whose changes in the fair value are presented in Jointly controlled entities are accounted for by means of other comprehensive income, are included in the related the equity method of accounting and are initially reserve in equity. recognised at cost. The group’s investment in jointly controlled entities includes goodwill (net of any accu- 2.3 Financial instruments mulated impairment loss) identified on acquisition. 2.3.1 Financial assets The group’s share of its jointly controlled entities’ post- The group classifies its financial assets in the following acquisition profits or losses is recognised in profit or loss, categories: and its share of post-acquisition movements in reserves is – financial assets at fair value through profit or loss; recognised in reserves. The cumulative post-acquisition – loans and receivables; 53

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.3.1 Financial assets (continued) Treasury bills, government stock and money market – held-to-maturity investments; and investments are designated in this category. – available-for-sale financial assets. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are Management determines the classification of its subsequently carried at fair value. Gains and losses investments at initial recognition. arising from changes in the fair value of the ‘Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss’ category are Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value, included under net gain from financial instruments which is the cash consideration to originate or purchase designated at fair value through profit or loss in the loan including any transaction costs, for all financial profit or loss and in the period in which they arise. assets not carried at fair value through profit or loss. Interest income and expense and dividend income and expense on financial assets held for trading are included in ‘net interest income’ or ‘other operating Purchases and sales of financial assets at fair value income’, respectively. through profit or loss, held-to-maturity and available- for-sale, are recognised on trade-date – the date on ii) Loans and receivables which the group commits to purchase or sell the asset. Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets Loans are recognised when cash is advanced to the with fixed or determinable payments that are not borrowers. quoted in an active market. They arise when the group provides money, goods or services directly to a debtor I) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss with no intention of trading the receivable. This category has two subcategories: financial assets held for trading; and those designated at fair value through Loans and receivables are carried at amortised cost using profit or loss at inception. The designation cannot be the effective interest rate method. Interest calculated subsequently changed. using the effective interest rate method is recognised in profit or loss. A financial asset is classified as held for trading if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the Loans and advances to customers, due from other banks, short term or if it is part of a portfolio of identified cash and balances with the central bank and other assets financial instruments that are managed together and for are classified in this category. which there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking. Derivatives are designated iii) Held-to-maturity as held for trading, unless they are designated and Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative finan- effective as hedging instruments. cial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities that the group’s management has the Financial assets are designated at fair value through positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. If the profit or loss when: group were to sell other than an insignificant amount of – doing so significantly reduces measurement held-to-maturity assets, the entire category would be inconsistencies that would arise if the related tainted and reclassified as available-for-sale. derivatives were treated as held for trading and the underlying financial instruments were carried Held-to-maturity investments are carried at amortised at amortised cost for loans and advances to cost using the effective interest rate method. Interest customers or banks and debt securities in issue. calculated using the effective interest rate method is – financial assets are designated at fair value recognised in profit or loss. through profit or loss when they are managed and evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance iv) Available-for-sale with a documented risk management or invest- A vailable-for -sale investments are those intended to be ment strategy and reported to key management held for an indefinite period of time, which may be sold personnel on that basis. in response to needs for liquidity or changes in interest – financial instruments, such as debt securities held, rates, exchange rates or equity prices or that are not containing one or more embedded derivative that classified as loans and receivables, held-to-maturity significantly modify the cash flows, are designated investments or financial assets at fair value through at fair value through profit or loss. profit or loss. 54 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

Iv) Available-for-sale (continued) The remainder of the proceeds is allocated to the Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently conversion option. This is recognised and included in carried at fair value. Gains and losses arising from shareholders’ equity, net of income tax effects. changes in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognised in other comprehensive income, Classified in this category are due to other banks, debt until the financial asset is derecognised or impaired securities in issue, deposits from customers, other at which time the cumulative gain or loss previously deposits and other liabilities. recognised in other comprehensive income should be recognised in profit or loss. ii) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss This category comprises two subcategories, namely: Interest on available-for-sale securities is calculated using – financial liabilities classified as held for trading; the effective interest method, and foreign currency and gains and losses on monetary assets classified as – financial liabilities designated by the group as available for sale, as well as impairment losses, are at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognised in profit or loss. Dividends on available-for- recognition. sale equity instruments are recognised in profit and loss in ‘other operating income’ when the group’s right to A financial liability is classified as held for trading if it receive payment is established. is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near term or if it is Investment securities are classified in this category. part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is 2.3.2 Financial liabilities evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit- The group recognises a financial liability when it taking. Derivatives are also categorised as held for becomes a party to the contractual terms of the financial trading unless they are designated and effective as instrument. The group classifies its financial liabilities in hedging instruments. Financial liabilities held for the following categories: trading also include obligations to deliver financial assets – at amortised cost; and borrowed by a short seller. Those financial instruments – financial liabilities at fair value through profit are recognised in the consolidated statement of financial or loss. position as ‘Financial liabilities held for trading’.

Financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value, 2.3.3 Determination of fair value being its issue proceeds (fair value of consideration For financial instruments traded in active markets, the received) net of transaction costs incurred, for all determination of fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities not carried at fair value through financial liabilities is based on quoted market prices profit or loss. or dealer price quotations. This includes listed equity securities and quoted debt instruments on major i) At amortised cost exchanges (e.g. FTSE, NYSE). The liability is subsequently stated at amortised cost, any difference between proceeds net of transaction costs A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an and the redemption value is recognised in profit or loss active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly over the period of the liability using the effective available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry interest rate method. group, pricing service or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market The dividends on preference shares are recognised in transactions on an arm’s length basis. If the above profit or loss as interest expense on an amortised cost criteria are not met, the market is regarded as being basis using the effective interest rate method. inactive. Indications that a market is inactive are when there is a wide bid-offer spread or significant increase in The fair value of the liability portion of a convertible the bid-offer spread or there are few recent transactions. bond is determined using a market interest rate for an equivalent non-convertible bond. This amount is For all other financial instruments, fair value is recorded as a liability on an amortised cost basis until determined using valuation techniques. In these extinguished on conversion or maturity of the bonds. techniques, fair values are estimated from observable 55

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.3.3 Determination of fair value (continued) repackaging) or based on a valuation technique whose data in respect of similar financial instruments, using variables include only data from observable markets. models to estimate the present value of expected future When such evidence exists, the group recognises profits cash flows or other valuation techniques, using inputs on day one. existing at the dates of the consolidated statement of financial position. Certain derivatives embedded in other financial instruments are treated as separate derivatives when The group uses widely recognised valuation models for their economic characteristics and risks are not closely determining fair values of non-standardised financial related to those of the host contract and the host instruments of lower complexity, such as options or contract is not carried at fair value through profit or loss. interest rate and currency swaps. For these financial These embedded derivatives are measured at fair value instruments, inputs into models are generally market- with changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss. observable. The group’s derivative instruments do not qualify for 2.3.4 Derecognition hedge accounting. Changes in the fair value of any Financial assets are derecognised when the contractual derivative instrument that does not qualify for hedge rights to receive the cash flows from these assets have accounting are recognised immediately in profit or loss ceased to exist or the assets have been transferred and and the derivatives are disclosed separately in the substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of statement of financial position. the assets are also transferred (that is, if substantially all the risks and rewards have not been transferred, 2.4 Impairment of financial assets the group tests control to ensure that continuing involvement on the basis of any retained powers of A financial asset is considered as impaired when there control does not prevent derecognition). Financial is objective evidence of impairment. liabilities are derecognised when they have been redeemed or otherwise extinguished. 2.4.1 Financial assets carried at amortised cost The group assesses at each reporting date whether 2.3.5 Offsetting financial instruments there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net of financial assets is impaired. A financial asset or a amount reported in the statement of financial position group of financial assets is impaired and impairment when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the losses are incurred if, and only if, there is objective recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events on a net basis, or realise the asset and settle the liability that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset simultaneously. (a ‘loss event’) and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the 2.3.6 Derivative financial instruments financial asset or group of financial assets that can be Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the reliably estimated. date on which a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently re-measured at their fair value. Fair Objective evidence that a financial asset or group values are obtained from quoted market prices in active of assets is impaired, includes observable data that markets, including recent market transactions and comes to the attention of the group about the following valuation techniques, which include discounted cash loss events: flow models and options pricing models, as appropriate. (i) significant financial difficulty of the issuer or All derivatives are carried as assets when its fair value is obligator; positive and as liabilities when its fair value is negative. (ii) a breach of contract, such as a default or delin- quency in interest or principal payments; The best evidence of the fair value of a derivative at (iii) the group granting to the borrower, for economic or initial recognition is the transaction price (i.e. the fair legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial value of the consideration given or received) unless the difficulty, a concession that the lender would not fair value of that instrument is evidenced by comparison otherwise consider; with other observable current market transactions (iv) it becoming probable that the borrower will enter in the same instrument (i.e. without modification or bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation; 56 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.4.1 Financial assets carried at amortised cost The group employs scientific techniques to determine (continued) the specific and general impairment of its loans (v) the disappearance of an active market for that and advances. financial asset because of financial difficulties; or (vi) observable data indicating that there is a measur- i) Individually assessed loans and advances able decrease in the estimated future cash flows All loans and advances are assessed on a case-by-case from a group of financial assets since the initial basis at each reporting date as to whether there is any recognition of those assets, although the decrease objective evidence that a loan is impaired. Loans and cannot yet be identified with the individual advances are individually assessed for impairment when financial assets in the group, including: they have been flagged as being past due more than – adverse changes in the payment status of 90 days. Furthermore, the criteria used to determine borrowers in the group; or that there is such objective evidence, include the loss – national or local economic conditions that cor- events described above. For those loans where objective relate with defaults on the assets in the group. evidence of impairment exists, impairment losses are determined considering the aggregate exposure to the client and the realisable value of security (or other credit The group first assesses whether objective evidence mitigants) and the likelihood of successful repossession. of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are individually significant, and individually or Due from other banks have not been impaired as these collectively for financial assets that are not individually placements are made to banks that have high credit significant. If the group determines that no objective standing and, by policy, limits the amounts of credit evidence of impairment exists for an individually exposure to any one financial institution. Refer to note assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it 3.2.5 below. For more detailed procedures followed by includes the asset in a group of financial assets with the group on individual assessed loans and advances, similar credit risk characteristics and collectively as- refer to the Risk and compliance report. sesses them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for impairment and for which an impairment ii) Collectively assessed loans and advances loss is or continues to be recognised, are not included in Individually assessed loans for which no evidence of a collective assessment of impairment. loss has been specifically identified on an individual basis are grouped together according to their credit If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on risk characteristics for the purpose of calculating an loans and receivables carried at amortised cost has been estimated portfolio impairment. The calculation is based incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the on the incurred but not reported (’IBNR’) model, which difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the takes into account that it may take a period of time present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding before management becomes aware of an objective evidence that a loan is impaired. Key inputs into this future credit losses that have not been incurred) model are the historical average of probability of discounted at the financial asset’s original effective default and the historic average loss given default. interest rate. The carrying amount of the asset is The emergence period is also factored into the model, reduced and the amount of the loss is recognised in which represents management’s view of how long profit or loss. it takes for the objective evidence to become known to management. Impairment of loans and advances Impairment losses are recognised promptly when there To the extent that the unidentified impairments are is objective evidence that impairment of a loan or insufficient to meet the minimum regulatory general portfolio of loans has occurred. Impairment losses are provision, such shortfall is accommodated by a transfer calculated on individual loans and on groups of loans of the applicable after-tax amount from distributable to assessed collectively. Impairment losses are recorded non-distributable reserves. as charges to profit or loss. The carrying amount of impaired loans on the statement of financial position When a loan is uncollectable, it is written off against is reduced through the use of impairment allowance the related provision for loan impairment. Such loans accounts. Losses expected from future events are are written of f after all the necessary procedures have not recognised. been completed and the amount of the loss has been 57

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013 ii) Collectively assessed loans and advances the life of the agreements using the effective interest (continued) rate method. Securities lent to counterparties are also determined. Subsequent recoveries of amounts pre- retained in the financial statements. viously written off decrease the amount of the provision for loan impairment in profit or loss. Securities borrowed are not recognised in the financial statements, unless these are sold to third parties, in For more detailed procedures followed by the group on which case the purchase and sale are recorded with collectively assessed loans and advances, refer to the Risk the gain or loss included in trading income. The obli- and compliance report. gation to return them is recorded at fair value as a trading liability. 2.4.2 Assets carried at fair value The group assesses at each reporting date whether there 2.6 Intangible assets is objective evidence that a financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. In the case of equity 2.6.1 Goodwill investments classified as available-for-sale, a significant Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security acquisition over the fair value of the group’s share of below its cost is considered in determining whether the the net identifiable assets of the acquired subsidiary assets are impaired. If any such evidence exists for at the date of acquisition. Goodwill on acquisition of available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss, subsidiaries is included in ‘Intangible assets’. Goodwill is measured as the difference between the acquisition cost tested annually for impairment and carried at cost less and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on accumulated impairment losses. Impairment losses on that financial asset previously recognised in profit or goodwill are not reversed. Gains and losses on the loss, is removed from equity and recognised in profit or disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of loss. Impairment losses recognised in profit or loss on goodwill relating to the entity sold. equity instruments are not reversed through profit or loss. If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units for the instrument classified as available-for-sale increases and purpose of impairment testing. The allocation is made the increase can be objectively related to an event to those cash-generating units or groups of cash- occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in generating units that are expected to benefit from profit or loss, the impairment loss is reversed through the business combination in which the goodwill arose, profit or loss. identified according to operating segment.

2.4.3 Renegotiated loans 2.6.2 Computer software and development costs Loans that are either subject to collective impairment Costs associated with maintaining computer software assessment or individually significant and whose terms programs are recognised as an expense as incurred. have been renegotiated are no longer considered to be Development costs that are directly attributable to the past due but are treated as new loans. In subsequent design and testing of identifiable and unique software years, the asset is considered to be past due and dis- products controlled by the group are recognised as closed only if the new terms are not met. intangible assets when the following criteria are met: – it is technically feasible to complete the software 2.5 Sale and repurchase agreements product so that it will be available for use; – management intends to complete the software Securities sold subject to repurchase agreements (‘repos’) product and use or sell it; are reclassified in the financial statements as pledged – there is an ability to use or sell the software assets when the transferee has the right by contract product; or custom to sell or repledge the collateral; the counter- – it can be demonstrated how the software product party liability is included in amounts due to other banks, will generate probable future economic benefits; deposits from banks, other deposits or deposits due to – adequate technical, financial and other resources customers, as appropriate. Securities purchased under to complete the development and to use or sell agreements to resell (‘reverse repos’) are recorded as the software product are available; and loans and advances to other banks or customers, as – the expenditure attributable to the software appropriate. The difference between the sale and product during its development can be reliably repurchase price is treated as interest and accrued over measured. 58 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.6.2 Computer software and development costs their cost to their residual values over their estimated (continued) useful lives, as follows: The cost of a separately acquired intangible asset Motor vehicles 5 years comprises its purchase price, including import duties and Furniture and fittings 8.3 years non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade Office equipment 6.67 years discounts and rebates; and any directly attributable cost Computer equipment 3 – 5 years of preparing the asset for its intended use. Recognition Buildings 24 – 30 years of costs in the carrying amount of an intangible asset ceases when the asset is in the condition necessary for The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed, it to be capable of operating in the manner intended and adjusted if appropriate, at each reporting period. by management. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount. Directly attributable costs that are capitalised as part of These are included in profit or loss. the software product include the software development employee costs and an appropriate portion of relevant Investment properties held by group companies and overheads. Other development expenditures that do which are occupied by other group companies are not meet these criteria, are recognised as an expense recognised as property, plant and equipment in the as incurred. Development costs previously recognised group financial statements. as an expense are not recognised as an asset in a subsequent period. 2.8 Repossessed property

Assets under construction recognised as intangible assets In certain circ*mstances, property is repossessed are not amortised until completed. Computer software following the foreclosure on loans that are in default. development costs recognised as assets are amortised Repossessed property is included under other assets over their estimated useful lives, which range between as inventory as it is held for sale in the ordinary course three to seven years depending on the project lifecycle. of business, at the lower of cost or net realisable value, and are derecognised when the assets are sold 2.6.3 Trademarks to third parties. Trademarks and licenses are shown at historical cost. Trademarks have a finite useful life and are carried at 2.9 Impairment of non-financial assets cost less accumulated amortisation. Amortisation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate Assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject the cost of trademarks and licenses over their estimated to amortisation and are tested annually for impairment. useful lives of ten years. Assets that are subject to amortisation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circum- 2.7 Property, plant and equipment stances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the Land and buildings mainly comprise of branches and amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its offices. All property, plant and equipment is stated at recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the historical cost less accumulated depreciation. Historical higher of an asset’s fair value less cost to sell and value cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets to the acquisition of the items. Subsequent costs are are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are included in the asset’s carrying amount or are recognised separately identifiable cash flows (cash generating as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that probable that future economic benefits associated with suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible the item will flow to the group and the cost of the item reversals of the impairment at each reporting date. can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All other repairs and 2.10 Leases maintenance are charged to profit or loss during the financial period in which they are incurred. 2.10.1 A group company is the lessee Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and Land is not depreciated. Depreciation on other assets is rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are calculated using the straight-line method to allocate classified as operating leases. The leases entered into by 59

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.10.1 A group company is the lessee (continued) Provisions are measured at the present value of the the group are primarily operating leases. Payments, expenditures expected to be required to settle the including prepayments, made under operating leases obligation using a pre-tax rate that reflects current (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are market assessments of the time value of money and charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the risks specific to the obligation. The increase in the period of the lease. When an operating lease is provision due to passage of time is recognised as an terminated before the lease period has expired, any interest expense. payment required to be made to the lessor by way of penalty is recognised as an expense in the period in 2.13 Financial guarantee contracts which termination takes place. Financial guarantee contracts are contracts that require 2.10.2 A group company is the lessor the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the Leases of property, plant and equipment where the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails group has substantially all the risks and rewards of to make payments when due, in accordance with the ownership are classified as finance leases. When assets terms of a debt instrument. Such financial guarantees are held subject to a finance lease, the present value of are given to banks, financial institutions and other the lease payments is recognised as a receivable. The bodies on behalf of customers to secure loans, overdrafts difference between the gross receivable and the present and other banking facilities. value of the receivable is recognised as unearned finance income. Lease income is recognised over the term of Financial guarantees are initially recognised in the the lease using the net investment method (before tax), financial statements at fair value on the date the which reflects a constant periodic rate of return. guarantee was given. The fair value of a financial guarantee at the time of signature is zero because 2.11 Cash and cash equivalents all guarantees are agreed on arm’s length terms and the value of the premium agreed corresponds to the Cash and cash equivalents are stated at cost which value of the guarantee obligation. No receivable for the approximates fair value due to the short-term nature of future premiums is recognised. Subsequent to initial these instruments. recognition, the group’s liabilities under such guarantees are measured at the higher of the initial amount, less For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash amortisation of fees recognised in accordance with IAS and cash equivalents comprise balances with less than 18, and the best estimate of the amount required to three months’ maturity from the reporting date, settle the guarantee. These estimates are determined including cash and non-restricted balances with the based on experience of similar transactions and history central bank, treasury bills and other eligible bills, or past losses, supplemented by the judgement of placements with other banks, short-term government management. securities, money market investments and short-term borrowings from other banks. Any increase in the liability relating to financial guaran- tees is taken to profit or loss under operating expenses. 2.12 Provisions 2.14 Employee benefits Provisions are recognised when the group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events, 2.14.1 Pension obligations it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources The group operates a defined contribution plan. The will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount plan is generally funded through payments to insurance has been reliably estimated. companies or trustee-administered funds, determined by periodic actuarial calculations. A defined contribution Provisions for restructuring costs and legal claims are plan is a pension plan under which the group pays fixed recognised when the group has a present legal or contributions into a separate entity. constructive obligation as a result of past events; it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources The group has no legal or constructive obligations to pay will be required to settle the obligation; and the amount further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient has been reliably estimated. The group recognises no assets to pay all employees the benefits relating to provisions for future operating losses. employee service in the current and prior periods. 60 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.14.1 Pension obligations (continued) the fair value of the shares and share options granted: The contributions are recognised as employee benefit – including any market performance conditions expenses when they are due. Prepaid contributions are (for example, an entity’s share price); recognised as an asset to the extent that a cash refund – excluding the impact of any service and non- or a reduction in the future payments is available. market performance vesting conditions (for example, profitability, sales growth targets and The group provides no other post-retirement benefits remaining an employee of the entity over a to their retirees. specified time period); and – including the impact of any non-vesting 2.14.2 Severance pay provision conditions (for example, the requirement for In terms of the Labour Act of 2007, the group is required employees to save). to make payments (or provide other benefits) to em- ployees when it terminates their employment. The The total expense is recognised over the vesting implications of this requirement is that severance pay period, which is the period over which all of the has to be paid to all employees when the employee: specified vesting conditions are to be satisfied. In some i) is dismissed (except if due to misconduct or poor circ*mstances, employees may provide services in performance); or advance of the grant date and therefore the grant date ii) dies while employed. fair value is estimated for the purposes of recognising the expense during the period between the service The group therefore has an obligation, more specifically commencement period and the grant date. a defined benefit, in terms of IAS 19 ‘Employee benefits’. The benefit is unfunded and is valued using the projected unit credit method as prescribed by IAS 19 At the end of each reporting period, the group revises ‘Employee benefits’. its estimates of the number of shares that are expected to vest based on the non-market vesting conditions. 2.14.3 Leave pay It recognises the impact of the revision to original Employee benefits in the form of annual leave entitle- estimates, if any, in the statement of comprehensive ments are provided for when they accrue to employees income, with a corresponding adjustment to equity. with reference to services rendered up to the reporting date. During the year under review, the company has intro- duced two new share plans, namely the 2.14.4 Performance bonuses – conditional share plan (CSP); and The group recognises a liability and an expense – share appreciation rights (SAR) plan. for bonuses, based on a formula that takes into consideration the profit attributable to the company’s Conditional share plan shareholders after certain adjustments. The group The purpose of the CSP is to provide selected employees recognises a provision where contractually obliged of the group companies with the opportunity to receive or where there is a past practice that has created a shares in the company. It has the following attributes: constructive obligation. • The provision of shares will be used as an incentive to participants to deliver the group’s 2.15 Share-based payments business strategy over the long-term, as a re- tention mechanism and as a tool to attract pro- The group operates three equity-settled share-based spective employees. compensation plans (share appreciation rights plan, • Awards of conditional shares will be made on an conditional share plan and share purchase schemes) under which the entities within the group receive annual basis. services from employees as consideration for equity • The number of conditional shares subject to an instruments (shares) of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd. award made to an employee, and the extent to Equity-settled share purchase schemes are valued at which the award of conditional shares will be grant date. The fair value of the employee services subject to performance conditions, will primarily received in exchange for the grant of the shares and be based on the employee’s annual salary, grade, share options is recognised as an expense. The total performance, retention and attraction require- amount to be expensed is determined by reference to ments and market benchmarks. 61

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

Conditional share plan (continued) employee of any group company, all unexercised • A participant will not be entitled to any share- (vested and unvested) SARs shall lapse on the date holder rights prior to the settlement of an award of termination of employment. of conditional shares. • Vesting of the awards of conditional shares will be 2.16 Deferred and current income tax subject to the vesting condition for the duration of the vesting period as stipulated in the award The tax expense for the period comprises of current and letter to the employee. deferred tax. Tax is recognised in profit and loss, except • Where employment is terminated within the to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other vesting period, any awards of conditional shares comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this case, made to the employee will be forfeited in its the tax is also recognised in other comprehensive income entirety and will lapse immediately on the date of or directly in equity, respectively. termination of employment. 2.16.1 Deferred income tax Share appreciation rights plan Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability The purpose of the SAR plan is to provide selected method, on temporary differences arising between the employees of the group companies with the oppor- tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying tunity of receiving shares in the company based on amounts in the consolidated financial statements. the increase in the value of shares, through the grant of share appreciation rights. The SAR plan has the The principal temporary differences arise from following attributes: depreciation of property, plant and equipment, • It will be used as an incentive to participants revaluation of certain financial assets and liabilities to deliver the group’s business strategy over including derivative contracts and tax losses carried the long-term, as a retention mechanism and forward and, in relation to acquisitions, on the as a tool to attract prospective employees. This difference between the fair values of the net assets will provide participants with the opportunity acquired and their tax base. Deferred income tax is to share in the success of the company and determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been provide alignment between these participants enacted or substantially enacted by the reporting date and shareholders. and are expected to apply when the related deferred • Grants of SARs will be made on an annual basis. income tax asset is realised or the deferred income • The number of SARs that will be granted to an tax liability is settled. However, the deferred income tax employee, and the extent to which a grant of is not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of SARs will be subject to performance conditions, an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business will primarily be based on the employee’s annual combination that, at the time of the transaction, affects salary, grade, performance, retention and attrac- neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. tion requirements and market benchmarks. • A SAR is a conditional right to acquire shares in Deferred tax assets are recognised where it is probable the company, the number being determined by that future taxable profit will be available against which the appreciation in value of a specified number of the temporary differences can be utilised. shares over a fixed period; or by the appreciation in value of a specified number of ordinary shares Deferred income tax is provided on temporary dif- of an employer company over a fixed period. ferences arising from investments in subsidiaries and • Vesting of the SARs will be subject to the vesting associates, except where the timing of the reversal of condition for the duration of the vesting period as the temporary difference is controlled by the group and stipulated in the letter of grant to the employee it is probable that the difference will not reverse in the and, to the extent applicable, the satisfaction of foreseeable future. the performance conditions as measured over the performance period. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset • A participant will not be entitled to any share- when there is a legally enforceable right to offset holder rights prior to the settlement of any SARs. current tax assets against current tax liabilities and • While any portion of a participant’s SARs remain when the deferred income taxes assets and liabilities unexercised and such participant ceases to be an relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation 62 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.16.1 Deferred income tax (continued) 2.17.2 Interest income and expenses authority on either the same taxable entity or different Interest income and expenses are recognised in profit or taxable entities where there is an intention to settle the loss for all instruments measured at amortised cost using balances on a net basis. the effective interest rate method.

Deferred tax related to fair value re-measurement of The effective interest method is a method of calculating available-for-sale investments and cash flow hedges, the amortised cost of a financial asset or a financial which are recognised in other comprehensive income, is liability and of allocating the interest income or interest also recognised in other comprehensive income and is expense over the relevant period. The effective interest subsequently recognised in profit or loss together with rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future the deferred gain or loss. cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter 2.16.2 Current income tax period to the net carrying amount of the financial asset The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis or financial liability. When calculating the effective of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the interest rate, the group estimates cash flows considering statement of financial position date in the countries all contractual terms of the financial instrument (for where the company and its subsidiaries operate and example, prepayment options) but does not consider generate taxable income. Management periodically future credit losses. The calculation includes all fees and evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect points paid or received between parties to the contract to situations in which applicable tax regulation is that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, subject to interpretation. It establishes provisions where transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts. appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities. Interest income and expenses, as well as dividend income and expenses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, are included in ‘Net interest income’ or The tax effects of income tax losses available for carry ‘Dividend income’, respectively. forward are recognised as an asset when it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against Once a financial asset or a group of similar financial which these losses can be utilised. assets has been written down as a result of an im- pairment loss, interest income is recognised using the 2.17 Revenue recognition rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. Revenue comprises the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods and services 2.17.3 Fee and commission income in the ordinary course of the group’s activities. Revenue Fees and commissions are generally recognised on an is shown net of value-added tax, returns, rebates and accrual basis when the service has been provided. Loan discounts and after eliminating sales within the group. commitment fees for loans that are likely to be drawn down are deferred (together with related direct costs) The group recognises revenue when the amount of and recognised as an adjustment to the effective interest revenue can be reliably measured; it is probable that rate on the loan. Loan syndication fees are recognised as future economic benefits will flow to the entity; and revenue when the syndication has been completed and when specific criteria have been met for each of the the group retained no part of the loan package for itself group’s activities as described below. The group bases its or retained a part at the same effective interest rate estimates on historical results, taking into consideration for the other participants. Commission and fees arising the type of customer, the type of transaction and the from negotiating, or participating in the negotiation of, specifics of each arrangement. a transaction for a third party, such as the arrangement of the acquisition of shares or other securities or 2.17.1 Net trading income the purchase or sale of businesses, are recognised on Net trading income comprises all gains and losses from completion of the underlying transaction. changes in the fair value of financial assets and liabilities held for trading as well as foreign exchange gains and Portfolio and other management advisory and service losses arising from instruments held for trading. fees are recognised based on the applicable service 63

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.17.3 Fee and commission income (continued) the period of the contract by reference to the stage of contracts, usually on a time-apportionment basis. Asset completion. Contract costs are recognised as expenses management fees related to investment funds are by reference to the stage of completion of the contract recognised over the period the service is provided. The activity at the end of the reporting period. When it same principle is applied for wealth management, is probable that total contract costs will exceed total financial planning and custody services that are contract revenue, the expected loss is recognised as continuously provided over an extended period of time. an expense immediately.

Insurance broking commission, consultancy and Cost incurred in the year in connection with future administration fee income comprise commission income activity on a contract are excluded and shown as and negotiated fees earned in respect of the placement contract work in progress. The aggregate of the cost of insurance and servicing of clients under insurance incurred and the profit / loss recognised on each contract programmes. Income is brought to account on the is compared against the progress billings up to the year- effective commencement or renewal dates of the related end. When costs incurred and recognised profits (less insurance programme. Commission and administration recognised losses) exceed progress billings, the balance fee income is deferred over the policy term. is shown as due from the customers and construction contracts, under receivables and prepayments. Where 2.17.4 Other income progress billings exceed cost incurred plus recognised Royalty income is recognised on an accrual basis in profits (less recognised losses), the balance is shown as accordance with the substance of the relevant agree- due to customers on contractions contracts, under trade ments. Dividend income is recognised when the right and other payables. to receive payment is established. 2.20 Dividend distribution 2.18 Share capital Dividend distribution to the company’s shareholders Share issue is recognised as a liability in the group’s financial Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Mandatorily statements in the period in which the dividends are redeemable preference shares are classified as liabilities. declared by the board of directors.

Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue Dividends for the year that are declared after the of new shares or options, or to the acquisition of a reporting date are dealt with in the events subsequent business, are shown in equity as a deduction, net of to year -end note under the directors’ report. tax, from the proceeds. 2.21 Fiduciary activities Shares held at year-end by the BWH Group Employee Share Ownership Trust and BWH Group Employee Share The group commonly acts as trustee and in other Benefit Trust fiduciary capacities that result in the holding or placing Shares held by the employee share trusts, which form of assets on behalf of individuals, trusts, retirement part of the consolidated group, are deducted from total benefit plans and other institutions. These assets and shareholders’ equity until the shares are sold. income arising thereon are excluded from these financial statements, as they are not assets of the group. 2.19 Construction contracts 2.22 Operating segments A construction contract is a contract specially negotiated for the construction of an asset or a combination of The group considers its banking operations as one assets that are closely interrelated or interdependent in operating segment; the group has no significant terms of their design, technology and function, or their components other than banking. Other components ultimate purpose or use. include property development and insurance, however these components contribute less than 5% to the When the outcome of a construction contract can be group revenue, assets and net profit after tax, therefore estimated reliably and it is probable that the contract the group has no significant components other than will be profitable, contract revenue is recognised over banking. This is in a manner consistent with the internal 64 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

2.22 Operating segments (continued) from customers at both fixed and floating rates, and reporting provided to the chief operating decision- for various periods, and seeks to earn above-average maker, identified as the managing director of the group. interest margins by investing these funds in high- The chief operating decision-maker is the person that quality assets. The BCC and BLC are tasked to ensure this allocates resources to and assesses the performance of objective is achieved through the sanctioning of credit the operating segment(s) of an entity. and thereby ensuring credit exposures remain within an acceptable range of credit standing. Such exposures In assessing the performance of the banking operation, involve not just loans and advances reflected on the the managing director reviews the various aggregated statement of financial position; but also guarantees revenue streams, the total costs and the assets and and other commitments such as letters of credit. liabilities related to the banking activity, which have been disclosed in the various notes to the consolidated Asset and liability committee (ALCO) financial statements. The group trades in financial instruments where it takes positions in traded instruments, including derivatives, 3. Financial risk management to take advantage of short-term market movements in bonds and in currency, interest rate and commodity Assuming financial risks are inherent within any business prices. Amongst other responsibilities, ALCO is tasked environment. Managing these risks continues to play a to monitor the risks associated with these activities. pivotal role within the group to ensure an appropriate Risk management includes the setting of trading limits balance is reached between risks and returns. on the level of exposure that can be taken in relation to both overnight and intra-day market positions. The board of directors is ultimately responsible to In addition, with the exception of specific hedging manage risks that may have a negative impact on its arrangements, foreign exchange and interest rate financial performance, and which may ultimately have exposures associated with these derivatives are normally an adverse effect on the continued operations of the offset by entering into counterbalancing positions, group. However, it is the responsibility of management thereby controlling the variability in the net cash to identify risks, whether real or anticipated, within amounts required to liquidate market positions. their business units, and take appropriate actions. The ALCO also carries the primary responsibility of Management’s approach to risk management is to monitoring the group’s liquidity position, as well as ensure all significant risks are identified and managed, formulating the funding strategy. The interest rate and the returns are balanced with the risks taken. subcommittee reviews the economic environment and Compliance with a set of comprehensive risk recommends to ALCO interest rate views. ALCO activities management policies is an integral part of the group’s are reported to the Board, audit, risk and compliance day-to-day activities and systems of internal controls committee (BARC). have been implemented to prevent and detect risks. Risk committee The key principles forming the foundation of the bank’s In addition to the above committees, a risk committee, risk management process include: comprising of members of the executive management – adoption of a risk management framework which team and reporting to the BARC, was established. Its applies to all business units and risk types; primary responsibilities are to: – risk assessment, measurement, monitoring and – evaluate the risk management model employed reporting; by the group in terms of effectiveness and – independent reviews; and efficient deployment of resources (i.e. cost versus – risk governance processes. benefit); – discuss and identify gaps and weaknesses in The following subcommittees have been formed to assist the management information system (MIS) the board of directors to manage risks: to enable management to make the correct decisions; Board credit committee (BCC) and Board lending – discuss the findings and recommendations of committee (BLC) the group’s risk functions and evaluate whether One of the group’s primary activities is lending to retail appropriate action has been taken when and commercial borrowers. The bank accepts deposits necessary; 65

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

Risk committee (continued) – risk adjusted pricing performance on portfolio – enhance general risk awareness within the level; group; – review credit portfolio risk and recommend to the – monitor the management of risks to ensure that business units risk enhancement; the group complies with the Bank of Namibia’s – product and pricing strategies; guidelines for effective risk management; and – review of annual risk appetites and stress testing – discuss in detail any identified, unidentified and of the credit portfolio before submission to the potential risks that are material to the group. Risk committee; and – review collateral and recommend necessary Credit risk forum (CRF) improvements. The purpose of the CRF is to have an oversight of credit risk management in accordance with the board The CRF facilitates compliance with: approved credit risk management policy, credit policies – Basel II and other best practices for credit risk and credit risk and control framework, in order to management; achieve and maintain an acceptable credit risk profile – applicable legislative acts; and an adequate risk and control framework. – Bank of Namibia determinations; and – Bank Windhoek credit policies. On portfolio level, the scope of the CRF includes: – portfolio analysis and performance; Significant risks to which the group is exposed are – key risk indicators and trends; discussed on the following pages. 66 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.1 Analysis of assets and liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities are measured The following table analyses the financial assets either at fair value or at amortised cost. The principal and liabilities in the statement of financial position per accounting policies on pages 50 to 64 describe how the category of financial instrument to which they are classes of financial instruments are measured and how assigned and therefore measured. The table includes income and expenses, including fair value gains and non-financial assets and liabilities to reconcile to the losses, are recognised. statement of financial position:


Held for Designated Loans and Available- Financial Non- Total trading at fair value receivables for-sale liabilities at financial through financial amortised assets / profit / loss assets cost liabilities Group N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

ASSETS Cash and balances with the central bank - - 852,636 - - - 852,636 Derivative financial instruments 12,188 - - - - - 12,188 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 1,493,165 - - - - 1,493,165 Investment securities - - - 120,446 - - 120,446 Due from other banks - - 251,355 - - - 251,355 Loans and advances to customers - - 17,651,962 - - - 17,651,962 Other assets - - 156,013 - - 33,691 189,704 Current tax asset - - - - - 7,953 7,953 Investment in associates - - - - - 191,999 191,999 Interest in joint ventures - - - - - 4,286 4,286 Intangible assets - - - - - 28,987 28,987 Property, plant and equipment - - - - - 129,486 129,486 Deferred tax asset - - - - - 4,441 4,441 Total assets 12,188 1,493,165 18,911,966 120,446 - 400,843 20,938,608

LIABILITIES Derivative financial instruments 7,792 - - - - - 7,792 Due to other banks - - - - 166,959 - 166,959 Debt securities in issue - - - - 1,323,976 - 1,323,976 Deposits from customers - - - - 13,022,976 - 13,022,976 Other deposits - - - - 3,511,815 - 3,511,815 Other liabilities - - - - 214,974 14,105 229,079 Deferred tax liability - - - - - 45,247 45,247 Post-employment benefits - - - - - 6,706 6,706 Total liabilities 7,792 - - - 18,240,700 66,058 18,314,550 67

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.1 Analysis of assets and liabilities (continued) 2012 Held for Designated Loans Available- Financial Non- Total trading at fair value And for-sale liabilities at financial through receivables financial amortised assets / profit / loss assets cost liabilities Group N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

ASSETS Cash and balances with the central bank - - 881,059 - - - 881,059 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 1,523,800 - - - - 1,523,800 Investment securities - - - 351,698 - - 351,698 Due from other banks - - 211,032 - - - 211,032 Loans and advances to customers - - 15,484,932 - - - 15,484,932 Other assets - - 130,294 - - 9,943 140,237 Current tax asset - - - - - 3,635 3,635 Investment in associates - - - - - 175,997 175,997 Interest in joint ventures - - - - - 5,095 5,095 Intangible assets - - - - - 10,651 10,651 Property, plant and equipment - - - - - 127,450 127,450 Deferred tax asset - - - - - 5,464 5,464 Total assets - 1,523,800 16,707,317 351,698 - 338,235 18,921,050

LIABILITIES Derivative financial instruments 699 - - - - - 699 Due to other banks - - - - 237,611 - 237,611 Debt securities in issue - - - - 917,322 - 917,322 Deposits from customers - - - - 12,126,619 - 12,126,619 Other deposits - - - - 3,398,657 - 3,398,657 Other liabilities - - - - 197,798 8,454 206,252 Current tax liability - - - - - 584 584 Deferred tax liability - - - - - 140,708 140,708 Post-employment benefits - - - - - 5,539 5,539 Total liabilities 699 - - - 16,878,007 155,285 17,033,991

3.2 Credit risk

The group takes on exposure to credit risk, which is the In addition to credit risk through a loan, the group is risk that a counterparty will be unable to pay amounts exposed to counterparty credit risk, which is the risk in full when due. Impairment provisions are provided that the counterparty to a transaction could default for losses that have been incurred at the reporting before the final settlement of the transaction’s cash date. Significant changes in the economy of a particular flows. Unlike credit exposures to loans, exposures to industry segment that represents a concentration in the counterparty credit could result in a positive or negative group’s portfolio, could result in losses that are different impact on the financial performance of the group, from those provided for at the reporting date. Credit depending on the underlying market factors. Such risk risk, together with large exposures, are monitored by is associated primarily with derivative transactions. the board credit and board lending committees. 68 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.1 Credit risk measurement (I) Probability of default (PD) (a) Loans and advances (incl. loan commitments and The probability of default is an indication of the guarantees) probability that a given loan will default. Under Basel II The estimation of credit exposure is complex and the elements that make up a loss are defined as requires the use of models, as the value of a product economic loss and will include direct and indirect costs varies with changes in market variables, expected cash associated with collecting on the exposure such as flows and the passage of time. The assessment of credit allocations of internal overheads and other non-cash risk of a portfolio of assets entails further estimations costs. The PD in Basel is calculated using a historical one- as to the likelihood of defaults occurring, of the asso- year average to annualise the figures over one year. ciated loss ratios and of default correlations between counterparties. (ii) Exposure at default (EAD) The exposure at default under Basel II will take into The group has developed statistical models to support account an expectation of future draw-downs until the quantification of credit risk. These rating and scoring the default event has occurred by utilising a credit models are in use for all key credit portfolios and form conversion factor. For example, for a loan this is the the basis for measuring default risks. In measuring credit face value. For a commitment, the group includes any risk of loans and advances at a counterparty level, the amount already drawn plus the further amount that may group considers three components, namely: have been drawn by the time of default, should it occur. (i) the ‘probability of default’ (PD) by the client or counterparty on its contractual obligations; (iii) Loss given default (LGD) (ii) current exposures to the counterparty and its Loss given default or loss severity represents the group’s likely future development, from which the group expectation of the extent of loss on a claim should derives the ‘exposure at default’ (EAD); and default occur (1 – recovery rate). It is expressed as per- (iii) the likely recovery ratio on the defaulted centage loss per unit of exposure. It typically varies by obligations (the ‘loss given default’) (LGD). type of counterparty, type and seniority of claim and These credit risk measurements, which reflect expected availability of collateral or other credit support. The loss (the ‘expected loss model’), are required by the measurement of exposure at default and loss given Basel committee on banking regulations and the default is based on the risk parameters standard under supervisory practices (the Basel committee) and are Basel II. The Basel committee on banking supervision embedded in the group’s daily operational manage- document on international convergence of capital ment. The operational credit risk measurements can measurement and capital standards states that the be contrasted with impairment allowances required expected loss should be a one-year estimate. For this under IAS 39, which are based on losses that have been reason, and to relate the LGD to the PD one-year incurred at the date of the consolidated statement average, the LGD is also computed over a one year of financial position (the ‘incurred loss model’) rather history. The LGD should be as a percentage of the EAD as than expected losses (note 3.2.4). required by Basel II.


NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.2 Maximum exposure to credit risk before collateral held or other credit enhancements

Credit risk exposures relating to on-statement of finan- cial position assets are as follows: Maximum exposure 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Group Cash and balances with the central bank 852,636 881,059 Derivative financial instruments 12,188 - Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 1,493,165 1,523,800 – Treasury bills 1,228,664 1,322,315 – Government stock 9,125 65,941 – Equity securities - 4,216 – Money market investments 255,376 131,328 Investment securities 120,446 351,698 Due from other banks 251,355 211,032 Gross loans and advances to customers – Overdrafts 2,854,865 2,484,964 – Term loans 3,537,973 3,084,177 – Mortgages 8,499,995 7,458,701 – Instalment finance 2,597,434 2,382,126 – Preference shares 296,661 194,652 Other assets* 156,013 130,294 20,672,731 18,702,503

*Other assets exposed to credit risk include insurance fund assets, accounts receivable and clearing and settlement accounts.

Credit risk exposure relating to off-statement-of- financial-position items are as follows: – Liabilities under guarantees 948,243 1,176,771 – Letters of credit 31,515 218,064 – Loan commitments and other credit-related liabilities 1,199,093 1,605,525 At 30 June 2,178,851 3,000,360

The above table represents a worst case scenario of credit risk exposure to the group at 30 June 2013 and 2012, without taking account of any collateral held or other credit enhancements attached. For all assets listed on the statement of financial position, the exposures set out above are based on net carrying amounts as reported. 70 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.2 Maximum exposure to credit risk before collateral Other specific control and mitigation measures are held or other credit enhancements (continued) outlined below: The most significant exposures are derived from loans and advances to banks and customers. (a) Collateral The group employs a range of policies and practices Management is confident in its ability to continue to to mitigate credit risk. The most traditional of these is control and sustain minimal exposure of credit risk to the taking of security for funds advanced, which is the group resulting from both its loans and advances common practice. Within the credit risk area, mandates portfolio and other securities based on the following: are predetermined in order to ensure that the applicable • The group employs a range of policies and prac- level of authority provides guidance and approval for advances. Risk exposure to advances is reduced tices to mitigate credit risk. Refer to note 3.2.3. by obtaining approved security as defined by the • Mortgage loans, which represents the biggest Board credit committee and listed in the advance group in the loans and advances to customers instruction manual. portfolio, are backed by collateral. • All financial assets, other than loans and advances, The group implements guidelines on the acceptability of are neither past due nor impaired. specific classes of collateral or credit risk mitigation and the principal collateral types for loans and advances are: 3.2.3 Risk limit control and mitigation policies – cash deposited with and ceded to the group; The group structures the levels of credit risk it under- – deposit with any registered financial institution takes by placing limits on the amount of risk accepted and ceded to the group; in relation to one borrower, or groups of borrowers, and – life assurance policies with a confirmed surrender to industry segments. Such risks, including exposures value; and to industry segments, are monitored on a monthly basis – any other form of tangible collateral security and are subject to regular review. Limits on the level subject to approval by the credit department. of credit risk by country are approved by the board of Collateral per class of loans and advances: directors. The exposure to any one borrower including Mortgages: banks and brokers is further restricted by sub-limits – First, second and third covering bond covering on- and off-statement-of-financial-position – Cession of fire policy exposures and daily delivery risk limits in relation to trading items such as forward foreign exchange Instalment finance: contracts. – The instalment finance contract binds the article as security Exposure to credit risk is managed upfront when an application for credit is received. The credit risk The following security can be given for any loan class management model is utilised by the group and assesses depending on the circ*mstances and purpose of the three components of safety, desirability and the loan: profitability. Throughout the lifespan of the credit – Suretyships facility, regular analysis of the ability of borrowers – Registered cession of life insurance policy and potential borrowers to meet interest and capital – Cession of fixed deposits, notice deposits, bills, bonds, shares, investments or debtors repayment obligations is assessed and lending limits are changed where appropriate. Exposure to credit Valuation methodologies (which includes applying risk is also managed in part by obtaining collateral a haircut to the fair value of collateral depending on and corporate and personal guarantees. The amount a number of factors) and the period of validity on the group is willing to lend unsecured is capped and collateral are outlined in established policies, which are approved by the board. approved by the board.

Placements with banks, including loans and advances Pr operty valuation to banks, are subject to the normal credit process. The In the case where a property is offered as security in the credit limit to these banks takes into consideration form of covering a mortgage bond, the valuation of the ratings performed by external rating agencies. property is valid for two years in the banking book 71

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

Property valuation (continued) potential exposures from market movements. Collateral (excluding residential properties offered for home or other security is not usually obtained for credit risk loans). A revaluation of the property needs to be done exposures on these instruments, except where the group when there is an indication that the value of the requires margin deposits from counterparties. property has declined. An approved revaluation of the property is required when a further advance or (c) Master netting arrangements additional mortgage is applied for, when repayment The group further restricts its exposure to credit losses comes in arrears, when an application for the release by entering into master netting arrangements with of collateral or any additional security is received or for counterparties with which it undertakes a significant properties in possession. Home owner’s comprehensive volume of transactions. Master netting arrangements insurance is compulsory for all the mortgage loans. do not generally result in an offset of assets and All articles financed by Bank Windhoek must be liabilities reflected on the statement of financial comprehensively insured. position, as transactions are usually settled on a gross basis. However, the credit risk associated with favourable Life insurance valuation contracts is reduced by a master netting arrangement to Life insurance that is used as security for loans taken the extent that if an event of default occurs, all amounts out at the bank is ceded to the bank and the cession is with the counterparty are terminated and settled on a registered by the insurance company. The values of net basis. The group’s overall exposure to credit risk on the life insurance policies ceded to the bank must be derivative financial instruments, subject to master updated at least annually to determine the security netting arrangements, can change substantially within a value and to establish whether premiums are up to date. short period, as it is affected by each transaction subject to the arrangement. Credit life insurance In the case of microloans, the customer signs a formal (d) Credit-related commitments loan agreement and sufficient Capricorn credit life The primary purpose of these instruments is to ensure insurance is ceded to the bank. A formal payroll agree- that funds are available to a customer as required. ment between the applicant’s employer and the bank Guarantees and standby letters of credit, which is also signed. Non-government applicants must sign represent irrevocable assurance that the group will an acknowledgement of debt and cede their surplus make payments in the event that a customer cannot benefits (e.g. unpaid leave) payable on termination of meet its obligations to third parties, carry the same service to Bank Windhoek. credit risk as loans. Documentary and commercial letters of credit, which are written undertakings by the group Long-term finance and lending to corporate entities are on behalf of a customer authorising a third party to generally secured. In addition, in order to minimise the draw drafts on the group up to a stipulated amount credit loss, the group will seek additional collateral from under specific terms and conditions, are collateralised by the counterparty as soon as impairment indicators are the underlying shipments of goods to which they relate noticed for the relevant individual loans and advances. and therefore carry less risk than a direct borrowing. Although revolving individual credit facilities are generally unsecured, these are only granted to clients after stringent credit reviews. 3.2.4 Impairment and provisioning policies The credit measurement process as described in note (b) Derivatives 3.2.1 focuses on expected credit losses, taking into The group maintains strict control limits on net open account the risk of future events giving rise to losses. derivative positions (i.e. the difference between pur- In contrast, impairment allowances are recognised for chase and sale contracts), by both amount and term. At financial reporting purposes only for losses that have any one time, the amount subject to credit risk is limited been incurred at the date of the consolidated state- to the current fair value of instruments that ment of financial position based on objective evidence are favourable to the group (i.e. assets where their of impairment (see note 2.4.1). Due to the different fair value is positive), which in relation to derivatives is methodologies applied, the amount of incurred credit only a small fraction of the contract, or notional values losses provided for in the financial statements is usually used to express the volume of instruments outstanding. lower than the amount determined from the expected This credit risk exposure is managed as part of the loss model that is used for internal operational manage- overall lending limits with customers, together with ment and banking regulation purposes. 72 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.5 Credit quality of loans and advances and other (outstanding 45 days and longer), outstanding financial instruments security, special mention accounts, guarantees, letters of credit and foreign exchange contracts, floor plans, i) Credit quality and management of loans and advances savings accounts in overdraft and bad debts written Initial applications off within branch mandates. Bank Windhoek applies a standardised approach when • The credit department submits a monthly report to assessing applications for credit. All applications are the executive management team at Bank Windhoek completed according to the Bank Windhoek risk model, Ltd level and a more detailed report to the board of which covers all information required to make an directors on a quarterly basis regarding the status of informed decision when granting advances. The risk the credit portfolio of the bank. model has the main components of safety, desirability • Monthly statistics per product are used to monitor and profitability which is further broken down as: the quality and management of the loan portfolio • background; per branch. • needs; • Exposures approved above branch level mandate are • financial position; transferred to the legal collections branch. • security; • All transfers to the legal collections branch with a • desirability; provision higher than N$10,000 are scrutinised by the • profitability; and credit department and categorised under: • recommendation – positive / negative aspects. o poor assessment;

No internal scoring models are used except for the o poor management; microloans book, where the Delphi score forms part of o poor collateral management; the assessment. Assessments on all other loan classes are o economic reasons; and performed on a judgemental basis. o other. • Bank Windhoek has a process to proactively manage Subsequent credit assessments potential problem accounts to prevent possible Management information system reports were losses. These advances are identified with assistance developed over time in order to effectively monitor of the branches and are part of monthly credit and manage the quality of the loan portfolio and pro- reporting processes. Provisions on these active actively identify negative problem accounts and trends. accounts are raised in accordance with BID 2 – The following reports are generated: ‘Determination on asset classification, suspension • Excesses are reported on a daily basis and reviewed of interest and provisioning’ requirements under annually. the special mention category. • The branches submit a monthly report on specific issues in order to take remedial actions on dormant The table on the following page shows the loans and accounts, suspended accounts, irregular accounts advances age analysis. 73

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.5 Credit quality of loans and advances and other financial instruments (continued)

Non- Neither Special mention past due performing nor Total Group impaired 0 – 30 31 – 60 61 – 90 More than 30 June 2013 days days days 90 days N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Overdrafts 2,804,865 14,118 2,788 8,475 24,619 2,854,865 Term loans 3,455,144 30,683 6,059 14,826 31,261 3,537,973 Mortgages 8,384,386 27,232 5,378 19,254 63,745 8,499,995 Instalment finance 2,539,198 13,407 2,648 9,409 32,772 2,597,434 Preference shares 296,661 - - - - 296,661 Total gross loans and advances 17,480,254 85,440 16,873 51,964 152,397 17,786,928 Specific provision raised against unsecured amount* - (16,178) (2,505) (1,339) (59,842) (79,864) Total loans and advances after specific provisions 17,480,254 69,262 14,368 50,625 92,555 17,707,064 Security held against impaired loans (54,456) (10,754) (40,215) (92,555) (197,980) 17,480,254 14,806 3,614 10,410 - 17,509,084

*The specific provision raised against the 0 – 30 days, 31 – 60 days and 61 – 90 days categories relates to a number of clients with future possible loss indicators.

Further information of the impairment allowance for loans and advances to customers is provided in note 18. ii) Non-performing loans and advances Loans and advances are managed with reference to the days in arrears. Loans and advances outstanding for longer than 90 days are considered non-performing. As determined by the requirements of BID 2 – ‘Determination on asset classification, suspension of interest and provisioning’, any asset which is overdue 60 days or more but less than 90 days shall be classified as special mention, at a minimum and are subject to impairment provisions. Bank Windhoek follows a more conservative approach than the regulator and already classifies loans in 0 – 30 days and 31 – 60 days as special mention, where, on a case-by-case basis, indicators of a possible future loss event exist. At Bank Windhoek, loans categorised as 31 – 90 days (special mention accounts) are performing but subject to at least the minimum provisioning as per the BID 2 determination. 74 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.5 Credit quality of loans and advances and other financial instruments (continued) Ii) Non-performing loans and advances (continued) Non-performing loans and advances to customers before taking into consideration the cash flows from collateral held is N$152.4 million (2012: N$140.4 million). The breakdown of the gross amounts of non-performing loans and advances by class, along with the value of related tangible collateral held by the group as security, is as follows:

Overdrafts Term loans Mortgages Instalment Total finance N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2013 Non-performing loans 24,619 31,261 63,745 32,772 152,397 Value of tangible collateral 8,331 17,367 56,566 10,291 92,555 Provision raised against unsecured amount 16,288 13,894 7,179 22,481 59,842 Net exposure - - - - -

As at 30 June 2012 Non-performing loans* 24,501 39,136 56,502 20,305 140,444 Value of tangible collateral 11,065 22,599 47,420 5,792 86,876 Provision raised against unsecured amount 13,436 16,537 9,082 14,513 53,568 Net exposure - - - - -

The value of tangible collateral disclosed above is limited to the net outstanding balance after taking into account the provision raised.

*The prior year note disclosure has been restated to include only non-performing loans to be comparable with the June 2013 disclosure.

iii) Non-performing loans and advances by geographical area All non-performing loans are within the geographical area of Namibia. 75

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.5 Credit quality of loans and advances and other financial instruments (continued) iv) Credit quality – financial assets other than loans and advances As at 30 June the following financial instruments are neither past due nor impaired: 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Cash and balances with the central bank 852,636 881,059 Derivative financial instruments 12,188 - Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 1,493,165 1,523,800 Investment securities 120,446 351,698 Due from other banks 251,355 211,032 Other assets 156,013 130,294

No provision for impairment has been raised against these assets. v) Credit ratings of financial assets other than loans and advances The bank applies credit ratings in line with BID 17 ‘Country risk management’ to reflect the credit risk of financial instruments. External credit ratings from reputable international ratings agencies are utilised for cross border exposures, which is augmented with thorough internal credit and financial analyses in the determination and setting of exposure limits. Distinction between two broad credit quality classes are made, i.e. investment grade (AAA to BBB) and speculative / high- yield (BB and lower). Fitch ratings will be utilised as far as possible. If Fitch ratings are not available, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s ratings will be used for classification. If no ratings are available, i.e. certain African countries for example, these exposures will be classified as unrated.

The following section summarises the credit quality of financial assets, derivatives, and exposures to corresponding and counterparty banks for 30 June. Carrying Investment Unrated Total value grade (AAA to BBB) As at 30 June 2013 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group Cash and balances with the central bank - 669,941 182,695 852,636 Derivative financial instruments - 3,898 8,290 12,188 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 1,237,789 255,376 1,493,165 Investment securities - 117,357 3,089 120,446 Due from other banks - 210,317 41,038 251,355 Other assets - - 156,013 156,013 Non-financial assets 400,843 - - 400,843 Total assets (excluding loans and advances) 400,843 2,239,302 646,501 3,286,646 76 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.5 Credit quality of loans and advances and other financial instruments (continued) Carrying Investment Unrated Total value grade (AAA to BBB) As at 30 June 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group Cash and balances with the central bank - 701,047 180,012 881,059 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 1,518,560 5,240 1,523,800 Investment securities - 351,698 - 351,698 Due from other banks - 204,451 6,581 211,032 Other assets - - 130,294 130,294 Non-financial assets 338,235 - - 338,235 Total assets (excluding loans and advances) 338,235 2,775,756 322,127 3,436,118

The following risk weightings are applied for due from other banks when calculating the risk-based capital ratios: (a) Long-term Exposures to banks assigned a credit risk assessment rating of AAA to AA- 20% Exposures to banks assigned a credit assessment rating of A+ to BBB- or unrated 50% Exposures to banks assigned a credit assessment rating of BB+ to B- 100% Exposures to banks assigned a credit assessment rating of below B- 150% (b) Short-term claims Claims denominated and funded in domestic currency with an original maturity of three months or less, assigned a credit assessment rating of AAA to BBB- or unrated 20% Exposures to banks assigned a credit risk assessment rating of AAA to AA- 20% Exposures to banks assigned a credit assessment rating of A+ to BBB- or unrated 20% Claims to banks assigned a credit assessment rating of BB+ to B- or unrated 50% Claims to banks assigned a credit assessment rating of below B- 150%

3.2.6 Repossessed collateral The group obtained assets by taking possession of collateral held as security. The value of the assets still on the statement of financial position is as follows: Carrying amount 2013 2012 N$’000 N$'000

Nature of assets Residential property - 848

Repossessed properties are sold as soon as practicable with the proceeds used to reduce the outstanding indebtedness. Repossessed property is classified in the statement of financial position as other assets. 77

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.7 Credit risk weighted amounts The following risk-weighted amounts, including related impairments and write-off, have been assigned to the components of credit risk for the banking group, as defined in BID 5 – ‘Determination on capital adequacy’:

Exposure Impairment Risk- Written-off weighted amounts As at 30 June 2013 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Counterparties Sovereign and central bank 1,726,703 - - - Public sector entities 459,253 - 188,467 - Banks 255,751 - 71,151 - Corporate 4,264,627 6,900 4,257,096 - Retail 4,563,052 43,615 3,411,595 11,420 Residential mortgage properties 4,876,821 3,899 2,460,723 1,270 Commercial real estate 3,623,174 13 3,627,170 - Other assets 1,257,169 - 759,424 - Included in other assets: – Listed shares 57,804 - 57,804 - 21,026,550 54,427 14,775,626 12,690 Commitments 2,178,851 - 964,375 -

Exposure Impairment Risk- Written-off weighted amounts As at 30 June 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Counterparties Sovereign and central bank 1,927,641 - - - Public sector entities 223,086 - 91,197 - Banks 211,032 - 42,709 - Corporate 3,353,182 13,676 3,338,662 - Retail 4,575,478 49,592 3,420,268 16,685 Residential mortgage properties 4,252,834 6,548 2,140,636 313 Commercial real estate 3,200,041 1,416 3,201,864 - Other assets 1,188,196 - 676,530 - Included in other assets: – Listed shares 35,445 - 35,445 - 18,931,490 71,232 12,911,866 16,998 Commitments 3,000,360 - 1,244,210 -

Only claims on banks are risk-weighted based on exter- The sovereign and central bank credit risk weighting nal credit assessment for capital adequacy calculations. has been 0% for local currency issued and controlled by The group utilises available external rating agencies’ the central bank for the last three financial years. The ratings on both short-term and long-term exposures. long-term country credit rating by an external credit No amounts are deducted from the bank’s capital. rating agency for Namibia was as follows: The Bank of Namibia does not have its own credit rating.

2013 2012

Namibia long-term local currency issuer default rating BBB BBB Namibia long-term issuer default rating BBB- BBB- 78 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.8 Credit risk concentration by industry The following table breaks down the group’s main credit exposure at their gross amounts, as categorised by the industry sectors of counterparties:

Cash and Derivative Financial Due from Loans and Other Total balances financial assets other advances to assets with the instruments designated banks customers central and at fair value bank investment through securities profit or loss N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2013 Agriculture and forestry - - - - 930,700 - 930,700 Fishing - - - - 294,303 - 294,303 Mining - 3,089 - - 109,914 - 113,003 Manufacturing - - - - 557,099 - 557,099 Building and construction - - - - 1,178,068 - 1,178,068 Electricity, gas and water - - - - 73,253 - 73,253 Trade and accommodation (note 1) - - - - 9,305,140 - 9,305,140 Transport and communication - - - - 338,872 - 338,872 Finance and insurance 182,695 74,830 255,376 251,355 649,866 - 1,414,122 Real estate and business services - - - - 1,686,376 - 1,686,376 Government 669,941 - 1,237,789 - 9,152 - 1,916,882 Individuals - - - - 2,595,706 - 2,595,706 Other - 54,715 - - 58,479 156,013 269,207 Impairment - - - - (134,966) - (134,966) 852,636 132,634 1,493,165 251,355 17,651,962 156,013 20,537,765

Group As at 30 June 2012 Agriculture and forestry - - - - 899,500 - 899,500 Fishing - - - - 309,902 - 309,902 Mining - - 4,216 - 105,456 - 109,672 Manufacturing - - - - 441,109 - 441,109 Building and construction - - - - 771,045 - 771,045 Electricity, gas and water - - - - 54,781 - 54,781 Trade and accommodation (note 1) - - - - 8,046,849 - 8,046,849 Transport and communication - - - - 378,040 - 378,040 Finance and insurance 180,012 320,469 131,328 211,032 406,287 - 1,249,128 Real estate and business services - - - - 1,567,788 - 1,567,788 Government 701,047 - 1,388,256 - 11,619 - 2,100,922 Individuals - - - - 2,547,374 - 2,547,374 Other - 31,229 - - 64,870 130,294 226,393 Impairment - - - - (119,688) - (119,688) 881,059 351,698 1,523,800 211,032 15,484,932 130,294 18,582,815

Note 1: Trade and accommodation includes all loans and No disclosures are made from a company perspective, advances granted to individuals that acquire property as these disclosures are applicable to the banking for residential purposes, e.g. residential mortgage loans institution only. and advances granted to hotels, lodges, restaurants and the related. 79

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.9 Credit risk concentration by geographical area

Cash and Derivative Financial Due from Loans and Other Total balances financial assets other advances to assets exposure with the instruments designated banks customers on the central and at fair value statement bank investment through of financial securities profit or loss position N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2013 Namibia 852,636 62,642 1,493,165 3 17,651,962 156,013 20,216,421 South Africa - 12,188 - 46,682 - - 58,870 United Kingdom - 3,089 - 13,734 - - 16,823 United States of America - 54,715 - 131,178 - - 185,893 Zambia - - - 41,036 - - 41,036 Other countries - - - 18,722 - - 18,722 852,636 132,634 1,493,165 251,355 17,651,962 156,013 20,537,765 As at 30 June 2012 Botswana - - - - 23,629 - 23,629 Namibia 881,059 320,469 1,519,584 - 15,461,303 130,294 18,312,709 South Africa - - - 40,658 - - 40,658 United Kingdom - - 4,216 21,415 - - 25,631 United States of America - 31,229 - 136,225 - - 167,454 Zambia - - - 6,577 - - 6,577 Other countries - - - 6,157 - - 6,157 881,059 351,698 1,523,800 211,032 15,484,932 130,294 18,582,815

There are no exposures to other foreign countries which are not recorded on the statement of financial position.

3.2.10 Maturity breakdown of credit portfolio – discounted cash flows In terms of BID 18 ‘Public disclosures for banking institutions’ the maturity breakdown of a banking institution’s whole credit portfolio should be disclosed, where the maturity breakdown shall be based on the residual contractual maturity of the said exposures. This disclosure, for the Bank Windhoek Holdings group, is detailed on the next page. 80 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.2.10 Maturity breakdown of credit portfolio – discounted cash flows (continued)

Carrying Call to 1 1 – 3 3 – 12 1 – 5 Over 5 Total value month months months years years As at 30 June 2013 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Cash and balances with the central bank - 852,636 - - - - 852,636 Derivative financial instruments - - - 1,846 10,342 - 12,188 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 296,449 505,867 681,724 9,125 - 1,493,165 Investment securities - 57,804 - 62,642 - - 120,446 Due from other banks - 251,355 - - - - 251,355 Gross loans and advances to customers - 3,006,514 249,119 276,869 3,654,613 10,599,813 17,786,928 Other assets - 156,013 - - - - 156,013 Non-financial instruments 400,843 - - - - - 400,843 Impairment provisions (134,966) - - - - - (134,966) Total assets 265,877 4,620,771 754,986 1,023,081 3,674,080 10,599,813 20,938,608

Carrying Call to 1 1 – 3 3 – 12 1 – 5 Over 5 Total value month months months years years As at 30 June 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Cash and balances with the central bank - 881,059 - - - - 881,059 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 218,129 298,509 1,007,162 - - 1,523,800 Investment securities - 31,229 - 260,774 59,695 - 351,698 Due from other banks - 211,032 - - - - 211,032 Gross loans and advances to customers - 2,652,121 361,581 335,978 3,327,645 8,927,295 15,604,620 Other assets - 130,294 - - - - 130,294 Non-financial instruments 338,235 - - - - - 338,235 Impairment provisions (119,688) - - - - - (119,688) Total assets 218,547 4,123,864 660,090 1,603,914 3,387,340 8,927,295 18,921,050

3.3 Market risk

The group takes on exposure to market risks. Market structures are addressed on a monthly basis by the risks arise from open positions in interest rate and interest rate subcommittee. External market resources currency products, all of which are exposed to general are used to recommend interest rate views to ALCO. and specific market movements. It is the group’s policy not to enter into long-term, unhedged fixed interest 3.3.1 Market risk measurement techniques rate contracts for loans and advances. Interest rate The group employs several measurement techniques to structures of deposits reflect the interest rate view and assess potential exposures to market change. Sensitivity strategy of the ALCO and maturity structures of term analysis is applied to measure the impact of changes in deposits are in line with the ALCO policy. Interest rate interest rates. This measure is of importance in assessing 81

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.3.1 Market risk measurement techniques (continued) 3.3.2 Foreign currency risk the exposure of the group’s trading portfolio and the The group takes on exposure to the effects of fluc- effect of such changes on the interest margin. tuations in the prevailing foreign currency exchange rates on its financial position and cash flows. The board Other measurement techniques include comprehensive sets limits on the level of exposure by currency and in analysis of maturities, both from the advance and total for both overnight and intra-day positions, which funding perspective. are monitored daily. The table below summarises the group’s exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk at year-end. Included in the table are the group’s financial instruments at the carrying amounts, categorised by currency: Concentration of foreign denominated currency financial instruments ZMW NAD US$ € £ Other Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2013 ASSETS Cash and balances with the central bank - 826,104 23,501 2,829 19 183 852,636 Derivative financial instruments - - - - - 12,188 12,188 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss - 1,493,165 - - - - 1,493,165 Investment securities - 62,642 54,715 - 3,089 - 120,446 Due from other banks 32,800 3 148,324 30,050 265 39,913 251,355 Loans and advances to customers - 17,645,771 3,903 2,048 240 - 17,651,962 Other assets - 156,013 - - - - 156,013 Total financial assets 32,800 20,183,698 230,443 34,927 3,613 52,284 20,537,765 Non-financial assets - 400,843 - - - - 400,843 Total assets 32,800 20,584,541 230,443 34,927 3,613 52,284 20,938,608

LIABILITIES Derivative financial instruments - - - - - 7,792 7,792 Due to other banks 31,966 100,000 - - - 34,993 166,959 Debt securities in issue - 1,323,976 - - - - 1,323,976 Deposits from customers - 12,805,061 184,927 31,627 1,361 - 13,022,976 Other deposits - 3,511,815 - - - - 3,511,815 Other liabilities - 214,974 - - - - 214,974 Total financial liabilities 31,966 17,955,826 184,927 31,627 1,361 42,785 18,248,492 Non-financial liabilities - 66,058 - - - - 66,058 Total liabilities 31,966 18,021,884 184,927 31,627 1,361 42,785 18,314,550 Total equity - 2,624,058 - - - - 2,624,058 Total equity and liabilities 31,966 20,645,942 184,927 31,627 1,361 42,785 20,938,608

Net financial position of financial instruments 834 2,227,872 45,516 3,300 2,252 9,499 2,289,273 Credit commitments - 339 24,506 347 - 11,662 36,854

As at 30 June 2012 Total financial assets - 18,306,433 204,767 30,136 4,551 36,928 18,582,815 Total non-financial assets - 338,235 - - - - 338,235 Total assets - 18,644,668 204,767 30,136 4,551 36,928 18,921,050


NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.3.2 Foreign currency risk (continued) Concentration of foreign denominated currency financial instruments (continued) ZMW NAD US$ € £ Other Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2012 Total financial liabilities 216 16,626,754 174,503 29,986 2,642 44,605 16,878,706 Non-financial liabilities - 155,285 - - - - 155,285 Total liabilities 216 16,782,039 174,503 29,986 2,642 44,605 17,033,991 Total equity - 1,887,059 - - - - 1,887,059 Total equity and liabilities 216 18,669,098 174,503 29,986 2,642 44,605 18,921,050 Net financial position of financial instruments (216) 1,679,679 30,264 150 1,909 (7,677) 1,704,109 Credit commitments - 161,021 26,176 4,821 - 26,535 218,553

‘Other’ foreign currency exposures included in the table above relate mainly to exposures to the South African rand.

The following exchange rates (number of units of Namibian dollar per unit of foreign currency) were used on conversion of foreign currency monetary items at the reporting date: 2013 2012

USD 9.88 8.13 GBP 14.99 12.77 EUR 12.84 10.32 ZAR 1.00 1.00 ZMW (2012: ZMK) 0.55 625.61 (note 1)

Note 1: The significant movement in the Zambian KWACHA from June 2012 to June 2013 is due to a KWACHA rebasing that occurred during the current year. The currency has been rebased from ZMK 1,000 to ZMW 1 by removing the last three digits. Effect on net profit 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

The following is a sensitivity analysis, monitored on the following major currencies of non-equity instruments, where a 3.5% change arisen on the various currencies: US dollar / Namibian dollar 15,732 8,615 Euro / Namibian dollar 1,483 54 British pound / Namibian dollar 1,182 853

The following effect of 3.5% change would arise on equity instruments: Effect of British pound denominated equity instrument on equity 108 148 Effect of US dollar denominated equity instrument on equity 1,915 1,093 83

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.3.3 Interest rate risk Assets and liabilities are classified as interest-sensitive Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that the future if the interest rate is floating (classified in the ‘up to 1 cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate month’ bucket) or if the interest rate applied to the because of changes in market interest rates. Fair value outstanding principal balance fluctuates contractually interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a financial during its lifespan (classified at the earliest of reprise or instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market maturity). The key assumption made is that when an interest rates. The group takes on exposure to the asset or liability matures within a certain bucket, the principal amount will be reprised. If an asset matures effects of fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market the proceeds are reinvested and, when any liability interest rates on both its fair value and cash flow matures the liability is replaced with new funding. risks. Interest margins may increase as a result of such changes but may reduce or create losses in the event The table below summarises the group’s exposure that unexpected movements arise. The board sets limits to interest rate risks. It includes the group’s financial on the level of mismatch of interest rate repricing that instruments at carrying amounts, categorised by the may be undertaken, which is monitored monthly. earlier of contractual repricing or maturity dates:

I) Interest rate risk analysis Up to 1 1 – 3 3 – 12 More than Non-interest Total month months months 1 year sensitive N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2013 ASSETS Cash and balances with the central bank 488,914 - - - 363,722 852,636 Derivative financial instruments 12,188 - - - - 12,188 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 296,449 505,867 681,724 9,125 - 1,493,165 Investment securities 62,642 - - - 57,804 120,446 Due from other banks 251,355 - - - - 251,355 Loans and advances to customers 17,445,439 93 1,946 171,031 33,453 17,651,962 Other assets 47,943 - - - 108,070 156,013 Total financial assets 18,604,930 505,960 683,670 180,156 563,049 20,537,765 Non-financial assets - - - - 400,843 400,843 Total assets 18,604,930 505,960 683,670 180,156 963,892 20,938,608

LIABILITIES Derivative financial instruments 7,792 - - - - 7,792 Due to other banks 166,959 - - - - 166,959 Debt securities in issue 25,800 500,105 380,861 417,210 - 1,323,976 Deposits from customers 11,236,825 697,549 1,083,673 4,929 - 13,022,976 Other deposits 57,337 2,430,466 935,012 89,000 - 3,511,815 Other liabilities - - - - 214,974 214,974 Total liabilities 11,494,713 3,628,120 2,399,546 511,139 214,974 18,248,492 Total non-financial liabilities - - - - 66,058 66,058 Total liabilities 11,494,713 3,628,120 2,399,546 511,139 281,032 18,314,550 Total equity - - - - 2,624,058 2,624,058 Total equity and liabilities 11,494,713 3,628,120 2,399,546 511,139 2,905,090 20,938,608


NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.3.3 Interest rate risk (continued) i) Interest rate risk analysis (continued) Up to 1 1 – 3 3 – 12 More than Non-interest Total month months months 1 year sensitive N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group As at 30 June 2013 Interest sensitivity gap (financial instruments) 7,110,217 (3,122,160) (1,715,876) (330,983) 348,075 2,289,273 Cumulative interest sensitivity gap (financial instruments) 7,110,217 3,988,057 2,272,181 1,941,198 2,289,273 -

As at 30 June 2012 Interest sensitivity gap (financial instruments) 5,685,141 (2,827,496) (1,179,241) (274,628) 300,334 1,704,110 Cumulative interest sensitivity gap (financial instruments) 5,685,141 2,857,645 1,678,404 1,403,776 1,704,110 -

The interest rate sensitivity gap is determined based on income will perform under a variety of scenarios. The methodology applied when reviewing interest rate risk. sensitivities below measure the effect of overall changes The June 2012 interest sensitivity gap has been restated in interest rates on profit or loss (net interest income) to reflect the same methodology applied for June 2013. as defined by the bank’s interest rate modelling tool. The extent of the shock (50, 100 or 200 basis points) is ii) Interest rate sensitivity analysis applied to all interest rates in the system and the effects An interest sensitivity analysis shows how net interest of these shocks are detailed below. 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

The following interest-rate sensitivity is based on the effect of changes to the interest rate over a six-month period on net interest income: 100 basis points increase 23,785 28,935 – Increase in interest income 106,567 91,773 – Increase in interest expense (82,782) (62,838)

100 basis points decrease (30,004) (29,638) – Decrease in interest income (105,455) (90,773) – Decrease in interest expense 75,451 61,135

The following interest-rate sensitivity is based on the effect of changes to the interest rate over a twelve- month period on net interest income: 50 basis points increase 19,168 20,417 – Increase in interest income 111,415 88,572 – Increase in interest expense (92,247) (68,155)

50 basis points decrease (20,926) (20,208) – Decrease in interest income (110,307) (87,520) – Decrease in interest expense 89,381 67,312

100 basis points increase 38,549 40,961 – Increase in interest income 222,826 177,182 – Increase in interest expense (184,277) (136,221)


NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.3.3 Interest rate risk (continued) ii) Interest rate sensitivity analysis (continued) 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

The following interest-rate sensitivity is based on the effect of changes to the interest rate over a twelve- month period on net interest income (continued) 100 basis points decrease (51,278) (42,117) – Decrease in interest income (220,568) (175,005) – Decrease in interest expense 169,290 132,888

200 basis points increase 77,949 82,426 – Increase in interest income 445,635 354,513 – Increase in interest expense (367,686) (272,087)

200 basis points decrease (120,484) (104,453) – Decrease in interest income (441,097) (349,978) – Decrease in interest expense 320,613 245,525

The following interest-rate sensitivity is based on the effect of changes to the interest rate on financial assets classified as available-for-sale on net interest income: 100 basis points increase 3,271 3,124 100 basis points decrease (3,271) (3,124)

In non-banking group companies, the effect of 100 basis point increase or decrease on the net profit and equity would have been N$0.10 million (2012: N$0.14 million).

3.3.4 Price risk The group is exposed to equity securities price risk The exposure arose due to specific circ*mstances and because of investments held by the group and classified are managed individually. as available-for-sale. These securities are listed on the FTSE and NYSE. The following sensitivity analysis indicates the impact The group generally does not undertake equity exposure. of a 10% change in the securities valuation:

2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Effect on equity 5,780 3,123

Effect on net profit before taxation - 422

3.3.5 Market risk capital charge The following capital charges have been assigned to the components of market risk for the banking group, as defined in BID 5 – ‘Determination on capital adequacy’: Capital charges 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Interest rate risk 5,249 6,084 Foreign exchange risk 8,584 9,325 86 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.4 Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the group is unable to meet obligations, the opportunity cost also plays a role (i.e. its payment obligations associated with its financial potential higher return less the cost of obtaining liabilities when they fall due and to replace funds when replacement liquidity). Liquidity management must they are withdrawn. attempt to match the most appropriate available liquidity to the most appropriate maturing liabilities. Liquidity risk is inherent in the bank’s business endeavours and represents the ability of the bank Funding liquidity risk relates to an enterprise’s capability to fund increases in assets and meet its financial to generate funding at short notice at reasonable obligations in a timely manner as they come due expense to meet pressing liquidity requirements. without incurring excessive costs, while complying with all statutory and regulatory requirements. The Liquidity The group’s liquidity management process is outlined risk management policy sets out the minimum liquidity in the liquidity policy which includes, inter alia, the risk management requirements for the bank. Under group’ s funding strategy. Procedures, as set out in this the policy, the bank is required to manage current policy , include the: and future liquidity positions in a prudent manner. – daily monitoring of liquid assets; This policy formalises the liquidity risk management – proactive identification of liquidity requirements process of the bank, the goal of which is to: and maturing assets; – maintain liquidity risk at a manageable level – liquid asset minimum limit; through assessment and monitoring; – proactive identification of short, medium and – assess and advise against any permanent or long-term liquidity requirements; and temporary adverse changes to the liquidity – relationship management with other financial position of the bank; institutions. – set and monitor limits for funding mix, invest- ment products and client exposures; In general the bank does not engage in complex – monitor all applicable financial and statutory ratios; and activities or structures and therefore it is considered – identify those liquidity triggers that may entail unnecessary to employ sophisticated and expensive the activation of the Contingency funding plan. models when determining liquidity needs under various scenarios. A basic but thorough forward looking The policy sets out rules to effectively control liquidity analysis is conducted in the day-to-day, as well as risk within the risk-return parameters dictated by the monthly analysis of liquidity positions, needs and board of directors’ risk appetite. risks. Limits and rules stipulated in the Liquidity risk management policy and by ALCO form the basis for daily The policy aims to protect depositors, creditors, share- quotes on deposits to ensure that an optimal mix and holders and other stakeholders of the bank by concentrations are maintained. establishing rules and directions for identifying and managing the resolution of possible serious liquidity The bank must at all times hold an adequate liquid asset problems. surplus which: – includes a buffer portion; Asset liquidity risk represents the availability of sufficient – is additional to credit lines; assets in liquid form to meet pressing obligations. In – is adequate to cater for unexpected outflows; and situations where liquid assets on hand could be utilised – is simultaneously limiting the effect this surplus to earn a higher return instead of paying current has on interest margins. 87

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.4 Liquidity risk (continued) Liquidity risk analysis The table below presents the cash flows payable by the The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual group by remaining contractual maturities at the date of undiscounted cash flows, hence it does not reconcile to the consolidated statement of financial position. the values reflected on the statement of financial position:

Call to 1 1 – 3 3 – 12 1 – 5 Over 5 Total month months months years years N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

FINANCIAL LIABILITIES As at 30 June 2013 Derivative financial instruments 249 1,151 2,940 3,989 - 8,329 Due to other banks 166,959 - - - - 166,959 Debt securities in issue 2,591 19,823 640,800 807,250 - 1,470,464 Deposits from customers 10,503,647 1,583,226 1,142,785 5,574 4,955 13,240,187 Other deposits 204,934 374,550 1,924,240 1,312,253 - 3,815,977 Other liabilities 214,974 - - - - 214,974 Total liabilities (contractual maturity dates) 11,093,354 1,978,750 3,710,765 2,129,066 4,955 18,916,890

Commitments – (refer to note 3.2.7 for collateral held over commitments) 2,178,851 - - - - 2,178,851 Loan commitments and other credit- related liabilities 1,199,093 - - - - 1,199,093 Liabilities under guarantees 948,243 - - - - 948,243 Letters of credit 31,515 - - - - 31,515

As at 30 June 2012 Derivative financial instruments - 699 - - - 699 Due to other banks 237,611 - - - - 237,611 Debt securities in issue 77,448 - 279,288 685,101 - 1,041,837 Deposits from customers 9,402,347 1,431,798 1,273,427 116,162 - 12,223,734 Other deposits 380,652 389,084 1,975,905 864,677 - 3,610,318 Other liabilities 197,798 - - - - 197,798 Total liabilities (contractual maturity dates) 10,295,856 1,821,581 3,528,620 1,665,940 - 17,311,997

Commitments – (refer to note 3.2.7 for collateral held over commitments) 3,000,360 - - - - 3,000,360 Loan commitments and other credit- related liabilities 1,605,525 - - - - 1,605,525 Liabilities under guarantees 1,176,771 - - - - 1,176,771 Letters of credit 218,064 - - - - 218,064 88 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.5 Fair values of financial assets and liabilities Thompson Reuters foreign currency rate platform. Spot foreign currency transactions not yet (a) Fair value estimation matured are marked-to-market based on The group is presumed to be a going concern and the end of trading day quoted Thompson Reuters fair value methodology is therefore appropriate. Fair market rates. value is the current price to purchase an asset or to – Interest rate swaps are valued by discounting the transfer a liability. Such a transaction is characterised by expected future fixed and floating interest rate an arm’s length and orderly transaction in a free market cash flow streams with the applicable South (neither party is compelled to act), between hypothetical African money market yield curves. The future willing, able and well-informed market participants. fixed rate cash flows are based on the terms of In addition, the fair value methodology is utilised to the contractual agreements, while the floating accurately reflect the current market conditions and rate cash flows are approximated using the the appropriate market price of such a transaction on estimated forward rate yield curve in line with the reporting date. contractual agreements. – Option contract values are determined using the The fair value of financial assets and liabilities traded Black-Scholes pricing model, utilising real-time in active markets (such as publicly traded derivatives, market data on the required inputs. trading and available-for-sale securities) is based on quoted market prices at the reporting date. The active iii) Financial assets designated at fair value through market should be characterised by sufficient supply and profit or loss demand by market participants, supported by adequate Treasury bills frequency and volumes to accurately approximate the Treasury bills are designated at fair value through profit true market price of such a transaction on an ongoing or loss based on the discounted valuation technique basis. The quoted market price used for financial assets using quoted market prices and rates. held by the group is the price within the current bid-ask- price, which is the most representative of fair value. Government stock Government stock and other bonds guaranteed by The fair value of financial assets and liabilities that either the Namibian or South African governments are not traded in an active market is determined are designated at fair value based on the discounted by using valuation techniques to approximate the valuation technique using quoted market prices. The fair value. The bank uses a variety of methods and Bond Exchange of South Africa bond pricing model is makes assumptions that are based on market condi- utilised to determine the fair value. tions existing at each reporting date. These valuation techniques include quoted market prices or dealer Money market investments quotes for similar instruments in active and inactive For money market investments, the carrying value is markets, and discounted cash flow valuation techniques. assumed to represent its fair value.

i) Cash and balances with the central bank iv) Investment securities Due to its short-term nature, the carrying amount ap- Investment securities – listed proximates the fair value of these financial assets. For listed investment securities, the fair value is derived by using stock market prices, adjusted for any re- ii) Derivative financial instruments strictions on its tradability. Derivative financial instruments are classified as fair value through profit or loss using valuation techniques Investment securities – unlisted supported by observable market prices or rates (ex- For endowment policies, the carrying value approxi- change traded). Over-the-counter transactions are mates its fair value. also measured at fair value based on the following valuation techniques: v) Due to and from other banks – Forward contracts are valued based on the Amounts due to and from other banks include interbank daily mark-to-market value of the forward placements. The carrying amount of overnight deposits contract. The market rates are obtained from the represents its fair value. 89

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.5 Fair values of financial assets and liabilities x) Other deposits (continued) The carrying amount approximates the fair value of (a) Fair value estimation (continued) these financial liabilities. vi) Loans and advances to customers The loans and advances to customers are recognised xi) Financial instruments not recorded on the statement at amortised cost. The fair value is determined for dis- of financial position closure purposes by discounting the future expected The estimated fair values of the financial instruments cash flows using observable market inputs, such as the not recorded on the statement of financial position are prime rate, as appropriate. For short maturity loans and based on market prices for similar facilities. When this advances the carrying value is designated as fair value. information is not available, fair value is estimated using Unobservable market inputs are developed using the discounted cash flow analysis. best information available that market participants would use when pricing the loan. The credit risk will be (b) Fair value hierarchy approximated by the carrying values of defaulted and IFRS 7 specifies a hierarchy of valuation techniques based provisioned accounts. Refer to note 3.5 (b) below for the on whether the inputs to those valuation techniques are disclosure of the fair value of loans and advances. observable or unobservable. Observable inputs reflect market data obtained from independent sources; un- vii) Other assets observable inputs reflect the group’s market assump- The nominal values less impairment provision of trade tions. These two types of inputs have created the receivables and payables are assumed to approximate folowing fair value hierarchy: their fair value, due to the short-term nature of these • Level 1 – quoted prices (unadjusted) in active assets and liabilities. For insurance assets and the re- markets for identical assets or liabilities. This maining other assets the carry value approximates its level includes listed equity securities and debt fair value. instruments on exchanges. • Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included viii) Deposits and borrowings within level 1 that are observable for the asset The carrying amount approximates the fair value of or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or these financial liabilities. indirectly (that is, derived from prices). This level includes the majority of the OTC derivative ix) Debt securities in issue contracts, traded loans and issued structured Financial instruments included in this category include debt. The sources of input parameters like senior debt, promissory notes, callable bonds and JIBAR yield curve or counterparty credit risk are preference shares issued. The fair value of issued debt Bloomberg and Reuters. securities other than preference shares is estimated by • Level 3 – inputs for the asset or liability that discounting the future contractual cash flows at the are not based on observable market data (un- available market interest rate. Quoted prices for similar observable inputs). This level includes equity instruments are utilised in the event that active prices investments and debt instruments with significant are not available. The fair values of these instruments unobservable components. were N$1.3 billion (2012: N$0.9 billion). The fair value of the issued preference shares approximates the This hierarchy requires the use of observable market carrying value, due to the floating rate nature of the data when available. The group considers relevant and instruments. Refer to note 26. observable market prices in its valuations where possible. 90 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.5 Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)

Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Level 1 Level 2 Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

As at 30 June 2013 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Debt securities - 1,493,165 1,493,165 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial instruments - 12,188 12,188 Available-for-sale financial assets Debt securities - 62,642 62,642 Equity securities 57,804 - 57,804 57,804 1,567,995 1,625,799

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial instruments - 7,792 7,792

As at 30 June 2012 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Debt securities - 1,519,584 1,519,584 Equity securities 4,216 - 4,216 Available-for-sale financial assets Debt securities - 320,469 320,469 Equity securities 31,229 - 31,229 35,445 1,840,053 1,875,498

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial instruments - 699 699

No transfers between level 1 and level 2 fair value measure- ments occurred during the year under review.

The following represents the fair values of financial instruments not carried at fair value on the statement of financial position: 2013 2012 Carrying Fair Carrying Fair value value value value N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Financial assets Loans and advances to customers (note 18) 17,651,962 17,874,936 15,484,932 15,760,458 91

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.6 Capital management

The group’s objectives when managing capital, which interest arising on consolidation from interests in is a broader concept than the ‘equity’ on the face of the permanent shareholders’ equity, retained earnings statement of financial position, are to: and reserves created by appropriations of retained – comply with the capital requirements set by the earnings. The book value of goodwill is deducted regulators of the banking markets where the in arriving at Tier 1 capital; entities within the group operate; – Tier 2 capital: qualifying subordinated loan capital – safeguard the group’s ability to continue as a and collective impairment allowances; and going concern so that it can continue to provide – Tier 3 capital: includes short-term subordinated returns for shareholders and benefits for other debt that may be used only to cover a portion stakeholders; and of the banking institution’s capital charges for – maintain a strong capital base to support the market risk. development of its business.

The Bank of Namibia has adopted a standardised Capital management for the banking group approach to BASEL II, with risk-weighted assets being The Bank of Namibia requires each bank or banking measured at three different levels namely operational group to hold the minimum level of the regulatory risk, market risk and credit risk. capital of N$10 million, as well as to maintain the fol- lowing capital adequacy ratios: During 2012, the Bank of Namibia introduced BID 24 – – Tier 1 capital to total assets, as reported in the statutory return, at a minimum of 6%, referred to ‘Consolidated supervision’, which denotes consolidation as the leverage capital ratio; rules only for the purposes of computing regulatory – Tier 1 capital to the risk-weighted assets at a minimum capital requirements. These rules do not minimum of 7%, referred to as Tier 1 risk-based impact on accounting consolidation of banking groups, capital ratio; and which is done in accordance with IFRS. Although – the total regulatory capital to risk-weighted regulatory consolidation may track the accounting assets at a minimum of 10%, referred to as total consolidation, it is not identical because of a different risk-based capital ratio. approach that is prescribed or required for treatment of certain types of transactions and / or subsidiaries. The group’s regulatory capital is divided into three tiers: According to the statutory framework, the group – Tier 1 capital: share capital (net of any book values entities are treated as follows in the Bank Windhoek of the treasury shares, if any), non-controlling Holdings group:

Subsidiaries: Consolidated supervision approach Accounting consolidation approach Bank Windhoek Ltd Full consolidation Full consolidation Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd Deduction approach Full consolidation Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd Deduction approach Full consolidation

Associates: Consolidated supervision approach Accounting consolidation approach Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd Deduction approach Equity accounted associate Santam Namibia Ltd Deduction approach Equity accounted associate

Deduction approach means deductions of 50 per cent of the cost of investment in the affiliate is made from Tier 1 capital and 50 per cent from Tier 2 capital. 92 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.6 Capital management (continued) The table below summarises the composition of supervision level. During these two years, the individual regulatory capital and the ratios of Bank Windhoek Ltd entities within the group complied with all of the and the Bank Windhoek Holdings group for the years externally-imposed capital requirements to which they ended 30 June, at both bank solo and consolidated are subjected.

Bank Windhoek Ltd Bank Windhoek Holdings Group 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Tier 1 capital Share capital and premium 485,000 163,506 475,116 102,114 General banking reserves 1,588,834 1,331,214 1,588,834 1,331,214 Retained earnings 30,524 18,497 355,833 204,160 Sub-total 2,104,358 1,513,217 2,419,783 1,637,488 Deduct: 50% investments in group entities Goodwill - - 48,507 46,747 50% investments in deconsolidated financial subsidiaries, significant minority and majority insurance entities and significant commercial entities - - 55,138 47,647 Net total Tier 1 capital 2,104,358 1,513,217 2,316,138 1,543,094

Tier 2 capital Subordinated debt 311,710 312,002 462,511 465,972 Five-year callable bonds 311,710 312,002 311,710 312,002 Preference shares - - 150,801 153,970 Portfolio impairment 196,321 155,478 196,321 155,478 Sub-total 508,031 467,480 658,832 621,450 Deduct: 50% investments in group entities 50% investments in deconsolidated financial subsidiaries, significant minority and majority insurance entities and significant commercial entities - - 55,138 47,647 Net total Tier 2 capital 508,031 467,480 603,694 573,803 Total regulatory capital 2,612,389 1,980,697 2,919,832 2,116,897

Risk-weighted assets: Operational risk 1,686,357 1,411,115 1,710,837 1,443,969 Credit risk 15,731,715 14,153,667 15,739,999 14,156,077 Market risk 138,325 154,084 138,325 154,084 Total risk-weighted assets 17,556,397 15,718,866 17,589,161 15,754,130

The increase in risk-weighted assets during the year is mainly attributable to the increase in credit risk, which relates to the growth in loans and advances. Operational risk increased in line with growth in gross income.

Capital adequacy ratios: Leverage capital ratio 10.1% 8.1% 11.4% 8.6% Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 12.0% 9.6% 13.2% 9.8% Total risk-based capital ratio 14.9% 12.6% 16.6% 13.4% 93

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

3.6 Capital management (continued) judgement, the group evaluates among other factors, In addition to the above minimum capital requirements, the normal volatility in share price. In addition, the Bank of Namibia requires Bank Windhoek to impairment may be appropriate when there is evidence perform an internal capital adequacy and assessment of a deterioration in the financial health of the investee, process (ICAAP) in terms of Pillar II of BASEL II, which industry and sector performance, changes in technology, has been documented and approved by the board. The and operational and financing cash flows. There was no process results in: such evidence requiring impairment for the year ended – the identification of all significant risk exposures 30 June 2013. to the banking group; – the quantification of risk appetites for the major (c) Fair value of financial instruments risks identified; and The fair value of financial instruments requires the – control measures to mitigate the major risks. use of estimates and judgements. Refer to 3.5 above for methodology and assumptions utilised. Based on the ICAAP assessment performed on 30 November 2012, which includes a capital projection (d) Post-employment benefits for the next five years, it is envisaged that the group The present value of the severance pay liability depends will be able to maintain its capital ratios and will on a number of factors that are determined on an not require additional capital above the minimum actuarial basis using a number of assumptions. Any requirements. changes in these assumptions will impact the carrying amount of the liability. The assumptions used in 4. Critical accounting estimates and judgements in determining the net cost include the discount rate. applying accounting policies The group determined this discount rate based on the yield of South African government bonds. Other The group makes estimates and assumptions that affect key assumptions are based on generally accepted the reported amounts of assets and liabilities within demographic tables. the next financial year. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical (e) Equity-settled share-based payments experience and other factors, including expectations For share-based payment transactions among group of future events that are believed to be reasonable entities, in its separate or individual financial state- under the circ*mstances. ments, the entity receiving the goods or services shall measure the goods or services received as either an (a) Impairment losses on loans and advances equity-settled or a cash-settled share-based payment Estimates in assessing the general impairment are transaction by assessing: dependent on the analysis of historical data relating to – the nature of the awards granted; and probability of default, emergence period and loss given – its own rights and obligations. default. Specific impairment is triggered for individual non-performing loans. Non-performing loans comprises The amount recognised by the entity receiving the goods loans due and unpaid for longer than 90 days. or services may differ from the amount recognised by the consolidated group or by another group entity set- The methodology and assumptions used for estimating tling the share-based payment transaction. both the amount and timing of future cash flows are reviewed regularly to reduce any differences between The entity receiving the goods or services shall measure loss estimates and actual loss experience. the goods or services received as an equity-settled share- based payment transaction when: Refer to note 18 for a detailed analysis of the impair- – the awards granted are its own equity instruments; ment of loans and advances. or – the entity has no obligation to settle the share- (b) Impairment of available-for-sale equity investments based payment transaction. The group determines that available-for-sale equity investments are impaired when there has been a In terms of the share purchase scheme arrangement, significant or prolonged decline in the fair value below the awards granted are Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd its cost. This determination of what is significant shares, thus the share purchase scheme is treated as or prolonged requires judgement. In making this equity-settled. 94 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

4. Critical accounting estimates and judgements in generating units (’CGU’) has been determined based applying accounting policies (continued) on value-in-use calculations, being the net present value IFRS 2 requires an entity to measure the fair value of of the discounted cash flows of the CGU. Details of the the employee services received by reference to the fair main assumptions applied in determining the net value of the equity instruments granted. This fair value present value of the CGU are provided in note 23. depends on a number of factors that are determined on an actuarial basis, at grant date, using a number of (g) Assumptions used in directors’ valuation for invest- assumptions. Any changes in these assumptions will ments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures impact the expense and share-based compensation Valuations of operating entities are normally done on a reserve created at grant date. The valuation technique price: earnings or price: book basis, whichever is most used to determine the cost at grant date is the Black- appropriate. Life insurance companies are valued using Scholes valuation model and includes assumptions such appropriate price: embedded value ratios. Investment as share price, volatility and a risk-free interest rate. Additional information is disclosed in note 34. holding companies are valued on the sum-of-the-parts basis. Actual transaction values where shares were (f) Impairment of goodwill traded are also taken into account to support the The recoverable amount of goodwill is tested annually valuations. Where information is not available to apply for impairment in accordance with the stated ac- these valuation methods, subsidiaries, associates and counting policy. The recoverable amount of the cash joint ventures are valued at net asset value. 95

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

5. Net interest income Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Interest and similar income Amortised cost Loans and advances 1,591,340 1,399,915 Cash and short-term funds 34,942 41,648 Other - 600

Fair value Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 68,528 67,737 Treasury bills 67,474 66,059 Government stock and other investments 1,054 1,678 Available-for-sale financial assets 13,286 16,012 1,708,096 1,525,912

Interest and similar expenses Amortised cost Term deposits (fixed, notice and negotiable certificates of deposits) 412,936 370,218 Current, demand and savings accounts 317,880 320,223 Debt securities in issue 62,695 51,579 Other 131 834 793,642 742,854

6. Impairment charges on loans and advances

Increase in specific impairment (note 18) 21,775 20,058 Increase in portfolio impairment (note 18) 6,193 5,644 Amounts recovered during the year (1,165) (459) 26,803 25,243

7. Non-interest income

7.1. Fee and commission income

Transaction and related fees 395,814 338,512 Commissions 14,845 11,036 Trust and other fiduciary fees 5,702 5,607 416,361 355,155

Fee and commission income, by category – Financial instruments at amortised cost 385,597 328,651 – Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss - 315 – Non-financial assets and liabilities 20,547 16,328 – Income from guarantees and letters of credit 10,217 9,861 416,361 355,155

7.2. Net trading income

Net foreign exchange gains and losses from trading assets 41,233 36,767 Net gain from financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss 4,976 5,242 46,209 42,009 96 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

7.2. Net trading income (continued) Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Net foreign exchange gains and losses from trading assets includes gains and losses from spot and forward contracts and translation of foreign currency assets and liabilities.

Net gain from financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss includes the gains and losses from treasury bills, government stock and derivatives.

7.3. Other operating income

Brokerage commission 45,397 43,566 - - Dividend received – ordinary shares 234 - 203,682 154,589 Dividend received – BW Corporate funds (deemed interest) 3,273 6,122 2,773 5,309 Interest received 2,149 2,600 666 236 Management fees received 810 963 - - Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment 393 79 - - Profit on sale of subsidiary - 7,048 - - Construction contract profit 572 - - - Support services rendered 7,132 3,078 - - Other 661 2,712 30 3,572 60,621 66,168 207,151 163,706

Other operating income, by category – Financial instruments at amortised cost 5,422 8,591 3,439 5,545 – Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income 234 131 - - – Non-financial assets and liabilities 54,965 57,446 203,712 158,161 60,621 66,168 207,151 163,706

Total non-interest income 523,191 463,332 207,151 163,706

8. Staff costs

Wages and salaries 377,497 370,268 Share-based payment expense 9,942 7,276 Granted to directors 710 - Granted to employees as part of the share based purchase scheme 932 7,276 Granted to employees as part of a once-off share allocation 8,300 - Staff training and transfer costs 4,479 4,737 Pension costs – defined contribution plan 26,644 22,858 Severance pay liability (note 31.1) 1,167 251 419,729 405,390 97

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

9. Operating expenses Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Expenses by nature Advertising and marketing 17,055 15,679 198 - Amortisation of intangible assets (note 23) 3,182 3,020 - - Impairment of intangible assets (note 23) - 673 - - Association transaction fees 44,852 33,265 - - Auditor’s remuneration – Audit fees 2,089 2,534 142 117 – Fees for other services 242 415 - - Cash handling 5,142 4,887 - - Commission 4,778 4,571 - - Directors’ emoluments Non-executive directors (note 41) - - 588 490 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (note 24) 28,755 29,065 - - Finance costs 9,384 11,896 9,384 9,660 Intragroup consultancy and management fees 6,272 10,620 1,001 3,414 Loss on disposal of associate (note 43) 162 - 288 - Operating lease rentals – immovable property 43,294 40,948 - - Professional services 31,347 21,569 - - Repairs and maintenance 15,833 16,008 - - Royalties paid on trademark 648 675 - - Technology costs 34,481 31,992 - - Travelling 4,573 5,095 - - Security expenses 7,291 6,355 - - Staff costs (note 8) 419,729 405,390 - - Stamp duty 11,880 6,531 - - Stationery and printing 10,130 9,213 - - Sub-agents commission 796 773 - - Subscription fees 5,492 4,580 - - Telephone, postage and courier costs 13,067 13,256 - - Valuation fees 1,404 503 - - Water and electricity 12,349 10,297 - - Other expenses 28,532 16,700 707 129 762,759 706,511 12,308 13,810

Research and development costs of N$313,229 are included in operating expenses above.

10. Share of associates’ results after tax

Profit before taxation 74,527 66,948 Taxation (14,082) (13,605) 60,445 53,343


NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

11. Income tax expense Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

11.1 Normal tax Current tax 310,886 164,358 222 74 – current year 310,682 164,358 222 74 – prior year 204 - - - Deferred tax (94,438) 3,012 - - – current year (94,239) 3,012 - - – prior year (199) - - - Total normal tax 216,448 167,370 222 74

11.2 Tax rate reconciliation The tax on the operating profit differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the basic tax rate as follows: Profit before tax and share of associates’ results after tax 649,274 516,638 194,843 149,896 Tax at the applicable tax rate of 34% (2012: 34%) 220,753 175,657 66,247 50,965 Prior year adjustment 5 - - - Non-taxable income (6,765) (10,663) (70,210) (54,419) Non-deductible expenses 5,245 6,820 4,185 3,528 Tax losses not utilised - 394 - - Utilised tax loss previously not recognised 629 - - - Deferred tax rate change (1,244) - - - Special allowance (2,326) (4,838) - - Other 151 - - - Income tax expense 216,448 167,370 222 74

Effective tax rate 33.34% 32.40% 0.11% 0.05%

As per the Government Gazette of 31 May 2013, the tax rate has been decreased from 34% to 33%, for all years of assessments starting on or after 1 January 2013. Therefore the lower tax rate will only be effective for the entity in the 2014 financial year. Deferred tax has been recognised at the expected future rate of 33%.

12. Earnings and headline earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to equity holders of the group, obtained from profit or loss, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

Headline earnings per share is calculated by dividing the group’s attributable earnings to equity holders after excluding identifiable remeasurements, net of tax and non-controlling interest, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 99

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

12. Earnings and headline earnings per share (continued) 2013 Non-controlling Gross Taxation interest Net N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Earnings Net profit attributable to the equity holders of the group 493,271

Headline adjustments 1,465 130 - 1,595 Loss on disposal of the associate 162 - - 162 Remeasurement included in equity accounted earnings 1,696 - - 1,696 Disposal gains on sale of property, plant and equipment (393) 130 - (263)

Headline earnings 494,866 2012 Non-controlling Gross Taxation interest Net N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Earnings Net profit attributable to the equity holders of the group 399,803

Headline adjustments (11,744) (196) 6,986 (4,954) Gains on the loss of control of a subsidiary (14,034) - 6,986 (7,048) Impairment of intangible assets 673 (222) - 451 Remeasurement included in equity accounted earnings 1,696 - - 1,696 Disposal gains on sale of property, plant and equipment (79) 26 - (53)

Headline earnings 394,850

Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Number of ordinary shares in issue at year-end ('000) before the share split 113,119 Number of ordinary shares in issue at year-end after the share split ('000) 493,135 452,475 Adjusted for shares issued during the year ('000) (37,983) (1,087) Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year ('000) 455,152 451,388 Diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year ('000) 455,152 451,388

Earnings per ordinary share (cents) Basic 108 89 Fully diluted 108 89

Headline earnings per ordinary share (cents) Basic 109 87 Fully diluted 109 87 100 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

13. Cash and balances with the central bank Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Cash balances 182,695 180,012 169,625 19,506 Balances with the central bank other than mandatory reserve deposits 488,914 539,387 - - Included in cash and cash equivalents 671,609 719,399 169,625 19,506 Mandatory reserve deposits with the central bank 181,027 161,660 - - 852,636 881,059 169,625 19,506

Mandatory reserve deposits are not available for use in the group’s day-to-day operations. Cash and bank balances as well as balances with the central bank and mandatory reserve deposits are non-interest-bearing. For reclassifications, refer to note 48.

14. Derivative financial instruments Assets Interest rate swaps 12,188 - 12,188 -

Interest rate swaps are commitments to exchange one set of cash flows for another and result in an economic exchange of a fixed rate for a floating rate or vice versa. No exchange of principal takes place.


Interest rate swaps 7,792 699

Interest rate swaps are commitments to exchange one set of cash flows for another and result in an economic exchange of a fixed rate for a floating rate or vice versa. No exchange of principal takes place.

The notional principal amount of the outstanding interest rate swap contracts at 30 June 2013 was N$1,121.5 million (2012: N$293.5 million).

Current 1,097 699 Non-current 3,299 - 101

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

15. Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Treasury bills 1,228,664 1,322,315 - - Government stock 9,125 65,941 - - Equity securities - 4,216 - - Money market investments 255,376 131,328 54,012 114,225 1,493,165 1,523,800 54,012 114,225

Current 1,484,040 1,519,584 54,012 114,225 Non-current 9,125 4,216 - - 1,493,165 1,523,800 54,012 114,225

The following represents the amortised costs of instruments where this differs from the fair value: Treasury bills 1,229,390 1,321,443 Government stock 9,345 65,838

Refer to note 3.5 for fair value methodology used.

Treasury bills and government stocks are securities issued by the Namibian treasury department for a term of three months, six months, a year or longer. Treasury bills and government stock with a maturity of less than 90 days from the reporting date, as well as money market investments are included in cash and cash equivalents for the purposes of the cash flow statement. Refer to note 40.

The above mentioned debt securities are managed and their performance evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with a documented risk management strategy. Treasury bills with a nominal value of N$360 million (2012: N$315 million) are available at the Bank of Namibia for collateral should the need arise. At year-end, there were no treasury bills utilised for security purposes (2012: NIL) at the Bank of Namibia, although N$150 million (2012: N$235 million) of treasury bills have been collateralised under a sale-and-buyback agreement.

For reclassifications, refer to note 48. 102 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

16. Investment securities Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Available-for-sale Investment securities – Listed 1 57,804 31,229 Investment securities – Unlisted 2 62,642 320,469 120,446 351,698

The movement during the year is summarised as follows: Opening balance 351,698 321,651 Matured 2 (271,113) - Interest capitalised 13,286 16,012 Fair value gains 22,359 14,035 Additions 4,216 - 120,446 351,698

Refer to note 3.5 for fair value methodology used.

1 Listed shares are held as follows: 6,583,247 shares in Weatherley International Plc, 13,035 shares in Dundee Precious Metals Inc, 28,308 shares in China Africa Resources Plc and 30,304 shares in Visa Inc. 2 Sanlam joint life single premium endowment policy

Current 120,446 292,003 Non-current - 59,695 120,446 351,698

17. Due from other banks

Placement with other banks 251,355 211,032

Placements with other banks are callable on demand and are therefore current assets.

18. Loans and advances to customers

Overdrafts 2,854,865 2,484,964 Term loans 3,537,973 3,084,177 Mortgages 8,499,995 7,458,701 – Residential mortgages 4,876,821 4,270,144 – Commercial mortgages 3,623,174 3,188,557 Instalment finance 2,597,434 2,382,126 Preference shares 296,661 194,652 Gross loans and advances 17,786,928 15,604,620 Less impairment Specific impairment (79,864) (70,779) Portfolio impairment (55,102) (48,909) 17,651,962 15,484,932

Notional value of loans and advances 17,816,666 15,629,938 Interest in suspense (contractual interest suspended on non-performing loans) (29,738) (25,318) Gross loans and advances 17,786,928 15,604,620 103

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

18. Loans and advances to customers (continued)

Instalment Overdrafts Term loans Mortgages finance Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Movement in impairment on loans and advances to customers is as follows for the group:

Year-end – 30 June 2013 Balance at the beginning of the year 41,208 32,779 20,958 24,743 119,688 Specific provision 24,966 17,617 10,365 17,831 70,779 General provision 16,242 15,162 10,593 6,912 48,909 Provision for loan impairment – specific (1,598) 12,448 (103) 11,028 21,775 Provision for loan impairment – portfolio (4,511) 3,737 5,701 1,266 6,193 Amounts written off during the year as uncollectible (1,608) (7,376) (1,270) (2,436) (12,690) Balance at the end of the year 33,491 41,588 25,286 34,601 134,966 Specific provision 21,760 22,689 8,992 26,423 79,864 General provision 11,731 18,899 16,294 8,178 55,102

Year-end – 30 June 2012 Balance at the beginning of the year 30,798 37,476 15,963 26,747 110,984 Specific provision 26,334 16,308 6,087 18,990 67,719 General provision 4,464 21,168 9,876 7,757 43,265 Provision for loan impairment – specific 2,845 10,419 4,591 2,203 20,058 Provision for loan impairment – portfolio 11,778 (6,006) 717 (845) 5,644 Amounts written off during the year as uncollectible (4,213) (9,110) (313) (3,362) (16,998) Balance at the end of the year 41,208 32,779 20,958 24,743 119,688 Specific provision 24,966 17,617 10,365 17,831 70,779 General provision 16,242 15,162 10,593 6,912 48,909

Group Group 2013 2012 N$'000 % N$'000 %

Specific and general provision by geographical area Namibia 134,966 119,688

Maturity analysis of loans and advances to customers for the group were as follows: Repayable within 1 month 3,006,514 17.0 2,652,121 17.0 Repayable after 1 month but within 3 months 249,119 1.4 361,581 2.3 Repayable after 3 months but within 6 months 111,914 0.6 156,282 1.0 Repayable after 6 months but within 12 months 164,955 0.9 179,696 1.2 Repayable after 12 months 14,254,426 80.1 12,254,940 78.5 17,786,928 100.0 15,604,620 100.0 104 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

18. Loans and advances to customers (continued) Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

The loans and advances to customers include instalment finance receivables which are analysed as follows: Repayable within 1 year 101,299 95,784 Repayable after 1 year but within 5 years 3,329,912 3,096,543 Repayable after 5 years 121,201 76,568 Gross investment in instalment finances 3,552,412 3,268,895 Unearned future finance income on instalment finances (998,651) (919,705) Net investment in instalment finances 2,553,761 2,349,190

The group has not sold or pledged any advances to third parties.

Under the terms of lease agreements, no contingent rentals are payable. These agreements relate to motor vehicles and equipment.

19. Other assets

Insurance fund asset 47,943 45,687 - - Accounts receivable 22,454 11,195 8,177 2,030 Clearing, settlement and internal accounts 85,616 63,547 - - Prepayments 10,822 9,865 - - Other taxes 2,185 1,974 - 80 Repossessed property - 848 - - Construction contracts work in progress 20,684 7,120 - - 189,704 140,237 8,177 2,110

Current 141,761 94,550 8,177 2,110 Non-current 47,943 45,687 - - 189,704 140,237 8,177 2,110

Work in progress relates to the Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd phase 1 township development Portion 19 of Erf 882 situated in the town of Ondangwa. At the reporting date, the stage of completion of the phase 1 development was 8.32% of the 128 houses and 24.21% (31 of 128) of the erven.

Refer to note 3.2.5 for credit quality disclosure of financial instruments included in other assets. 105

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

20. Investment in subsidiaries Company 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Shares at cost 552,286 230,791 Total investment in subsidiaries 552,286 230,791

Directors’ valuation 4,067,101 2,743,316

Non-current 552,286 230,791

Financial details of subsidiaries

2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 Aggregate income of subsidiaries (before tax) Total investment

Bank Windhoek Holdings subsidiaries Bank Windhoek Ltd (consolidated) 637,787 508,566 520,439 198,944 Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd 7,145 6,303 8,847 8,847 Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd (1,107) 6,463 23,000 23,000 643,825 521,332 552,286 230,791

Bank Windhoek Ltd subsidiaries Intellect Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd 2,786 2,920 3,000 3,000 BW Finance (Pty) Ltd 6,455 6,374 0.1 0.1 Bank Windhoek Properties (Pty) Ltd 4,973 41,564 19,799 19,799 14,214 50,858 22,799 22,799

Refer to note 41 for related party transactions and balances with subsidiaries.

21. Investment in associates

Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Santam Namibia Ltd The company holds a 28% interest in Santam Namibia Ltd, a short-term insurance company.

Carrying value of investment in associate Investment at cost 62,905 62,905 62,905 62,905 Share of current year’s retained income 19,723 20,491 – Profit before tax 28,986 30,438 – Current and deferred tax (9,263) (9,947) Dividends paid (18,170) (15,000) Post-acquisition retained income at the beginning of the year 23,877 18,386 88,335 86,782 62,905 62,905

Directors’ valuation 163,880 128,498 163,880 128,498 106

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

21. Investment in associates (continued) Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Summarised financial information (unaudited) Non-current assets 246,840 245,583 Technical assets 97,078 69,159 Current assets 188,542 215,474 Non-current liabilities (14,068) (17,809) Technical liabilities (216,441) (205,315) Current liabilities (69,518) (70,803) Revenue 570,964 499,909

Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd holds an effective 29.5%, non-controlling interest in Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd, a Namibian company providing a variety of financial services.

Carrying value of investment in associate Investment at cost 47,290 47,290 47,290 47,290 Share of current year’s retained income 40,724 32,820 – Profit before tax 45,543 36,478 – Current and deferred tax (4,819) (3,658) Dividends paid (24,611) (26,513) Post-acquisition retained income at the beginning of the year 40,261 33,954 103,664 87,551 47,290 47,290

Directors’ valuation 247,804 197,006 247,804 197,006

Summarised financial information (unaudited) Non-current assets 2,426,288 2,588,345 Current assets 122,059 136,102 Non-current liabilities (2,141,558) (2,257,798) Current liabilities (118,058) (169,186) Revenue 819,699 602,866

VTB Capital (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd The company held a 49.67% non-controlling interest in VTB Capital (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd, a financial consulting company.

Carrying value of investment in associate Investment at cost - 1,788 - 1,788 Share of current year’s retained income 124 32 – Profit before tax 124 32 Post-acquisition accumulated loss at the beginning of the year (124) (156) - 1,664 - 1,788

Directors’ valuation - 1,680 - 1,680

Total investment in associates (non-current) 191,999 175,997 110,195 111,983 107

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

21. Investment in associates (continued) Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

VTB Capital (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd was sold to Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd during the year under review. Refer to note 43 for further details.

Refer to note 41 for related party transactions and balances with associates.

22. Interest in joint ventures

The value of the group’s share in assets, liabilities, income and expenditure is not significant to the group as a whole. These components are therefore not disclosed.

22.1 Jointly controlled operations The group has a 50% share in a joint venture with American Express Foreign Exchange. The joint venture was established to carry on the travel- related foreign exchange business of buying and selling of foreign notes and travellers cheques and travel-related drafts in Namibia.

Opening balance 2,014 4,864 The group’s share of the profit in the joint venture 1,593 1,150 Profit distribution (2,000) (4,000) Closing balance 1,607 2,014

22.2 Jointly controlled entity The group obtained a 25% interest in Namclear (Pty) Ltd during 2005. According to the joint venture agreement, a unanimous vote from all shareholders is required to effect a resolution.

Opening balance 3,081 2,229 The group’s share of the (loss) / profit in the joint venture (402) 852 Closing balance 2,679 3,081

Group’s total share of profit in joint ventures 1,191 2,002

Total investments 4,286 5,095

Directors’ valuation of investment in shares 4,286 5,095

Non-current 4,286 5,095

Refer to note 4 (g) for assumptions made in directors’ valuation of interest in joint ventures.

Refer to note 41 for related party transactions and balances with joint ventures. 108

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

23. Intangible assets Software and related Intangible development assets in Goodwill Trademarks costs development Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group Year-end – 30 June 2013 Cost Cost at 1 July 2012 3,169 7,203 61,075 6,843 78,290 Additions - - - 21,518 21,518 Cost at 30 June 2013 3,169 7,203 61,075 28,361 99,808

Amortisation and impairment Amortisation and impairment at 1 July 2012 - (6,244) (54,552) (6,843) (67,639) Charge for the year - (959) (2,223) - (3,182) Amortisation and impairment at 30 June 2013 - (7,203) (56,775) (6,843) (70,821)

Net book value at 30 June 2013 3,169 - 4,300 21,518 28,987

Year-end – 30 June 2012 Cost Cost at 1 July 2011 - 7,203 63,269 6,843 77,315 Transfers - - (2,194) - (2,194) Acquisition of additional interest in subsidiaries 3,169 - - - 3,169 Cost at 30 June 2012 3,169 7,203 61,075 6,843 78,290

Amortisation and impairment Amortisation at 1 July 2011 - (5,285) (51,818) (6,843) (63,946) Charge for the year - (959) (2,061) - (3,020) Impairment for the year - - (673) - (673) Amortisation and impairment at 30 June 2012 - (6,244) (54,552) (6,843) (67,639)

Net book value at 30 June 2012 3,169 959 6,523 - 10,651

All intangible assets are held by the group, At 30 June 2013 an impairment test was none by the company and are all classified as non- performed on the recoverable amount of current assets. No assets were encumbered at 30 goodwill raised in the group during the year June 2013 nor at 30 June 2012. under review. The goodwill comprises the excess consideration paid for the non-controlling Intangible assets consist of goodwill, computer interest acquired in its subsidiary, Welwitschia software, including its related acquisition and Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd of development costs, as well as trademark costs N$3.2 million. The impairment test was based associated with the Bank Windhoek trademark. on the value in use of the subsidiary, taking the The software and development costs are owned discounted cash flows into consideration. This by Bank Windhoek Ltd, whilst the trademark is indicated that the value of the company is higher owned by the subsidiary, Intellect Investments than the cost of shares acquired. Goodwill was Namibia (Pty) Ltd. therefore not impaired. 109

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

24. Property, plant and equipment

Furniture, Freehold Computer fittings and land and and other other office buildings equipment Vehicles equipment Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Group Year-end – 30 June 2013 Cost Cost at 1 July 2012 50,244 167,387 14,119 133,421 365,171 Additions 18 18,081 2,881 9,908 30,888 Transfers (682) (8) - 690 - Disposals - (3,656) (1,687) (106) (5,449) Cost at 30 June 2013 49,580 181,804 15,313 143,913 390,610

Depreciation and impairment Accumulated depreciation at 1 July 2012 (11,391) (129,673) (10,388) (86,269) (237,721) Charge for the year (1,666) (13,182) (1,764) (12,143) (28,755) Transfers - 5 - (5) - Depreciation on disposals - 3,585 1,684 83 5,352 Accumulated depreciation at 30 June 2013 (13,057) (139,265) (10,468) (98,334) (261,124)

Net book value at 30 June 2013 36,523 42,539 4,845 45,579 129,486

Group Year-end – 30 June 2012 Cost Cost at 1 July 2011 49,005 153,009 12,685 126,974 341,673 Additions 2,895 16,205 1,600 6,360 27,060 Transfers (1,656) (1,319) - 190 (2,785) Disposals - (508) (166) (103) (777) Cost at 30 June 2012 50,244 167,387 14,119 133,421 365,171

Depreciation and impairment Accumulated depreciation at 1 July 2011 (9,717) (117,087) (8,975) (74,410) (210,189) Charge for the year (1,674) (13,888) (1,556) (11,947) (29,065) Transfers - 1,155 - - 1,155 Depreciation on disposals - 147 143 88 378 Accumulated depreciation at 30 June 2012 (11,391) (129,673) (10,388) (86,269) (237,721)

Net book value at 30 June 2012 38,853 37,714 3,731 47,152 127,450

Details regarding the fixed properties are available to shareholders at the registered office of the group. The company does not own any property, plant and equipment.

No assets were encumbered at 30 June 2013 nor at 30 June 2012. All property, plant and equipment is classified as non-current assets. 110 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

25. Due to other banks Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Current accounts 32,788 17,089 Borrowings from other banks – in the normal course of business 134,171 220,522 166,959 237,611

Current 166,959 237,611

26. Debt securities in issue

Balance as at 1 July 917,322 767,311 153,970 153,932 Redemption (303,275) (100,000) (150,000) - Additions 698,295 243,912 150,000 - Effective interest rates adjustment 72,079 61,239 9,384 9,660 Coupon payment (60,445) (55,140) (12,553) (9,622) Balance as at 30 June 1,323,976 917,322 150,801 153,970

Current 496,161 307,244 801 153,970 Non-current 827,815 610,078 150,000 - 1,323,976 917,322 150,801 153,970

Group Interest Maturity Footnote 2013 2012 Debt instruments rate date N$'000 N$'000

Five-year callable bonds BW19 fixed rate note 10.16% 4 Feb 2019 26.1 100,000 100,000 BW20 (tranche 1) fixed rate note 9.38% 16 Aug 2020 26.1 100,000 100,000 BW20 (tranche 2) fixed rate note 9.38% 16 Aug 2020 26.1 50,000 50,000 BW20 (tranche 3) fixed rate note 9.38% 16 Aug 2020 26.1 50,000 50,000 Accrued interest at year-end 11,088 11,088 Premium 622 914 311,710 312,002

Senior debt – unsecured BWJh14 floating rate note 3m JIBAR+100bps 15 Aug 2014 26.2 100,000 100,000 BWJd14 floating rate note 3m JIBAR+102bps 14 Apr 2014 26.2 100,000 100,000 BWJb15 floating rate note 3m JIBAR+115bps 23 Feb 2015 26.2 100,000 100,000 BWFd16 fixed rate bond 6.69% 15 Apr 2016 26.2 100,000 - BWJj16 floating rate note 3m JIBAR + 110bps 14 Oct 2016 26.2 70,000 - BWRL17 fixed rate note 8.00% 15 Oct 2017 26.2 5,500 - Accrued interest at year-end 5,104 2,894 480,604 302,894 111

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

26. Debt securities in issue (continued) Group Interest Maturity 2013 2012 Debt instruments rate date Footnote N$'000 N$'000

Promissory notes Promissory note fixed rate note 6.55% 2 Aug 2012 26.3 - 53,275 Promissory note fixed rate note 6.50% 28 Mar 2013 26.3 - 100,000 Promissory note fixed rate note 5.95% 12 Dec 2013 26.3 106,390 - Promissory note fixed rate note 5.86% 24 Jan 2014 26.3 50,000 - Promissory note fixed rate note 5.98% 31 Mar 2014 26.3 79,530 - Promissory note fixed rate note 5.98% 24 Mar 2014 26.3 79,440 - Promissory note fixed rate note 5.85% 22 Apr 2014 26.3 80,000 - Accrued interest at year-end (14,499) (4,819) 380,861 148,456

Preference shares (floating rate note) 75,000 Preference shares – Bank 65% of prime less Windhoek Corporate Fund 0.175% fees 14 Dec 2012 26.4 - 75,000 75,000 Preference shares – Bank 65% of prime less Windhoek Selekt Fund 0.175% fees 14 Dec 2012 26.4 - 75,000 7,000 Preference shares – Bank Windhoek Corporate Fund 3m JIBAR + 1.3% 1 Dec 2015 26.4 70,000 - 5,500 Preference shares – Bank Windhoek Selekt Fund 3m JIBAR + 1.3% 1 Dec 2015 26.4 55,000 - 2,500 Preference shares – Santam Namibia Ltd 64.5% of prime 1 Dec 2015 26.4 25,000 - Accrued interest at year-end 801 3,970 150,801 153,970 Total debt instruments in issue at the end of the year 1,323,976 917,322

26.1 Five-year callable bonds The five-year callable bonds, BW 19, BW 20 paid quarterly in February, May, August and (tranche 1), BW 20 (tranche 2) and BW 20 November of each year for the BWJh14 and (tranche 3), have been issued on 4 February 2009, BWJb15 and in January, April, July and October 16 August 2010, 29 October 2010 and 17 June each year for the BWJd14 and BWJj16. Coupon 2011 respectively. The interest is paid semi- payments for the BWFd16 and BWRL17 are paid annually in February and August of each year. semi-annually on 15 April and 15 October. All These bonds qualify as Tier II capital for the instruments were issued under Bank Windhoek’s group. BW 19 is registered with the Namibian Domestic Medium Term Note Programme, Stock Exchange. BW 20 was issued under a programme registered with the Namibian Bank Windhoek’s Domestic Medium Term Note Stock Exchange. Programme, a programme registered with the Namibian Stock Exchange. 26.3 Promissory notes The promissory notes listed above have been 26.2 Senior debt issued on 15 November 2012, 25 January 2013, The senior debt instruments, BWJh14, BWJd14, 28 March 2013, 28 March 2013 and 19 April 2013 BWJb15, BWFd16, BWJj16 and BWRL17 have (2012: 03 August 2011 and 29 March 2012) been issued on 15 February 2011, 14 April 2011, respectively. The interest is payable on maturity 23 November 2011, 15 April 2013, 15 April 2013 of the instruments. and 11 February 2013 respectively. The interest is 112 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

26. Debt securities in issue (continued) 26.4 Preference shares The 150,000 preference shares issued on in December 2012 at a premium of N$9,999.99 18 April 2008 were redeemed on 14 December per share with a scheduled redemption date of 2012. 15,000 redeemable preference shares of 1 December 2015. a par value of N$0.01 were issued to Santam Namibia Ltd (2,500) bearing dividends at 64.5% Debt securities in issue comprises subordinated of the prime rate (variable), Bank Windhoek debt, senior debt, promissory notes and prefer- Corporate Fund (7,000) and Bank Windhoek ence shares with a combined nominal value of Selekt Fund (5,500) bearing dividends at 1.3% N$1,298.3 million (2012: N$903.3 million). above the three month JIBAR rate respectively Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

27. Deposits from customers

Current, demand and savings accounts 9,180,606 8,298,605 Term and notice deposits 3,624,465 3,623,682 Other deposits 217,905 204,332 13,022,976 12,126,619

2013 2012 N$'000 % N$'000 %

Group Maturity analysis within the customer current, savings, deposit account portfolio for the group were as follows: Withdrawable on demand 9,377,386 72.0 8,519,954 70.3 Maturing within 1 month 951,573 7.3 847,207 7.0 Maturing after 1 month but within 6 months 2,316,429 17.8 1,901,968 15.6 Maturing after 6 months but within 12 months 367,696 2.8 748,981 6.2 Maturing after 12 months 9,892 0.1 108,509 0.9 13,022,976 100.0 12,126,619 100.0

Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

28. Other deposits

Negotiable certificates of deposits (NCDs) 3,511,815 3,398,657

Current 2,367,975 2,590,657 Non-current 1,143,840 808,000 3,511,815 3,398,657

29. Other liabilities

Accounts payable and other accruals 50,504 60,843 2,295 1,726 Employee liabilities 77,603 63,541 - - Deferred revenue 3,005 4,321 - - Other taxes 11,100 8,454 - - Clearing, settlement and internal accounts 86,867 69,093 - - 229,079 206,252 2,295 1,726

Employee liabilities consist mainly of accruals for leave pay and staff bonuses.

Current 229,079 206,252 2,295 1,726 113

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

30. Deferred income tax Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Deferred income taxes are calculated on all temporary differences under the liability method using a principal tax rate of 33% (2012: 34%).

The movement on the deferred income tax account is as follows: Balance as at 1 July 135,244 132,503 Prior year adjustment (199) (1,521) Profit or loss charge (94,239) 3,012 Sale of subsidiary - 1,250 Balance as at 30 June 40,806 135,244

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are attributable to the following items: Deferred income tax liability Accelerated tax depreciation and amortisation 22,247 20,558 Loans and receivables 15,350 13,976 Government stock and other securities 38,588 132,250 Derivative financial instruments 1,451 - Other temporary differences 3,528 3,324 81,164 170,108

Deferred income tax asset Accruals 26,189 22,337 Loan loss provisions 10,455 8,325 Assessed loss 2,588 2,939 Derivative financial instruments - 238 Other temporary differences 1,126 1,025 40,358 34,864

Net deferred income tax liability 40,806 135,244

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred income tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities where there is an intention to settle the balances on a net basis.

The deferred tax assets relating to subsidiaries not allowed to be offset are as follows: Intellect Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd 429 442 Bank Windhoek Properties (Pty) Ltd - 160 Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd 2,140 2,552 Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd 1,872 2,310 Deferred tax asset (non-current) 4,441 5,464

Deferred tax liability (non-current) 45,247 140,708

Net deferred tax liability (non-current) 40,806 135,244 114 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

31. Post-employment benefits Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

31.1 Severance pay liability A valuation was performed for 30 June 2013 by an independent actuary on the group’s liability with respect to severance pay. The benefit is not funded.

The amount recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position are determined as follows: Present value of unfunded obligation (non- current) 6,706 5,539

The movement in the severance pay obligation over the year is as follows: As at 1 July 5,539 5,288 Current service costs 690 251 Interest cost 477 - As at 30 June 6,706 5,539

The amounts recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income are as follows: Current service costs 690 251 Interest cost 477 - 1,167 251

The principle actuarial assumptions used were as follows: % % Discount rate 8.65 8.65 Inflation rate 5.40 5.40 Salary increases 7.00 7.00

The following sensitivity of the overall liability to changes in principle assumption is: Salary increase 1% lower per annum 5,240 5,240 Salary increase 1% higher per annum 5,868 5,868

31.2 Medical aid scheme carried out on 31 March 2010 and in the actuary’s The group has no liability in respect of post- opinion the fund was in a sound financial position retirement medical aid contributions. at that date. The valuation confirmed that the value of the assets in the fund exceeded the value 31.3 Pension schemes of the actuarially determined liabilities. The 2013 All full-time permanent employees are members statutory actuarial valuation had not yet been of the CIH Group Retirement Fund, a defined finalised at the date of publishing the annual contribution plan, which has been registered in financial statements. Namibia in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Funds Act. The fund is governed The group currently contributes 12% of basic by the Pension Funds Act 1956, which requires salary to the fund whilst the members contribute a statutory actuarial valuation every three years. 7.5%. Post-employment benefits are classified as The latest statutory actuarial valuation was non-current liabilities. 115

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

32. Share capital and premium Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Authorised share capital 150,000,000 ordinary shares of 10 cents each (before the share split) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 600,000,000 ordinary shares of 2.5 cents each (after the share split) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,000,000 redeemable preference shares at 1 cent each 10 10 10 10

Authorised ordinary share capital On 2 April 2013, the company split every authorised ordinary share of 10 cents each into four ordinary shares of 2.5 cents each. This was approved by a special resolution on 8 March 2013. Refer to the directors’ report.

Issued ordinary share capital Balance as at 1 July 11,312 11,203 11,312 11,203 Shares issued during the year 1,135 109 1,135 109 Balance as at 30 June 12,447 11,312 12,447 11,312

Share premium Balance as at 1 July 90,802 75,742 90,802 75,742 Shares issued during the year 371,867 15,060 371,867 15,060 Balance at 30 June 462,669 90,802 462,669 90,802

Less: Treasury shares held by share trusts (8,371) - - -

Total ordinary share capital and premium 466,745 102,114 475,116 102,114

Ordinary issued number of shares reconciliation ('000): Issued number of shares at the beginning of the year* 452,475 448,132 452,475 448,132 Shares issued during the year 45,405 4,343 45,405 4,343 Issued number of shares at the end of the year* 497,880 452,475 497,880 452,475

Less: Treasury shares held by share trusts (4,745) - - - Total number of ordinary shares issued at year-end 493,135 452,475 497,880 452,475

*The number of shares issued for the financial year ended 30 June 2012 has been adjusted for the share split of four ordinary shares for every one ordinary share as described above and was calculated on the basis that the share split was already effective at that date. 116 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

32. Share capital and premium (continued)

2013 2012

Issued preference share capital During the year under review, the company issued 15,000 cumulative, redeemable preference shares at 1c per share and a share premium of N$9,999.99 per share. Refer to note 26. All issued shares are fully paid up.

Unissued shares All the unissued shares are under the control of the directors in terms of a general authority to allot and issue them on such terms and conditions and at such time as they deem fit. This authority expires at the forthcoming annual general meeting on 29 October 2013, when the authority can be renewed. Refer to the Directors’ report.

The company’s total number of issued ordinary shares at year-end was 497,880,000 (2012: 452,475,000). All issued shares are fully paid up.

Total expenses charged against the share premium account on shares issued with the Bank Windhoek Holdings primary listing during June 2013 amounted to N$ 5.9 million.

33. Net asset value per share Net asset value per ordinary share (cents) Net assets excluding non-controlling interest (N$'000) 2,624,058 1,887,059 Number of ordinary shares in issue at year-end ('000) before the share split 123,284 113,119 Number of ordinary shares in issue at year-end ('000) after the share split 493,135 452,475 Net asset value per share (cents) before the share split 2,128 1,668 Net asset value per share (cents) after the share split 532 417

Tangible net asset value per ordinary share (cents) Net assets excluding non-controlling interest (N$'000) 2,624,058 1,887,059 Adjustments: 28,987 10,651 Intangible assets 28,987 10,651 Tangible net assets 2,595,071 1,876,408 Number of ordinary shares in issue at year-end ('000) before the share split 123,284 113,119 Number of ordinary shares in issue at year-end ('000) after the share split 493,135 452,475 Tangible net asset value per share (cents) before the share split 2,105 1,659 Tangible net asset value per share (cents) after the share split 526 415 117

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

34. Share-based payments

Directors and selected employees from a a minimum period of three years from specified grade level may participate in the grant date; group’s share purchase schemes of the BWH – the second third of the shares can be sold Group Employee Share Ownership Trust, to after a period of four years from grant purchase Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd shares. The date; and shares are offered through the issue of an – the last third of the shares can be sold after a interest-free loan, cash or bonuses paid for an period of five years from grant date. amount equal to the net asset value (NAV) of the shares at grant date. Employees who take Shar e purchase scheme up shares through a loan are required to make During the year under review Bank Windhoek minimum monthly or annual repayments on the Holdings Ltd underwent a share split of four loan. The loan has to be repaid over a period ordinary shares for every one ordinary share held, of nine years. Employees are entitled to the which took place in April 2013. For comparability, dividends on the shares from the grant date. the corresponding year numbers have been The shares can be sold, (should the portion of the adjusted for the share split. Movements in the loan be repaid for shares purchased on interest- number of share purchases and their related free loan), as per the following conditions: weighted average exercise prices after taking this – One-third of the shares can be sold after into account are as follows:

Interest-free loan Cash Total Weighted average Weighted average exercise exercise price price per per purchase Purchases purchase Purchases Purchases N$ '000 N$ '000 '000

At 1 July 2012 2.17 10,556 1.67 2,429 12,985 Granted 4.17 3,079 4.17 642 3,721 Forfeited 2.39 (221) 2.33 - (221) Exercised 2.39 (1,432) 2.33 (698) (2,130) At 30 June 2013 2.65 11,982 2.16 2,373 14,355

At 1 July 2011 - - - - - Granted 2.17 19,780 2.03 9,567 29,347 Forfeited 2.17 (3,745) 2.16 (495) (4,240) Exercised 2.17 (5,479) 2.16 (6,643) (12,122) At 30 June 2012 2.17 10,556 1.67 2,429 12,985

All corresponding numbers have been changed Of the outstanding shares at year-end 3,694,083 to take the share split effective 2 April 2013 (2012: 3,635,172) have vested. into account. Cash shares Interest-free loan Out of the 10,308,516 (2012: 9,566,236) purchased Out of the total 22,759,712 (2012: 19,780,360) shares, 8,257,401 (2012: 7,993,396) shares have purchased shares, 13,271,480 (2012: 11,275,548) vested. Shares vested up to 2013 resulted in shares have vested. Shares vested up to 2013 698,076 (2012: 6,646,672) shares being issued at a resulted in 1,431,877 (2012: 5,479,048) shares weighted average price of N$2.33 (2012: N$2.16) being issued at a weighted average price of each. The related weighted average share price at N$2.39 (2012: N$2.17) each. The related weighted the time of exercise was N$2.33 (2012: N$2.16) per average share price at the time of exercise was share. No transaction costs resulted from these N$2.39 (2012: N$2.17) per share. No transaction transactions (2012: NIL). Of the outstanding shares costs resulted from these transactions (2012: NIL). at year-end 586,661 (2012: 1,212,828) have vested. 118 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

34. Share-based payment (continued)

Share purchases outstanding at the end of the year have the following expiry dates and exercise prices, after taking the share split into account:

2013 Grant date Expiry date Purchase price per share Shares N$ Interest-free loan Cash

30 June 2005 2014 1.44 266,000 55,000 30 May 2006 2015 1.73 401,508 15,000 15 August 2006 2015 1.73 130,000 4,000 11 August 2006 2015 2.05 - 296,988 20 June 2007 2016 1.55 1,046,080 101,800 11 July 2007 2016 1.80 482,272 75,200 20 September 2008 2017 2.22 1,643,352 47,852 20 September 2009 2018 2.61 817,964 95,516 20 September 2010 2019 2.93 1,680,544 76,620 20 September 2011 2020 3.49 2,471,280 962,992 20 September 2012 2021 4.17 3,043,352 642,280 11,982,352 2,373,248

2012 Grant date Expiry date Purchase price per share Shares N$ Interest-free loan Cash

30 June 2005 2014 1.44 105,200 55,000 30 May 2006 2015 1.73 575,348 70,000 15 August 2006 2015 1.73 130,000 - 20 September 2006 2015 1.73 - 20,000 11 August 2006 2015 2.05 - 573,076 20 June 2007 2016 1.55 1,654,212 417,136 11 July 2007 2016 1.80 766,944 84,200 20 September 2008 2017 2.22 1,977,348 64,452 20 September 2009 2018 2.61 940,600 105,568 20 September 2010 2019 2.93 1,851,200 76,620 20 September 2011 2020 3.49 2,555,280 962,992 10,556,132 2,429,044

Interest-free loans The share-based payment charge was determined price, which is equal to the NAV at the grant date, using the Black-Scholes valuation model. The taking payments on the loan into consideration. significant inputs into the model were the The volatility measured at the standard deviation weighted average share price of N$4.17 (2012: of continuously compounded share returns is N$2.17) at the grant date, the exercise price based on statistical analysis of annual share shown above, a volatility of 10% (2012: 10%), a prices over the last four years for another bank dividend yield of 0% (2012: 0%), an expected option life of six years (2012: six years) and an operating in Namibia. Refer to note 8 for the annual risk-free interest rate ranging between total expense recognised in the statement of 6.6% and 10.1% (2012: 6.6% and 10.1%). The comprehensive income for shares purchased by strike price is determined as the loan purchase directors and employees. 119

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

34. Share-based payment (continued) Group 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000

Cash shares The IFRS 2 shared-based payment charge associated with shares purchased for cash is zero, as the grant date purchase price (NAV) approximates the grant date fair value of the shares.

The fair value of shares held as collateral over the interest-free loans is N$121.6 million at 30 June 2013 (2012: N$37 million). The increase from 2012 to the current financial year-end is due to the listing of the Bank Windhoek Holdings’ shares on the Namibian Stock Exchange on 20 June 2013, which resulted in a listed price of N$10.15 per share as at 30 June 2013.

Additionally, as part of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd listing on the Namibian Stock Exchange, 948,500 shares have been issued to group employees. An IFRS 2 charge of N$8,299,375 has been recognised in the statement of comprehensive income during the year under review.

No share-based payment expense and / or reserve has been recognised for the newly introduced conditional share plan and share appreciation rights plan during the year under review.

35. Non-distributable reserves

35.1 Credit risk reserve Balance at 1 July 106,458 87,449 Transfer from retained earnings 14,802 19,009 Balance as at 30 June 121,260 106,458

The regulatory credit risk reserve was introduced in order to meet the regulatory requirements for the loan loss portfolio impairment of Bank Windhoek Ltd.

35.2 Insurance fund reserve Balance as at 30 June 28,617 28,617

The insurance reserve was created to fund a portion, net of deferred tax, of the regulatory requirement to hold a certain level of insurance specific for banking risk.

Total non-distributable reserves 149,877 135,075 120 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

36. Distributable reserves Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

36.1 Fair value reserve Balance as at 1 July 31,228 17,193 Revaluation of available-for-sale equity instruments 22,359 14,035 Balance as at 30 June 53,587 31,228

36.2 General banking reserve Balance as at 1 July 1,331,214 1,132,299 Transfer from retained earnings 257,620 198,915 Balance as at 30 June 1,588,834 1,331,214

The general banking reserve is maintained to fund future expansion.

36.3 Retained earnings Balance as at 1 July 280,152 212,527 221,105 184,402 Net profit for the year 493,271 399,803 194,621 149,822 Transfers to reserves (272,422) (217,924) - - Dividends paid (149,537) (113,119) (149,537) (113,119) Business combination 4,631 (1,135) - - Balance as at 30 June 356,095 280,152 266,189 221,105

36.4 Share-based compensation reserve Balance as at 1 July 7,276 - Share-based payment charges through equity 1,644 7,276 Balance as at 30 June 8,920 7,276

The share-based compensation reserve was created to fund future staff costs relating to share purchase schemes (note 34).

Total distributable reserves 2,007,436 1,649,870 266,189 221,105

37. Dividends per share

Normal dividends amounting to N$149.5 million (2012: N$113.1 million) were declared and paid by the company during the year under review. The normal dividends declared represent interim and final dividends per share as follows:

Before share split of four ordinary shares per one ordinary share: Interim dividend per share (cents) 73.00 45.00 Final dividend per share (cents) 58.00 55.00 Total dividend per share (cents) 131.00 100.00 121

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

37. Dividends per share (continued) Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

After share split of four ordinary shares per one ordinary share: Interim dividend per share (cents) 18.25 11.25 Final dividend per share (cents) 14.50 13.75 Total dividend per share (cents) 32.75 25.00

Dividends paid by subsidiaries to minorities amounted to NIL (2012: N$0.2 million).

Dividends declared during the year 149,537 113,343 149,537 113,119 Dividends paid during the year (149,537) (113,343) (149,537) (113,119) Dividends payable at year-end - - - -

38. Statement of cash flow disclosure information

38.1 Receipts from customers Interest receipts 1,692,030 1,509,541 - - Commission and fee receipts 416,361 355,155 - - Other income received 95,332 99,471 696 9,117 2,203,723 1,964,167 696 9,117

38.2 Payments to customers, suppliers and employees Interest payments (721,563) (681,615) - - Cash payments to employees and suppliers (727,850) (666,226) (2,636) (4,150) (1,449,413) (1,347,841) (2,636) (4,150)

38.3 Cash generated from operations Profit before income tax 709,719 569,981 194,843 149,896 Dividends received (3,507) (812) (206,455) (154,589) Adjusted for non-cash items: – Effective interest on debt securities in issue 72,079 61,239 9,384 9,660 – Interest receivable (16,066) (18,339) - - – Adjustment to fair value of financial instruments (3,287) 1,201 - - – Amortisation of intangible assets 3,182 3,020 - - – Impairment of intangible assets - 673 - - – Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 28,755 29,065 - - – Share-based payment expense 1,644 7,276 - - – Construction contract profit (572) - - - – Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment (393) (79) - - – Profit on sale of subsidiary - (7,048) - - – Loss on sale of associate 162 - 288 - – Acquisition of control over share trusts (3,740) - - - – Provision for impairment losses on loans and advances 26,803 25,243 - - – Provision for post-employment benefits 1,167 251 - - – Share of associate profits (60,445) (53,343) - - – Share of joint venture profits (1,191) (2,002) - - 754,310 616,326 (1,940) 4,967 122 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

38. Statement of cash flow disclosure information Group Company (continued) 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

38.4 Income taxes (paid) / received Amounts receivable as at 1 July 3,051 1,495 300 295 Current tax charged to profit or loss (310,886) (164,358) (222) (74) Amounts receivable as at 30 June (7,953) (3,051) (106) (300) (315,788) (165,914) (28) (79)

39. Contingent assets, liabilities and commitments

39.1 Guarantee issued to Bank Windhoek Selekt Unit Trust Fund The bank has entered into an agreement with Capricorn Unit Trust Management Company Ltd as follows: in the event of a credit default event suffered by the Bank Windhoek Selekt Fund, the bank will refund the Selekt Fund any short- fall on the realisation of any bill, bond, deposit or security issued by any counterparty as approved in the fund’s mandate. A credit default event is defined as the bankruptcy of counterparties, approved by the Board credit committee, who issued the instrument. The guarantee is subject to certain set conditions and is limited to the realised shortfall between the last determined market value of the underlying investments and the realised value of the underlying investment.

In addition to the monitoring of the guarantee under the risk management framework described in note 3, the interbank limits take into account the total exposure, being the combined exposure of the bank and the fund, to any one counter- party. This combined exposure also complies with limits set by the Bank of Namibia and is appropriately monitored.

As there was no credit default event at year- end, there was no shortfall that needed to be quantified.

39.2 Capital commitments Contracted for but not yet incurred 26,751 19,133 Not contracted for 159,820 123,058

Commitments in respect of capital expenditure for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, approved by the board of directors.

39.3 Letters of credit 31,515 218,064

39.4 Liabilities under guarantees 948,243 1,176,771

Guarantees mainly consist of endorsem*nts and performance guarantees. 123

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

39. Contingent assets, liabilities and commitments Group Company (continued) 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

39.5 Loan commitments 1,199,093 1,605,525

39.6 Operating lease commitments Office premises – Not later than 1 year 41,313 35,459 – Later than 1 year but not later than 5 years 61,058 68,881 – Later than 5 years 14,198 24,433 116,569 128,773

Notice periods on operating lease contracts vary between 1 to 3 months (2012: 1 to 3 months), operating lease contracts are not fixed and escalation clauses range between 7% and 12% (2012: 7% and 12%).

The group has various operating lease agree- ments, of which the majority contain renewal options. The lease terms do not contain restrictions on the group’s activities concerning further leasing, distribution of dividends or obtaining additional funding.

Funds to meet these commitments will be provided from own resources.

39.7 Pending litigations There are a number of pending legal or potential claims against the group, the outcome of which cannot at present be foreseen. These claims are not regarded as material, either on an individual or group basis, a provision of N$3.5 million has been made for any potential legal claims.

40. Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise the following balances with less than 90 days maturity:

Cash and balances with the central banks – excluding mandatory reserve (note 13) 671,609 719,399 169,625 19,506 Treasury bills and government stock with a maturity of less than 90 days 546,940 381,010 - - Money market investments (note 15) 255,376 131,328 54,012 114,225 Placement with other banks (note 17) 251,355 211,032 - - Borrowings from other banks (note 25) (166,959) (237,611) - - 1,558,321 1,205,158 223,637 133,731 124 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

41. Related parties

In accordance with IAS 24, the group defines related (viii) entities controlled, jointly controlled or parties as: significantly influenced by any individual (i) the parent company; referred to in (vi) and (vii). (ii) subsidiaries; (iii) associate companies; Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd is listed on the (iv) entities that have significant influence over Namibian Stock Exchange and is 57.6% (2012: the group. If an investor has significant 72.1%) owned by Capricorn Investment Holdings influence over the group that investor Ltd, its non-listed ultimate holding company, and its subsidiaries are related parties of which is incorporated in Namibia. the group. The group is Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd and its subsidiaries; Details of subsidiaries and associate companies are (v) post-retirement benefit funds (pension fund); disclosed in the directors’ report. (vi) key management personnel being the Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd board of A number of banking transactions are entered directors and the group’s executive manage- into with related parties in the normal course ment team; (vii) close family members of key management of business. These include loans, deposits and personnel (individual’s spouse / domestic foreign currency transactions. No provision for partner and children; domestic partner’s impairment has been recognised in respect of children and dependants of individual or loans granted to key management personnel domestic partner); and during the year under review (2012: NIL).

Entity Relationship Type of transactions

Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd Parent company Consulting services Support services Banking relationship Capricorn Investment Holdings Botswana Ltd Fellow subsidiary Banking relationship Bank Gaborone Ltd Fellow subsidiary Support services Banking relationship Capricorn Asset Management (Pty) Ltd Fellow subsidiary Support services Banking relationship Capricorn Capital (Pty) Ltd Fellow subsidiary Support services Banking relationship Cavmont Capital Holdings Zambia Plc Fellow associate Support services Banking relationship Cavmont Bank Ltd Fellow associate Support services Banking relationship Nam-mic Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd Fellow associate Support services Banking relationship Nam-mic Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd Fellow associate Support services Banking relationship Nam-mic Payment Solutions (Pty) Ltd Fellow associate Support services Banking relationship Bank Windhoek Ltd Subsidiary Support services Banking relationship Namib Bou (Pty) Ltd Subsidiary Support services Banking relationship Welwitschia Nammic Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd Subsidiary Commission Support services Banking relationship Santam Namibia Ltd Associate Dividends Banking relationship Insurance relationship 125

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

41. Related parties (continued)

Entity Relationship Type of transactions

Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd Associate Dividends Banking relationship Insurance relationship Bank Windhoek Properties (Pty) Ltd Subsidiary Rental BW Finance (Pty) Ltd Subsidiary Support services Banking relationship Intellect Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd Subsidiary Royalties Banking relationship Namclear (Pty) Ltd Joint venture Technology services BWH Employee Share Ownership Trust SPE Banking relationship BWH Group Employee Share Benefit Trust SPE Banking relationship

Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

The volumes of related party transactions and outstanding balances at year-end are as follows:

41.1 Trade and other receivables from related parties Parent company 427 1,351 - - Fellow subsidiaries 1,885 - - - Subsidiaries - - 7,514 240 Other indirect related parties 22,425 29,446 - 1,798

41.2 Loans and advances to related parties Other indirect related parties 148,542 95,403 - - Key management personnel 17,363 13,969 - -

41.3 Trade and other payables to related parties Parent company - - 50 225 Fellow subsidiaries - 5,682 - - Subsidiaries - - 1,202 128 Other indirect related parties - 466 - 839

41.4 Deposits from related parties Parent company 7,767 14,373 - - Fellow subsidiaries 83,351 45,863 - - Other indirect related parties 190,654 171,216 - - Key management personnel 7,312 5,065 - -

41.5 Expenses paid to related parties Parent company 16,874 8,094 714 3,415 Fellow subsidiaries 188 604 9,384 9,660 126 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

41. Related parties (continued) Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

41.6 Interest and similar expenses paid to related parties Parent company 163 4,022 - - Fellow subsidiaries 1,930 1,517 - - Other indirect related parties 8,100 8,355 - - Key management personnel 77 45 - -

41.7 Income received from related party transactions Parent company 1,577 1,267 - - Fellow subsidiaries 1,778 172 - - Subsidiaries - - - 3,415 Other indirect related parties 135 - - 17

41.8 Interest and similar income received from related parties Parent company 3 64 - - Fellow subsidiaries 2 1 - 236 Subsidiaries - - 666 - Other indirect related parties 1,406 1,235 - - Key management personnel 1,351 1,037 - -

41.9 Compensation paid to key management

41.9.1 Executive management team Salaries and bonuses 18,461 17,336 - - Contribution to defined contribution medical schemes 486 492 - - Contribution to defined contribution pension schemes 949 972 - - Share based payment charges 109 939 - - Other emoluments 3,253 2,274 - - 23,258 22,013 - -

Compensation paid to key management comprises remuneration and other employee benefits to the executive management team, which excludes executive directors’ emoluments. 127

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

41. Related parties (continued) 41.9.2 Non-executive and executive directors’ emoluments

Directors’ emoluments

Directors’ fees Total Paid by Paid by company subsidiary 30 June 2013 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Non-executive directors Brandt, J C (Chairman)* 110 782 892 Swanepoel, J J (Vice-chairman)* 74 557 631 Black, K B 67 128 195 Nakazibwe-Sekandi, G* 74 194 268 du Toit, F J - 382 382 Shaetonhodi, J M 66 - 66 Shikongo, M K 74 164 238 Prinsloo, M J 22 - 22 Schimming-Chase, E M 22 - 22 Knouwds, E 32 434 466 Total 541 2,641 3,182

Directors’ fees Total Paid by Paid by company subsidiary 30 June 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

Brandt, J C (Chairman)* 96 653 749 Swanepoel, J J (Vice-chairman)* 64 468 532 Black, K B 67 120 187 Nakazibwe-Sekandi, G* 64 172 236 Shaetonhodi, J M 67 - 67 Shikongo, M K 67 152 219 Total 425 1,565 1,990

Directors’ fees consist of a quarterly retainer and a fee for attendance of meetings. No fees relating to other services (e.g. commission) have been incurred during the 2012 and 2013 financial years.

*Remuneration is paid to Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd and not to the directors.

Mr Prinsloo, Mr du Toit and Mr Knouwds as well as Mrs Schimming-Chase were appointed during the current year under review, thus no compara- tive numbers are shown. 128 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

41. Related parties (continued) 41.9.2 Non-executive and executive directors’ emoluments (continued) Bonuses and Pension and performance medical Other Salary related fees contributions allowances Total N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

30 June 2013 Executive director de Vries, C P 2,220 1,000 73 479 3,772

30 June 2012 de Vries, C P 2,220 50 67 80 2,417

The executive director does not receive director’s fees for services or committee fees.

41.10 Directors’ holdings in Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd shares

2013 2012 Number of Number of Number of ordinary shares ordinary ordinary acquired during shares at shares at the current year year-end % held year-end % held

Direct holding: Brandt, J C (Chairman) 2,200,700 2,203,420 0.44% 2,720 0.00% Swanepoel, J J (Vice-chairman) 700 700 0.00% - 0.00% Black, K B 10,700 38,636 0.01% 27,936 0.01% Nakazibwe-Sekandi, G 2,040,784 2,040,784 0.41% - 0.00% Shaetonhodi, J M 30,300 70,300 0.01% 40,000 0.01% Shikongo, M K 2,000 82,000 0.02% 80,000 0.02% Prinsloo, M J 250,000 250,000 0.05% - 0.00% Schimming-Chase, E M 1,200 1,200 0.00% - 0.00% Knouwds, E 3,000 43,000 0.01% 40,000 0.01% du Toit, F J 13,500 13,500 0.00% - 0.00% de Vries, C P 700 700 0.00% - 0.00%

Indirect holding: Brandt, J C (Chairman) 28.34% 32.16% Swanepoel, J J (Vice-chairman) 7.34% 7.97% Nakazibwe-Sekandi, G 0.00% 0.27% Prinsloo, M J 0.22% 0.16%

All numbers of shares are disclosed after the share split as referred to in note 32. 129

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

42. Assets under custody Group Company 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

As at year-end, the group has N$19.4 million (2012: N$4,147.4 million) of assets under custody.

43. Disposal of investment in associate

Effective 31 December 2012, the company disposed of its 49.67% shareholding in its associate, VTB Capital (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd, to its holding company, Capricorn Investment Holdings Ltd at a consideration of N$1,500,000.

Proceeds from the sale of investment in associate 1,500 1,500

Analysis of assets and equity: Associate accumulated losses (126) - Cash and cash equivalents 1,788 1,788 Net assets disposed of 1,662 1,788 Non-controlling interest 1,662 1,788 Net loss from the sale of 49.67% investment in associate (162) (288)

44. Disposal of investment in subsidiary

On 31 December 2012 the company disposed of its 100% interest in its subsidiary, Capricorn Management Services (Pty) Ltd at a consideration of N$100.

Proceeds from the sale of 100% investment in subsidiary 0.1 0.1

Analysis of assets over which control was lost: Cash and cash equivalents 0.1 0.1 Net assets disposed of 0.1 0.1 Non-controlling interest 0.1 0.1 Net profit from the sale of 100% investment in subsidiary - -

45. Segment information

The group considers its banking operations as one identified as the managing director of the operating segment. Other components include group. The chief operating decision-maker is the property development and insurance, however person that allocates resources to and assesses these components contribute less than 5% to the performance of the operating segment(s) of the group revenue, assets and net profit after an entity. tax, therefore the group has no significant components other than banking. This is in a In assessing the performance of the banking manner consistent with the internal reporting operation, the managing director reviews the provided to the chief operating decision-maker, various aggregated revenue streams, the total 130 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

45. Segment information (continued) costs and the assets and liabilities related group does not have customers that contribute to banking activity, which have been disclosed ten percent or more to its revenue and is there- in the various notes to the consolidated financial fore not reliant on a single major customer. statements. 46. Acquisition of control over BWH Group Employee 45.1 Entity-wide disclosures Share Benefit Trust and BWH Group Employee Share Ownership Trust 45.1.1 Products and services Operating segment Effective 12 June 2013, the company acquired Banking operations control over the BWH Group Employee Share Brand Benefit Trust and the BWH Group Employee Share Bank Windhoek Ownership Trust, previously controlled by its Description holding company, Capricorn Investment Holdings Corporate and executive banking, retail banking Ltd. Predecessor accounting has been applied, services and specialist finance. where the acquiree’s net assets are recognised at Product and services carrying value in the acquiring company, Bank Bank Windhoek Ltd conducts business as a Windhoek Holdings Ltd. Profits from the share registered bank and provides comprehensive trusts have been included in the group from the banking services. Clients include both individuals date of acquisition of control. and corporate clients. Group 2013 45.1.2 Geographical segments N$'000 There are no segment operations outside Namibia as the group operates within the borders of Carrying value of net assets at Namibia. date of acquisition of control: BWH Group Employee Share 45.1.3 Major customers Benefit Trust 3,368 Segment reporting requires the disclosure of an BWH Group Employee Share entity’s reliance on its major customers, if revenue Ownership Trust 1,263 from transactions with a single customer is ten Acquisition of control over share percent or more of the entity’s revenue. The trusts 4,631 131

NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) for the year ended 30 June 2013

47. Events after reporting date

Acquisition of Capricorn Unit Trust Management Company Ltd (CUTM)

The boards of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd and The transaction details can be summarised Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd have approved as follows: the acquisition of CUTM by Bank Windhoek Seller: Sanlam Namibia Holdings (Pty) Ltd Holdings Ltd from Sanlam Namibia Holdings Acquirer: Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd (Pty) Ltd with effect from 1 July 2013 for a Subject matter of the sale: 100% of the issued consideration of N$64.75 million. The purchase share capital of CUTM Purchase price: N$64,750,000 price was settled by Bank Windhoek Holdings Acquisition cost settled by: Issuing 7,400,000 new Ltd through the issue of 7,400,000 new ordinary Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd shares at the listing shares on the effective date, at the Bank price of 875 cents per share by the purchaser to Windhoek Holdings Ltd listing price of 875 cents the seller or its nominee. per share. The acquisition of 100% of the issued Effective date: 1 July 2013 shares in CUTM will place the Bank Windhoek branded unit trust funds under the ownership All the information required by IFRS 3 could not and control of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd be disclosed since the initial accounting for the and will bolster group profits. The transaction business combination was incomplete at the time has been approved by the Bank of Namibia, the financial statements were authorised for Namibia Competition Commission and Registrar issue, mainly due to the purchase price allocation of Unit Trusts. not being finalised yet.

Group Company 48. Reclassification 2013 2012 2013 2012 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000 N$'000

During the current year money market investments were reclassified from cash and balances with the central bank to financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss to better reflect the nature of these investments. The prior year amounts were restated to reflect the reclassification:

Cash and balances with the central bank Balance as previously reported - 1,011,363 - 133,731 Reclassification - (130,304) - (114,225) Balance as reclassified - 881,059 - 19,506

Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss Balance as previously reported - 1,393,496 - - Reclassification - 130,304 - 114,225 Balance as reclassified - 1,523,800 - 114,225

As a result of the above reclassification, the statement of cash flows has been restated accordingly. The reclassification had no impact on total assets. 132 BANK WINDHOEK HOLDINGS LIMITED | ANNUAL REPORT 2013


Basel II Net asset value per share (cents) The capital adequacy framework issued by the Bank Net assets (excluding non-controlling interest) divided by the for International Settlements aimed at aligning banks’ capital number of the group’s ordinary shares in issue at year-end. requirements with relevant risk profiles and risk practices. Price earnings ratio Capital adequacy requirement (CAR) Closing share price (cents) divided by earnings per The minimum amount of capital required to be held, as share (cents). determined by the Bank of Namibia. Price to book ratio Cost to income ratio (%) Closing share price (cents) divided by the net asset value per Operating expenses divided by total operating income. share (cents).

Earnings per share (cents) Return on average assets (ROA) (%) Net profit attributable to the equity holders of the group Profit attributable to equity holders of the group divided by divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in average total assets. issue during the year. Return on average shareholders’ equity (ROE) (%) Fair value Profit attributable to equity holders of the group divided by Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be average total shareholders' equity. exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. Return on average shareholders’ equity - normalised Profit attributable to equity holders of the group divided General banking reserve by average total shareholders’ equity adjusted for treasury The prescribed minimum provisions by the Bank of Namibia on shares held and the issue of shares in June 2013 as a result performing loans and advances. Allocations to this reserve are of the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd. made from after-tax retained earnings. The central bank Headline earnings The Bank of Namibia. Net profit attributable to equity holders of the group from trading operations, excluding goodwill gains or losses, capital Tier I capital ratio profits and losses and recycled profits or losses on available- Net total Tier I capital (after deduction of goodwill and for-sale financial instruments. Headline earnings do not 50% of cost of investments in affiliates) divided by total risk- measure sustainable earnings. weighted assets.

Headline earnings per share (cents) Tier II capital ratio Headline earnings divided by the weighted average number Net total Tier II capital (after deduction of 50% of cost of of ordinary shares in issue during the year. investments in affiliates) divided by total risk-weighted assets.

Net interest margin on average assets (%) Tier III capital ratio Net interest income (before deducting the impairment Total Tier III capital divided by total risk-weighted assets. charges on loans and advances) divided by average total assets. Total risk-based capital ratio Total regulatory capital (Tier I, II and III capital) divided by total Net asset value growth - normalised risk-weighted assets. Growth in the net asset value year-on-year adjusted for treasury shares held and the issue of shares in June 2013 as a result of the listing of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd. Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the seventeenth Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd (the company) will be held in the Moringa Room (top floor) of the Kalahari Sands Hotel, Independence Avenue, Windhoek, on Tuesday, 29 October 2013 at 16h00 for the following purposes:

Agenda: 1. To consider, and if approved, adopt the group and company annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013. 2. To confirm the actions undertaken and discharged by the directors on behalf of the company during the year under review. 3. To approve the remuneration of the directors for the past financial year as disclosed in the annual financial statements. 4. To consider, and if accepted, approve the remuneration of the non-executive directors for the financial year ending 30 June 2014: N$ per annum Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd Board of Directors 90,000 Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd Board Executive Committee 60,000 Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd Group Board Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee 152,000 Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd Group Board Nominations and Remuneration Committee 29,000 Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd Group Board Human Resources Committee 45,000 BWH Group Employee Share Trusts 38,000 A 75% premium is paid to the chairman of each of the committees and boards. 5. To confirm the ordinary dividends of 73 cents per share (before the 4:1 share split) and 14.5 cents per share (after the 4:1 share split) (2012: 100 cents per share) amounting to N$149.5 million. 6. To appoint Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors for the new financial year. 7. To authorise the directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors. 8. To elect a director in place of Mr M K Shikongo, who retires by rotation, but being eligible, offers himself for re-election. 9. To confirm the appointments of Mr M J Prinsloo as executive director and Adv. E M Schimming-Chase and Messrs F J du Toit and E Knouwds as independent non-executive directors. 10. To grant, in terms of the provisions of Section 229 of the Companies Act, the directors a general authority to allot and issue the authorised but unissued ordinary and preference shares of the company, upon such terms and conditions as they deem fit, subject to the provisions of the Banking Institutions Act and the listings requirements of the NSX. 11. To transact such other business as may be transacted at an annual general meeting.

Voting: All holders of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd shares will be entitled to attend and vote at the annual general meeting. On a show of hands, every holder of Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd shares who is present in person, or in the case of a company, the representative appointed in terms of section 196 of the Companies Act, shall have one vote. On a poll, the holders of ordinary shares present in person or by proxy will each be entitled to one vote for every ordinary share held.

Proxies: A shareholder qualified to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend, speak and, on a poll, vote in his / her stead. A proxy need not also be a shareholder of the company.

In order to be effective, duly completed proxy forms must be delivered or posted to the company’s transfer secretaries, Transfer Secretaries (Proprietary) Limited, 4 Robert Mugabe Avenue (entrance on Burg Street), Windhoek (P O Box 2401, Windhoek, Namibia) to reach this address not less than 48 hours prior to the meeting.

By order of the board H von Ludwiger Company Secretary Windhoek, 27 September 2013 Proxy Form

I (full names) of (address) being a holder of (quantity) shares in Bank Windhoek Holdings Limited (the company), hereby appoint (name) of (address) or failing him/her (name) of (address) or failing him / her the chairman of the meeting, as my proxy to attend, speak and vote on a show of hands or on a poll for me and on my behalf at the annual general meeting of the company to be held on 29 October 2013 and at any adjournment thereof, in particular to vote as indicated below on the resolutions contained in the notice of the meeting:

Please indicate by inserting an ‘X’ in the appropriate block (either ‘for’, ‘against’ or ‘abstain’). If no indication is given, the proxy may vote as he / she deems fit.

I / we desire as follows:

Item Description For Against Abstain 1 Adoption of the annual financial statements 2 Confirm actions undertaken by the directors 3 Approve the remuneration of the directors for the past financial year 4 Approve the remuneration of the non-executive directors for the next financial year 5 Confirmation of dividends 6 Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors 7 Authorise directors to determine the auditors' remuneration 8 Re-elect retiring director 9 Confirm appointment of new directors 10 General authority to the directors to allot and issue shares

Signed at ______this ______day of ______2013

Signature ______

(A shareholder entitled to attend and vote at a meeting shall be entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend, speak and vote in his stead. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the company.)

1. A shareholder may insert the name of a proxy or the names of two alternative proxies of the shareholder’s choice in the space/s provided, with or without deleting ‘the chairman of the annual general meeting’, but any such deletion must be initialled by the shareholder. The person whose name stands first on the form of proxy and who is present at the annual general meeting will be entitled to act as proxy to the exclusion of those whose names follow. 2. Please insert an ‘X’ in the relevant spaces according to how you wish your votes to be cast. However, if you wish to cast your votes in respect of a lesser number of shares than you own in the company, insert the number of ordinary shares held in respect of which you wish to vote. Failure to comply with the above will be deemed to authorise the proxy to vote or to abstain from voting at the annual general meeting as he / she deems fit in respect of the shareholder’s votes exercisable thereat. A shareholder or the proxy is not obliged to use all the votes exercisable by the shareholder or by the proxy, but the total of the votes cast and in respect whereof abstention is recorded may not exceed the total of the votes exercisable by the shareholder or by the proxy. 3. Forms of proxy must be received at the company’s transfer secretaries, Transfer Secretaries (Proprietary) Limited, 4 Robert Mugabe Avenue (entrance on Burg Street), P O Box 2401, Windhoek, Namibia not less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. Alternatively, forms of proxy may be sent to the company’s transfer secretaries by way of telefax (+264 61 248 531), provided that such telefaxes are received by the transfer secretaries not less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. 4. The completion and lodging of this form of proxy will not preclude the relevant shareholder from attending the annual general meeting and speaking and voting in person thereat to the exclusion of any proxy appointed in terms hereof. 5. Documentary evidence establishing the authority of a person signing this form of proxy in a representative capacity must be attached to this form of proxy unless previously recorded by the company’s transfer secretaries or waived by the chairman of the annual general meeting. 6. Any alteration or correction made to this form of proxy must be initialled by the signatory / ies. 7. A minor must be assisted by his / her parent or guardian unless the relevant documents establishing his / her legal capacity are produced or have been registered by the transfer secretaries of the company. 8. The chairman of the annual general meeting may reject or accept a form of proxy which is completed and / or received, other than in accordance with these notes, if the chairman is satisfied as to the manner in which the shareholder wishes to vote. 9. Where there are joint holders of ordinary shares: i. any one holder may sign the form of proxy; ii. the vote of the senior joint shareholder (for that purpose seniority will be determined by the order in which the names of the shareholders appear in Bank Windhoek Holdings Ltd’s register of shareholders) who tenders a vote (whether in person or by proxy) will be accepted to the exclusion of the vote / s of the other joint shareholder / s.

2013 Bank Windhoek Holdings Annual Report (2024)


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